
Arrival (1)

The sound of rustling leaves and moving branches echoed within the forest, sometimes drowned out by the whistling of the swift summer breeze. Despite it being in the middle of summer, the night air held a slight chill, evidence that it was far from the equator.

Even though it was midnight, the luminous moon shone down its light unimpeded by any clouds or obstructions. With the extinguishing of technology, tonight was probably the brightest night the world had experienced.

With the granted vision, one could faintly see something that looked similar to a flying jet within the sky. The great distance away made it seem as if it was flying in slow motion, however it was most certainly not moving slowly.

Atop one of the taller trees in the forest, a figure emerged looking at the thing in the sky with great interest. One it's body touched the moonlight, the dark leathery skin seemed to absorb the luminescence, making its outline hard to see.

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