
Disappearance of Fish

POV: Torterra

`This is the first time I am in contact with the World Council. They contacted me directly and even asked me to return Ruby.'

An unpleasant feeling appeared in Torterra. Given the strained relationship between the Marshal and the World Council, one would have thought that something like this would happen.

'But why do they need Ruby? What is so special about it? I think they knew that taking something from me would only increase the tension in our relationship.' This request plunged Torterra into thought. If he were his old self, he would have sent them to hell immediately, but now he could only wonder at the situation.

It is true that Torterra literally stole Ruby from the lab. The World Council has the right to ask her back, but... Something strange was happening and Torterra didn't have an entire office of analysts to understand international relations and give the right answer so as not to cause a conflict.

`Or maybe they themselves want a conflict?` This thought occurred to the Titan after a few minutes of thought. It is impossible for them not to understand this. They'd seen Torterra care for Ruby, so they should have known he wouldn't bring her back. The only way to get Ruby back is to do it by force.

'I don't know why they need Ruby so much, but if they want a conflict, then I can't show weakness. If they had asked for access to Ruby for simple research, then we could have arranged for scientists to be on the island, but they asked her to be put back in a cage!' All this irritated Torterra.

"Ruby, do you want to go back to where you were before?" Torterra looked at Ruby and asked her in sign language. He used sign language to make sure the people understood what he was asking, and for Ruby he said it in a way they were used to.


"Save me!!!" Yun shouted. She was hanging 5 meters above the ground, clutching Ruby's lower jaw with her hands and screaming in fear. Ruby shook her head to dismiss Yun.

`How did you get in there!` shouted Torterra in his thoughts.

"Ruby, put your head down so she can get off."

Ruby lowered her head and Yun finally got her feet on the ground. She was scared and breathing hard. If she had fallen from such a height, she could have broken her leg.

"So what do you say, do you want to come back?" He turned to Ruby again.

`No,` Ruby replied, shaking her head from side to side. Perhaps this answer was expected. No one would want to go back to the room after seeing the world. Except people. People do it all the time. They return to their apartments, even after traveling around the world. But it is better for animals to live outside.

"Tell the World Council that Ruby said she won't be returning to the lab. And tell them from me that I forbid any research on my blood and my body. I did not give permission for my DNA to be used to create a clones," said Torterra to the head of the base on the island.

Hearing his words, the expression of the base manager's face changed. He was surprised by the answer. How could Torterra stop the World Council, which had absolute power in the world, from doing anything? Moreover, with these words he declared his rights on a human level. For Torterra, this ban was only moral pressure. It was clear that the World Council would disobey and continue the experiments, but now they will subconsciously know that it is against the DNA owner's will.

They wanted to make him the criminal who stole the animal from the lab, but he gave it back to them and said that they were actually the criminals. Perhaps this exchange of accusations was just child's play, but it could grow into a full-fledged conflict if someone did not give in.

The problem was Torterra wasn't sure the World Council would be comfortable with him taking a step back. They wanted something, and he didn't know what they really wanted.

"Alright, I'll pass it on to the Marshal, and he'll pass it on to the Council. In fact, this request was passed on to me through him as well," with that, the island's base leader turned and left.


"Help!" Yun shouted again. This time she climbed up Ruby's leg and hung from the edge of the armor. She couldn't pull herself up and climb on top, so she just hung on it. Ruby didn't stand still either. She began to stagger with every step, and this prevented Yun from climbing onto the armor.

"Ruby, you can lie down so she can get off you."

Ruby obeyed Torterra and lay down on her stomach with her legs bent. Yun detached herself from her armor and fell to the ground.

"What do you want to do?" Torterra asked Yun.

"I want to ride! Can you help me to get on Ruby?"

Torterra came closer and bent down, holding out his hand. He moved one of his claws towards Yun and she clung to him with her hands. Then he slowly picked her up and placed her on Ruby's back.

"Walk slowly so she doesn't fall off you," with that, Torterra went about his business.

`Okay,` Ruby replied.

"Wow! This is so much fun!" Yun screamed in delight at being on Ruby's back. She hugged Ruby's neck from behind and filmed everything. It is obvious that many viewers will envy her now.

POV: An unidentified fishing vessel

A small fishing boat was floating in the South of New Zealand. There were only 5 men on the ship who worked hard to earn a living.

The ship was old and rusty. The waves rocked it and heavy rain fell from the sky, but this did not stop the fishermen. Again and again they cast their nets into the ocean, trying to catch fish.

The men were dressed in warm clothes and yellow raincoats. It was cold in the south, and the closer people sailed to the Antarctic, the colder it became.

"Pull it out!" The captain of this boat shouted to his men to pull out the nets. People walked on the deck of the ship, swaying from the waves and doing their work. Ten minutes later, they pulled the nets out with a fishing crane, but there was nothing but a few fish.

"Can we sail further west to the Indian Ocean? There, the ocean is not contaminated with Kaiju blood and has more fish in it." One of the sailors suggested.

"But a month ago there was a fish here..." The captain was in despair. The care of the ship and the wages of the workers were expensive. Each trip to the sea was expensive, and each time he played the lottery, not knowing whether he would be able to catch a fish or not.

Each captain had his secret fishing spots. And the place they were now was one of those places, but there were no fish now.

"We have no choice. We have to sail on."

"I heard that ships are disappearing near the Antarctic. Two ships have already disappeared, what do you think happened?" One of the sailors talked about the rumours, leaning against the wall to rest. Being a sailor is very difficult.

"Ships sink all the time, there's nothing special about it." Said the captain. He didn't like it when the sailors talked about something like that - it undermined the team's morale.

"Yes, but in the last month two ships have disappeared at once."


"What was that?" Everyone on deck heard something scraping the bottom of their ship. It felt like they had collided with another smaller boat and run it over.

All sailors turned on their lanterns and shone overboard. Heavy rain and stormy waves made it difficult to see anything.

"There! Is there something in the water?" One of the sailors shouted, pointing his finger into the water. The rest of the fishermen ran to him and shone their lanterns where he was pointing, but there was nothing there.

"It's true! I saw something white floating under the water." The sailor excused himself when everyone was looking at him.

"Get back to work. It could just be some trash," said the captain, but when they all turned around to see a strange creature on the deck on the opposite side of the ship.

This creature was white, and its skin had neither feathers nor scales. The skin of the creature resembled the skin of a chicken without feathers. The monster had four legs and two arms, similar to the legs of a praying mantis, folded in front of its chest. The creature had a long and sharp tail and four blue eyes. It was hard to see the details because of the rain.

"Oh God!" The sailors, having noticed the creature, were very frightened and freeze on the spot. This world, in which there were portals to other dimensions and giant Kaijus, made people ready for various monsters, but to meet a monster meant certain death. The people on this boat immediately understood what was happening, and everyone knew that they were going to die a brutal death.

"We need to inform..." The captain shouted, but he did not even have time to finish, as a sharp thorn flew into his heart, pierced him through and stuck in his chest.


The sailors shouted as they tried to escape. They ran in different directions, but the monster did not let them go. It swung its tail and shot sharp spikes that pierced steel.

In one moment, two more sailors died from the spikes. And the other two were able to reach the wheelhouse.

"SOS…" As soon as the man picked up the walkie-talkie and started talking into it, a sharp spike pierced the glass and flew into his head.

"NO!" The last survivor screamed in despair, he pulled out a flare gun and loaded it. The real weapon was locked away in the captain's room, so the flare gun was the only weapon available to him.

The man stood in the corner of the room and put his hand forward, trying to see the enemy. But there was no one on the deck. Blood covered the floor and ran down to his feet and as he took a step he slipped and fell. The waves rocked the boat.

"I can't die here! Curse Kaiju!" The man shouted, standing up and holding on to the pipes in the wall. Rising to his feet covered in his friend's blood, he looked in front of him and there was already a white monster standing there.


The man fired a flare, and the command room lit up with a red light.


The monster screamed as a flare hit him in the stomach. The monster quickly closed the distance and lashed out with its claws, severing the man's hand that was holding the gun.


The man screamed in pain. With the next strike of its claws, the monster tore off the man's head, ending his suffering.

(In the comments, I added an image of white monsters.)


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