
Checkpoint - Part 2

"Is Lucifer still alive?" Hadraniel desperately wants to believe that Michael is joking, but he knows deep down that every word spoken by an Angel is the unadulterated truth.

"And you better follow my instructions and not provoke him any further," Michael warns, attempting to approach Hadraniel. However, the two escorts block his path by positioning their spears in front of him. "Hey! What's going on here?"

"Apologies, both of you. But I can't allow any interference in our long-awaited operation," Hadraniel explains, tilting his head as a signal for reinforcements to restrain Michael and Malique.

"Hadraniel, stop!" Michael's advice falls on deaf ears as Hadraniel joins his team, determined to hunt down Lucifer. [Slap!] "Hey!" Malique parries the sharp edge of a spear that nearly pierces his shoulder, unintentionally escalating the tension between them. "Watch where you're pointing that thing."

"Well, you should have stopped resisting immediately," one of the guards rebukes Malique.

"But I haven't done anything...?"

"Don't play the victim," another Angel interjects, standing beside his comrade to control Malique. "The moment you slapped our weapon away, you showed resistance. So either behave right away or we'll make you obey."

Before Malique can defend himself or negotiate to prevent any physical altercation, the two aggressive Angels make their move, overpowering Malique until he falls to the ground.

Once again, Malique's emotions surge uncontrollably, a reaction he cannot quell when his equilibrium is disrupted. His trembling hand tries to form a sword, fighting the urge.


Before Malique can react, Michael unbinds his wings, capturing the attention of the entire audience. Thanks to Michael's action, Malique manages to suppress his overwhelming emotions and takes the opportunity to slide away, positioning himself behind Michael.

"Malique, we're making a break for it," Michael whispers, brandishing his trident and anticipating Malique's readiness to follow his lead.

"Are we also going after Lucifer?" Malique asks as both of their wings begin to flap. Their enemies join the pursuit, ready to counteract their escape.

"I'd rather he assist us than trigger the Great War right here," Michael explains as they reach half the height of Heaven's wall.

With the heavily guarded gate ahead, they choose the only viable option—ascending. However, they are startled to discover Angels stationed at the top of the gate, arrows at the ready.

Are they trying to stop us or kill us!? With their path blocked, Michael swiftly dives downward, and Malique follows suit to avoid being struck down. Though no arrows find their mark, the near miss leaves them shaken.

"Malique, fold your wings and hold onto my leg!" Michael instructs, as their pursuers close in, attempting to intercept them.

"Alright." Malique wastes no time, tightly folding his wings and hovering, grabbing onto Michael's ankle.

With everything in place, Michael showcases his exceptional abilities, deftly manoeuvring through their opponents. Right, left, over—they execute their movements with unwavering precision. Michael leaves the enemy in awe, frozen like mannequins.

However, this graceful display affects Malique differently. Being in the "economy seat" of this flight, he must rely on his grip not to slip, as any mishap would continue the story without him. At one point, he swears his leg has already been severed by one of the blades they passed through.

While we praise Michael's leadership abilities, we must acknowledge that his reward for such achievement is a great disappointment. Returning to the place he initially fled from, they encounter yet another guarded gate, although with significantly fewer personnel.

Undeterred, Michael decides to confront their enemies head-on. In a split second, he realizes their opponents are slow to react, caught off guard or facing the wrong way, assuming Michael and Malique had already passed through. They were waiting for a surprise attack.


The impact between the two groups resembles a knocked-down bowling pin. The comical aspect of this chaotic scene is that it was never intended to be performed. Michael attempts to replicate his previous success.

But no one is perfect except God Himself, and Michael inadvertently catches the turbulence, losing control. Instead of a smooth round ball, the chain created with Malique morphs into a turbulent wave, ensnaring and overwhelming more Angels than expected.

Naturally, the collision separates Michael and Malique, buying enough time for reinforcements to arrive. Once Michael regains his footing, he dashes away from the scene, resuming his mission to prevent Lucifer from killing Hadraniel.

Michael is concerned for Malique's safety, having left him alone again, and the situation nearly takes a turn for the worse. However, he must trust that Malique is not a helpless child in need of constant supervision and can fend for himself against an army of Demons.

Spotting what appears to be a procession to his left, Michael wastes no time in making his way there. Avoiding flight to evade detection, he relies on quiet footsteps to conceal his presence.

"Well, your existence shapes the past and future of this afterworld," Hadraniel's words echo in Michael's ears. "Let's end this once and for all."

"Everyone, stop!" Fully aware of the danger posed by Hadraniel's command, Michael disregards caution and eventually positions himself amid the impending bloodshed.

Without explicit orders from their commander, the Angels freeze in their tracks, unwilling to move even an inch closer to Michael, acknowledging his high rank despite his rebellion.

"Michael, step aside," Hadraniel offers Michael one final chance to obey or face removal. "This is your last warning."

"I won't budge, even if I were the last one standing here," Michael responds with unwavering resolve.

"Hey, you murderer!" One of the shielded Angels calls out to Lucifer. "If it weren't for our Archangel Michael's interference, even the grave would refuse to bury your body."

"Murderer? Me?" Lucifer chuckles sarcastically. "All I did was knock them out..."

"Proving your innocence when facts and truth stand against you," another shielded Angel interrupts Lucifer, supporting his comrade. "No wonder you're the leader of the Archdemon."

"But Lucifer didn't kill anyone..." Michael tries to defend Lucifer, only to be cut off by Hadraniel.

"Stop spouting nonsense, Michael." Hadraniel walks past the guards, manifesting twin heavy blades in each hand. "You witnessed it firsthand. How many of our comrades' lives were lost at the hands of this accursed soul?"

At that moment, Michael revisits his memories and realizes that, among the Seven Archangels, he bore witness to Lucifer's brutality. Overwhelmed with despair, he drops to his knees, questioning whether he has been living a lie and deceiving both himself and others.

"Nevertheless, I must commend you, Lucifer," Hadraniel adds, striding swiftly past Michael to face Lucifer directly. "To manipulate Michael and feign your death. No wonder you declared yourself to be God that day."

With a horrified expression on Michael's face, he glances at Lucifer, feeling deeply saddened and betrayed. Lucifer's silence and refusal to explain only make him appear guiltier about the accusations.

[Crackle and Zoom!]

"How dare you compare me to Almighty God!" Before Michael can fully comprehend the extent to which Lucifer used him as a pawn, Lucifer reveals his Demonic form, sending terror through everyone present.

Fact time back baby.

Fact no. 17: In space, astronauts cannot cry because there is no gravity to pull tears down their faces.

Well to those who watch film a out space a lot, you probably knew the scince behind it.

Aki_Kurecreators' thoughts
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