
Not A Doctor

Everyone's attention turned to Oliver at his words. Cale in particular, glared at him. However, after his glare, his gaze shot to Jasmine, a worried expression on his face as he tried to gauge her feelings at the truth. But Jasmine didn't allow Cale to worry much, as even though she had cried at the news before, she now refused to show her sadness on her face. Everyone knew what would happen if the special person of a MDVA victim was hurt in any way. Be it physically, or emotionally.

Taking both of Cale's hands into hers, she held onto him tightly so as to not allow him to cause any trouble. And Cale, even though he knew of her intention, didn't show a shocked or hurt expression. He just loosened his arms and allowed himself to be bound by her.

Turning my gaze from the two of them, I glanced at the two adults, who had seen this interaction and were currently showing two vastly different reactions.

Hank, as Jasmine's father, obviously was sick with worry as he watched his daughter stand next to the human equivalent of a timed bomb. However, other than worry, there was also a sort of trust in his eyes that Cale would never hurt her. These two conflicting emotions were shown outwardly by his concerned gaze never leaving the two children.

In contrast to him, my mother had a firm look in her eye as she showed a thoughtful expression at the two of them. Then, her gaze shifted to Oliver, who broke the news, and her gaze turned unreadable.

"Auntie Elaine, is there any way to help Cale?"

Returning my gaze towards Jasmine, who could no longer keep up her serious look but nevertheless held on firmly to Cale, I could feel my heart go out to the poor girl. It was painfully clear that the two of them cared so clearly for each other. If only one of them wasn't affected by MDVA.

Swerving my head towards my mother, I held my breath as I awaited her answer.

Staring at Jasmine's pleading eyes, I could see her look soften as she gave a consoling smile.

"Of course we can help him."

With new hope kindled in her eyes, her tears finally stopped and she let go of one of Cale's arms to wipe her face. However, before she could move, Cale reached out his free hand to brush the tears away for her.

"Thank you."

Gazing at Cale, and then my mother, with eyes filled with gratitude, my mother's smile turned more gentle as she reached over a hand to pat her on the head.

"It's my pleasure."

Turning around, my mother retraced our steps back to the semicircle street before leading us to follow the semicircle path deeper into the Market. Then, when we reached a certain shop, she guided us into the alleyway and passed several twists and turns before arriving at a humble looking shop.

Looking over at Hank, she gave him a look.

"You should memorize the route here."

Listening to his words, Hank glanced over at Cale and Jasmine before nodding his head. My mother, satisfied with his answer, then reached out a hand to turn the doorknob.


As the door opened, the sound of a bell rang out in the store, followed by a young man's voice.

"Link. You have a new customer."

Filling into the shop one after another, Hank closed the door behind us as we saw a young man wearing incredibly clean clothes walk out from behind his counter. His gentle looking face showed signs of fatigue as his gaze scanned the six of us.

"I used to say business was welcome when I was still a licensed doctor, but now I would rather not have any patients."

As he spoke, he immediately locked onto Cale.

"At least this time, there is only one patient."

Walking closer to Cale, Link stopped a small distance away from Cale as he immediately showed a hostile look at the new presence, subconsciously pulling the unprepared Jasmine behind him.

"Relax. I'm not going to do much to either one of you."

Staring at Cale intensely from a distance, Link then turned around and walked towards his counter to take a piece of paper and a pen.

"What is your name, age and home location?"

Placing the paper on the counter, he didn't even turn back as he waited for an answer.

Staring at him with caution, I saw a long string of thought pass by Cale's eyes. As if debating whether to answer this weird stranger.

However, it didn't matter if he would have answered or not, as Jasmine immediately opened her mouth to answer for him.

"His name is Cale. He's 9, and he currently has no home."

Titling his head to look at Jasmine, Cale's expression didn't change but the tension in his shoulders loosened a little.

Link, not caring from whom his answers came from, started scribbling down on his paper.

"Where is he living now?"

"Middle Middle Market."

"Your name?"


Pausing his pen, he looked towards Jasmine as he asked the last question.


Jasmine froze, casting a glance at Cale in worry as she wondered how she should answer.


Speaking his first word ever since entering the building, Cale stopped hiding Jasmine behind his back.

With an obviously concerned expression, Jasmine tightened her grip on Cale's hand, and Cale turned to her to give her a small smile.

"We're his family."

Stepping forward, Hank declared in front of the two shocked children. Link, upon hearing his words, immediately shot a gaze at my mother.

Glancing at her, I breathed a little puff of air as I saw my mother cross her arms, a happy smile on her face.

Turning back to Hank, I saw him accept the piece of paper from Link.

"If that's the case, then make sure to get the adoption papers filled out before the next visit.'

Then, with an expressionless face, Link shooed the six of us out of his store.

With a large smile on her face, my mother bid farewell to Hank as he took the two children with him and left.

Watching their backs disappear behind a corner, I shifted my gaze to my mother and slid my hand into hers.

"Mom, who is he?"

Looking over my shoulder at the closed shop, I saw the light go out as the three of us left the area.

"An ex-licensed doctor, although if you said the word doctor in front of his face, he would grumble back that he is not a doctor."

Chuckling as if she could envision Link's face, my mother then led us back to the semicircle street a distance away from Hank and his two children.

"Although he can't cure MDVA, at least he won't report you to the hospitals. You never have to worry about your MDVA being found out through him."

Smiling, my mother explained this to us as we exited Middle Middle Market.

"The two of you should remember how to get to his place as well. If there's ever an emergency, he is the best person to go to. Despite how he acts, he's actually a very kind and altruistic person."

Reaching the stairs to our apartment, I looked up at my mother as she talked about Link. In spite of her playful and teasing tone, her expression showed an entirely different story. Her eyes contained a mix of sadness and pity, as well as a touch of seriousness. However, all that suddenly disappeared as her footsteps slowed to a stop.

Confused, I turned my head forwards and spotted a familiar figure.


Letting go of my mother's hand, I rushed up towards the small body that was waiting, still as a statue, near the top of the stairs.

"What are you doing here? It's too cold!"

Feeling his cold skin in my hands, I glanced behind as my mother stood still at the bottom of the staircase.


Snapping out of her daze at my voice, I saw a serious look appear in her face as she rushed up the stairs with Oliver.

"I'll open the door now, come in!"

Unlocking the door, I pulled Ralph into our apartment after my mother and Ralph, and we made a beeline straight to the kitchen.

"I'll make some soup right away, just give me a minute."

Heading towards the stove, I watched my mother buzz around the kitchen. Then, sitting Ralph down on the kitchen chair opposite Oliver, I sat next to him and the three of us waited for the soup to cook.

"Why did you wait for us outside!"

Grumbling, I cupped Ralph's hands with my own and blew on them to warm them up. And when I received silence as an answer, I lifted my head to see a warm smile on Ralph's face.

...That smile was too unfair!

Feeling all my worry evaporate, I sighed and gave him my best serious glare.

"Don't do that again. Next time, if we are ever late, just wait inside for us."


Listening to his non-answer, I sighed once more and softly pinched his hand.

This troublemaker.

Hearing the sound of bowls being placed on the table, I lifted my head to see three bowls of piping hot soup. One for each of us.

"The three of you drink up, I need to tell Dad about today."

Giving us a fake smile, I watched as my mother's back disappeared into her room. Then I heard the sound of her locking her door.

Turning my attention back to the soup, I gestured for Ralph to drink as I took my own bowl. On the other side, Oliver silently drank his soup as he stared at Ralph.

"Oh right, I haven't introduced the two of you. Ralph, this is Oliver, my new brother. Oliver, this is Ralph, he lives a couple doors down."

I watched the two boys stare at each other as I introduced them. At my words, Ralph broke contact first with Oliver to nod towards me, and reached his hand out to take his bowl. On the other side, Oliver continued staring at Ralph for a little while before he slowly nodded his head and looked into his bowl.

"...Nice to meet you, Ralph."

"...Nice to meet you."

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