
Chapter 445: Diddy Is Alive!

Opening my eyes, I silently stared at the wooden ceiling, recalling the prior events that led to my situation; however, that only caused the immense pain I was feeling to be snuffed as an uncontrollable fury erupted from my heart.

"F-Freyja!" Muttered Diddy furiously through gnashed teeth as he fought through the pain of his body and slowly sat upright.

Bitching the IV plug out of my arm since my right arm was nowhere to be seen, I rolled off the bed, slamming onto the wooden ground as I gritted my teeth in pain, yet I forcefully pushed through it, and although slowly, I began to stand amidst the unbearable pain coursing through my entire body.

By the time I got onto my two feet, I was gasping for breath and felt like I was going to pass out once more; my movements must've also re-opened several wounds since blood began to leak through the bandages wrapped around my body.

Observing my surroundings, my eyes immediately locked onto the door in the distance, prompting me to slowly walk there while I inhaled through my nose, attempting to figure out where I was. However, luckily for Freyja, I didn't seem to be anywhere near her; the various scents I was inhaling, while familiar, weren't something that could be associated with any of the Frenzy Pirates.

Finally reaching the door after several tortuous minutes, I grabbed the door and forcefully ripped it right off the hinges, only to be hit with intense light as I saw the weird sight of people playing volleyball.

"Hahaha, got you Robin!" Said Nami with a mischievous grin as she pointed at Robin, who softly chuckled while holding a volleyball.

"Fufu, that you did, Nami, though now it's my turn to serve. Ready, Chopper?" Remarked Robin with a smile as she glanced at Nami and Brook before shifting her focus to Chopper, who was to her left.

"Yep! Hit with all you've got, Robin!" Replied Chopper with a faint grin as he transformed into his heavy-point while glaring at Brook and Nami.

"Win, Robin and Nami-swan!!" Yelled Sanji from the sidelines as he jumped back and forth while ogling Robin and Nami's bikinis.

"Oi, shut, you stupid cook. I'm trying to enjoy some booze." Said Zoro angrily as he glanced at Sanji before drinking from his gourd, only for a vicious kick to break the cup, spilling the alcohol.

"Tsk, what did you say to me, muscle head?" Asked Sanji threateningly as he narrowed his eyes at Zoro while alcohol dripped from his show.

"Win, Nami and Brook!" "I've placed my money on you, Chopper and Robin!" Yelled Luffy and Franky from the helm as they leaned over the railing while watching the volleyball match.

"What a beautiful day it is." Said Jinbe softly as he sat in a lawn chair and enjoyed the sun beaming onto his fish-scaled skin.

"Hehe, you all are lucky that I, the volleyball king, isn't playing; otherwise, it would've been a one-sided sweep! Hahaha–" Declared Ussop proudly as he raised his head, only for Diddy to slowly walk past him, causing him to instantly stiffen in fear.

"W-Where are we?" Asked Diddy weakly as he glanced at Ussop, who was frozen in fear, too afraid to respond.

"AHHHHHH!!" Yelled Ussop loudly in fear as he ran away, grabbing everyone's attention as they looked at him before noticing Diddy.

Sensing everyone's focus shift to me, I looked at a few of them before approaching Robin, who was the closest one to me, though before I could get anywhere close to her, a black shoe suddenly slammed into my face, flinging me into the wall.

"Don't you dare approach, Robin-swan!" Stated Sanji viciously as he spat on the ground while glaring at Diddy, only for Choppy to suddenly hit him.

"Don't attack my patient, Sanji!" Yelled Choppy aggressively as he glared at Snaji, who scoffed while glaring at Diddy, who fell to the ground.

Landing onto all threes, I took a deep breath while blood dripped from my nose, only to raise my head as I narrowed my eyes at Sanji, who was glaring at me; shifting my gaze to the approaching Chopper, I asked the same question I had asked that long-nosed coward.

"W-Where are we?" Asked Diddy softly, his voice barely louder than a whisper as he looked at Chopper, who had stopped at his words.

"Um, N-Nami, w-where are we?" Asked Chopper as he turned around and looked at Nami, who nervously gulped before glancing at Diddy, only to lower her head in fear.

"L-Let me see. W-We should be heading Egghead Island–" Replied Nami softly as she looked at the three log poses on her wrist, only for Diddy to suddenly interrupt her.

"Change directions. H-Head towards, M-Mariejois." Ordered Diddy weakly as he glared at Nami, who rapidly nodded while saluting.

"Aye, Aye, Sir Kong!" Said Nami respectfully as she refrained from looking Diddy in the eyes, only for Zoro to scoff.

"Hmph, what if we don't want to go to Mariejois? You're too injured to do anything to us right now, Kong, and if we want, we can just kill you right now." "Heh, I'm in full aggreance with moss head over there. As a matter of fact, we should just kill him; that will save us so much trouble." Stated Zoro and Sanji, respectively, as the latter grinned while slowly approaching Diddy, who faintly smirked.

"Hehehe, h-how f-funny." Muttered Diddy with a faint smirk as he fearlessly glanced at Sanji while lightning danced through his eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I flexed whatever muscles in my body were working and erupted lightning from every inch of my body, enveloping the entire ship in a sphere of lightning; however, I made sure not to harm them, after all, although I was about to put on a show of strength, even this little munchkin deer could kill me right about now.

"Kill me? Diddy D. Kong? Hehehe, do it! You'll come to learn what it means to face the strongest!" Stated Diddy with a feral grin as lightning coalesced around his figure, leaving only his yellow eyes visible.

At my words, every single Strawhat pirate huddled together with Luffy standing in front, yet I didn't show an ounce of fear as I continued to pulse with strength, showing them that even while injured, I could still kill them all.

After a few moments of staring each other down, Luffy, sporting a solemn expression, nodded, causing me to grin as I reined in my lightning.

"Nami, change directions to Mairejois." Ordered Luffy sternly as he stared at Diddy, whose body occasionally sparked with lightning, filling everyone with a sense of dread.

Watching Nami run past me to the helm, I flashed them a smirk before turning around and entering the room I had previously exited, only to collapse on the ground, falling unconscious the moment I closed the doors.



"Huh, maybe Diddy really did die. It's been nearly two weeks, and there hasn't been a scent of him." Remarked Freyja lightly as she lay in bed, drawing circles on Scar's chest while his hand groped her breast.

"For your safety, you better hope so, Freyja; who knows how much stronger he'll have grown once he fully heals. Though since you're mine, I'll protect you even from Captain's wrath." Said Scar lightly as he kissed Freyja while pinching her nipple, causing her to moan softly in pleasure.

"~Mhm~ that's right, I'm your little bitch." Said Freyja lustfully as she gently stroked Scar's cock, causing him to smirk, only for her to suddenly freeze.

"Hmm, what is it?" Asked Scar in confusion as he glanced at Freyja, only for him to suddenly freeze as well.

"Freyja, you sense that as well?" Asked Sebas with an ugly expression as he suddenly busted through the door, while eyeing Freyja, who nervously gulped with a nod.

"Fufufu, s-seems D-Diddy is not dead. T-This isn't good." Muttered Freyja with an unsightly expression as she glanced at Scar, who winced while nodding.

With quick movements, Freyja exited our bed and approached Father while transforming into her awakened form; doing the same, I exited the bed and grabbed whatever pants I could while following behind them.

"Do you think Captain might've calmed down enough for us to speak with him after two weeks?" Asked Scar lightly as he pulled his pants over his erection while glancing at Freyja, who laughed before shaking her head.

"Haha, Fuck no!... Actually, now that I think about it, since he hasn't attacked, maybe he might be reasoned with. Still, I highly doubt it." Replied Freyja with an amused expression, only for her to furrow her brows with a thoughtful expression while tapping her chin.

"Well, either way, the fact Captain has returned isn't exactly good news for us, but I suppose someone does need to finally kill Imu." Said Sebas softly as he glanced at Freyja and Scar while exiting the fortress, only to see Trenza running towards the edge of the Redline.

"Captain!" Yelled Trenza with a joyful smile as she leaped over the Redline, causing Sebas and Scar's expressions to twitch.

"Captain won't kill her, right?" "Haa, I do not know." Remarked Scar and Sebas, respectively, as the latter slumped his shoulders and deeply sighed while the former scratched his head.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 372: Pondering Life) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 254: Vanimo Awakens) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 455: The World Gathers In One Place)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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