
Chapter – 5 The Treasure, the Egg, & the Plan Ahead

The moon shone brightly above as Ryuma emerged from the bandit den, his body covered in dirt and bruises. He took a moment to catch his breath, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. It had been a challenging fight, especially without relying on the powers of his Moa Moa no Mi. But the exhilaration of the battle coursed through his veins, fueling his excitement.

With a triumphant smile on his face, Ryuma lifted his head toward the sky, his voice echoing through the quiet night, "Another group was defeated! I'm getting stronger every day!"

His words were carried by the wind, a declaration of his relentless determination. The sound of his own voice reverberated in his ears, a reminder of his progress on his path of self-improvement.

Collecting the bandit's treasure, Ryuma secured it within his large sack and began his journey through the dense forest.

As Ryuma ventured deeper into the dense forest, a faint rustling sound caught his attention. His instincts led his gaze to a small bird's nest nestled among the branches of a towering tree. His eyes narrowed as he took in the scene before him, and a frown tugged at the corners of his lips.

A mother bird, battered and bruised, valiantly fought against a formidable adversary—the giant snake. The serpent's menacing presence loomed over the nest, its hungry eyes fixed on the last remaining treasure within—a lone egg. The other eggs had fallen victim to the snake's insatiable appetite, leaving only one to bear the weight of the mother bird's desperate struggle.

A mix of emotions swelled within Ryuma's heart. He understood the natural order, the delicate balance of predator and prey, and yet a wave of compassion washed over him. Despite the odds stacked against her, the mother bird's courage and determination struck a chord within him.

Without hesitation, Ryuma's grip tightened around his wooden spear. With a swift and calculated motion, he launched it towards the giant snake, piercing its scaled body with unyielding precision. The snake writhed in agony before succumbing to its fate, life extinguished in an instant.

As the snake's lifeless form slumped to the ground, the mother bird, stunned and weakened, stared at Ryuma with wide, grateful eyes. A sense of understanding passed between them, a silent communication that transcended species. The mother bird recognized that Ryuma's intentions were not to harm her or her child.

With each labored breath, the mother bird gathered the last vestiges of her strength. She knew her time was fleeting, the injuries and poison taking their toll. In a final act of love and trust, she fluttered towards Ryuma's shoulder, her fragile beak carefully placing the precious egg into his outstretched hand.

The weight of the moment hung heavy as Ryuma met the mother bird's gaze. Her message was clear, a plea filled with maternal hope and vulnerability—"Please take care of my child."

Ryuma's voice was soft, filled with determination and a promise. "I will."

With a heavy heart, he laid the mother bird to rest, carefully burying her beneath a blanket of leaves and earth. He whispered a word of gratitude for her sacrifice, honoring her bravery in the face of insurmountable odds.

After putting the mother bird to rest, Ryuma continued on his path.

As he neared the edge of the forest, he caught sight of a serene lake glistening in the moonlight. Without hesitation, he waded into the water, submerging himself completely, and swam downwards, deeper into the darkness.

Finally, he arrived at the entrance of a hidden cave, concealed beneath the surface of the lake. Rising from the water, he stepped onto solid ground, the cold air of the cavern brushing against his wet clothes.

The cave was dimly lit by a small torch he had set up earlier. Inside, the walls were adorned with training equipment, crude drawings of various structures, some intricate diagrams representing his Observation Haki training plan, and piles of tressure he has gathered after defeating many bandit groups.

This was Ryuma's hideout, a place where he kept most of his important stuff. His hut in the village was obviously not safe enough and he couldn't hide all this treasure there since he is out in the forest most of the time. Somebody would definitely steal his things if he kept so much of his treasure there, therefore, he kept all his stuff here, in his hideout.

In fact, now Ryuma rarely goes back to that village.

Anyway, after putting the treasure he has just obtained in the pile, Ryuma carried the egg to a safe corner and crafted a makeshift nest with soft materials, mimicking the warmth and comfort it would have experienced under its mother's watchful eye so that it can hatch properly.

With the matter out of the way, Ryuma sat in one corner of the cavern as his mind delved into the depths of introspection.

Three years had elapsed since his arrival in this unfamiliar world, and during that time, he had diligently honed his skills with unwavering dedication. His mastery of Observation Haki had transformed into an extension of his senses, bestowing upon him insights into the presence, strength, intent, and emotions of those surrounding him whenever he uses it. In the realm of combat, his prowess had steadily grown over the past year, with his swordsmanship showing remarkable progress. This is clear from the past year he has spent fighting and defeating many bandit groups.

Yet, Ryuma is acutely aware that there were countless paths left for him to traverse. As he contemplated his next steps, his gaze turned inward. Armament Haki, a formidable power that allowed one to imbue objects with their will, remained beyond his current reach. Despite possessing extraordinary physical strength for a nine-year-old, it was still insufficient for the practice of Armament Haki. Thus, he understood that this particular skill would have to wait for a few more years.

Although his training in Conqueror's Haki was progressing relatively well, marked by his ability to subdue animals with a mere gaze, achieving complete mastery over it still lay far in the future. Setting aside the matter of these two forms of Haki, Ryuma redirected his focus toward the potential of his Moa Moa no Mi.

The powers bestowed by this Devil Fruit held vast possibilities, enabling the multiplication of anything and everything by a factor of 100. However, to fully harness this exponential growth, he needed to deepen his understanding of the world and the various phenomena that governed it.

Ryuma's brows furrowed in deep contemplation as he pondered the indispensable role of knowledge in his journey. The subjects of physics, mathematics, and chemistry had been his steadfast companions during his high school years, granting him a rudimentary understanding of the fundamental laws governing the natural world. Yet, he acknowledged that his previous studies merely skimmed the surface of the comprehensive comprehension required to fully unlock the potential of the Moa Moa no Mi.

To harness the true capabilities of his devil fruit abilities, Ryuma realized the imperative of expanding his knowledge base. The magnitude of his powers necessitated a profound understanding of the underlying phenomena he sought to manipulate. A plethora of plans flooded his mind, envisioning the ways in which he could utilize his devil fruit powers. He could enhance his regeneration speed, amplify the intensity of pain inflicted upon others, increase his response speed, optimize blood flow, augment flexibility, fortify bone density, and boost muscle density, among countless other possibilities.

However, Ryuma found himself in a state of ignorance regarding the intricacies of regeneration, the transmission of pain through nerves, the mechanisms of neural response, the dynamics of blood flow, the secrets of flexibility, and the principles underlying these various aspects. In order to actualize his ambitions, he recognized the imperative of acquiring a comprehensive understanding of these subjects.

"It is time," Ryuma whispered with unwavering resolve, his words echoing through the stillness of the cavern. "Time for me to expand the boundaries of my knowledge."

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