
Violet: Bloodline

King Edward shook his head. "I thought as much. You shame me."

Leo rubbed the back of his nape and sent a quick, pleading look at his mother.

Spineless coward, Violet thought in disgust.

Queen Celia rose from her chair in a desperate last attempt. "My lord, it was just a youthful indiscretion. A moment of weakness. Surely there's no need for harsh punishment for our son. Moreover, how do we even know for sure this girl is even with child-"

"Open your goddamn eyes, woman!" King Edward bellowed. "Stop making excuses for the lad! If you hadn't always spoiled him so, we wouldn't be in this mess! You can't constantly be coming down hard on your courtiers for unchaste behaviour, only to look away now when it's your own son involved!"

Queen Celia slumped back down into her chair, as tears of defeat began rolling down her fat cheeks.

"And you're absolutely sure that you're with child?" the king snarled at Violet.

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