
Drug racket

Ding Feng felt the cold metal of the handcuffs snap around his wrists, jerking him from his daze. "I never took any drugs!" 

"Your family runs a drug racket," the tall policeman stated flatly, tightening the cuffs as Ding Feng struggled.

The other policeman who was quite stocky, looked at him with a hardened gaze. "Your father has been caught for illegal dealings, and we received a tip that you smoked marijuana on a cruise tour."

The weight of their words crashed down on Ding Feng like deadly bombs.

 His father had always been careful with his shady dealings, ensuring every transaction was untraceable. How did he get caught?!

And smoking marijuana...

He had tried it once out of curiosity during a cruise. His father had endless supply of it in the cruise and it had been too tempting to resist.

He remembered that night vividly—Yang Lingyun had been with him but he didn't smoke.

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