

Shock after Shock they weren't given a chance to digest what they had just witnessed before someone else appeared out of nowhere. Barely wearing anything at all dressed more like a harem girl rather than the enlightened scientific mind that she is. I created a look of both grief and relief as both kittens turned to face me. No longer did they have looks of disdain and ridicule but looks of shock.

Catwoman: What the fuck just happened!? Where did they come from!?

"I prayed and the God Emperor of mankind answered but in doing so I lost my connection with him now I am truly on my own"

Black Cat: What does that mean for you?

"What it means is that I have given up my chance to return to my emperor's side in death to uplift and protect humanity in this universe"

Catwoman: You gave up your afterlife for something that you're not certain of are you insane!?!

"I have seen what could happen to humanity if the worse should come to pass in comparison to that what is one life given willingly to prevent such a calamity"

Black Cat: But it's your life!! What will happen to your soul now if you die!?!

"I don't know and it doesn't matter"

Catwoman: What do you mean by that of course it matters you gambled your soul away on a possibility and two thieves!!

"You are both more than thieves it's just a label that you have given power over yourselves and it is not a gamble it's called faith. I have faith that with your assistance we will be able to achieve great things together. Will you put your faith in me and help me?"

Black Cat: Yes!

Catwoman: After what you did can we even say no? Of course, we'll help you!

The two of them had tear-stained faces as I explained my situation to them. I had thrown away my chance at heaven to protect humanity from a universe I didn't know or fully understand. At least that is what they thought while they were occupied I had Cortona secretly bring out Nadin as if she was summoned at the same moment as the others. Using this situation to solve my seemed like a decent idea now but I am certain that somehow this will come back to bite me in the ass later.

Humans are such simple creatures just bombard them with ideals and most would immediately fall in line. Create the image of a selfless individual and people will give you their everything to you. This of course is only a means to an end I have no plans to die a martyr of any cause. Especially for the fate of humanity, I am not so generous as to give up my life if push comes to shove I could easily abandon humanity to save myself, but I don't need to I just need them to believe that I would.

I then had M'Shen take the two strays to test their capabilities in one of the empty rooms. Although I wished that most of what happened tonight went unnoticed I knew that such a commotion was definitely noticed. This is mainly because I am still under surveillance by Shield and although I wasn't certain I was pretty confident Batman also had eyes on his new neighbor. This idea was compounded by the fact that Catwoman was here in my home and Batman was known to have a special interest in this cat. Rather than wait for things to get messy I decided to meet said problem head-on and called Fury.

Fury: Since you decided to call me so late I doubt it's a social call

"Let's not pretend that you don't have any idea of why I am calling. I know that you have people watching me and you already know about the two thieves Cortana captured"

Fury: If you already know just hand them over...

"I wasn't finished, Fury. Something big happened a little after that and I know that you hate surprises so I rather you and possibly a few of the Avengers come in person for me to explain this"

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