
The Time Has Come

Breathing heavily, Torterra looked at the robot in front of him. The damage to the abdomen was quite severe, but he could walk. Today, this Jaeger saved his life, and maybe it could somehow cover all the damage that people had done to him during these three years.

The Jaeger didn't move, maybe he was just conserving his strength and waiting for the helicopters to pick him up. It will be a pity if the pilot died from brain damage.

"Do i need to see who the pilot is?" Torterra thought. He had long ago made a plan of his actions, and one of the points was to find the Marshal. He didn't want to share his knowledge with anyone, because when the Kaiju attacks became more and more, the governments of all countries tried to shut down the Jaeger project and started building some kind of wall to protect the cities. It was a kind of madness, because Kaiju overcame this wall in 1 hour. All the resources of the planet were wasted, they should have made bigger Jaegers, better weapons for them, not hiding behind the wall.

The only one who continued to fight was Marshall. He was in charge of the entire Jaeger program and it was he who organized the last attack on the portal. Why look for someone you can trust when you already have someone like that? The World Council stopped funding the Jaegers, the Marshal made a deal with the smugglers and gave them the rights to all the Kaiju they would kill. To be honest, this behavior of the world council is simply astonishing in its absurdity.

After looking at the robot, Torterra decided to meet the pilot. He made a characteristic movement like last time, covering his eyes with his hand and opening them. Once should have been enough for the pilot to understand what he wanted. All pilots were required to review and study any information related to their work.

After a while, the hatch on the robot's head opened, and the pilot came out. Illuminated by the morning sun, he stood on top of Jaeger and silently gazed at Torterra. It was a dark-skinned man of mature age - it was Marshall. He didn't say anything or say hello, he just stood and looked at his ally. From the first glance, it was clear that this is the future leader of humanity in the fight against the Kaiju.

"I'm lucky, it's really Marshall! Very good, then I'll start implementing my plan." In the original story, it was Marshall who fought the crab-like Kaiju. After defeating him, he adopted a girl who lost her parents during that attack. Marshal was also the only Jaeger pilot and it traumatized him, he could not live to old age. His nose was constantly bleeding, but after that struggle he got a daughter whom he loved very much and was proud of. She helped him run the base and participated in the final battle as a Jaeger pilot.

It's a shame that he won't meet his adopted daughter, but we have to be realistic. If the crab attacked Torterra, then the city is unscathed, which means that Mako will continue to live with his parents and not survive that tragedy.

Torterra wanted to tell everything only to the Marshal, and he didn't want the surveillance cameras on the Jaeger to see their conversation. After a moment's thought, he pointed the claw of his right hand at Marshal. After a short pause, Torterra bent down and drew a human with a large triangular head and large eyes on the floor. Blood dripped from his claw and he managed to draw a very similar drawing to the alien.

After he drew this picture, he brought the stick to his mouth and hissed softly, saying "be quiet." Then he pointed to his unfinished house and waved for Marshall to follow him. The Marshal seemed to understand what he wanted, but as he tried to go back into the Jaeger, Torterra stopped him with a growl and held up his hand for the Marshal to climb onto.

POV: Marshal

It was my first and last fight. I was chosen to pilot this new Jaeger because I performed the best in the simulations. It was my duty, so I was not afraid to fight, knowing that I would not survive after this.

I was ordered to fight alongside our ally Torterra against the new Kaiju. I was okay with that, the guy did a lot for us but we nuked him. Those admirals who gave such an order were later released, but how to tell the boy? He seemed to understand the language of the pilot who had given him his name, but that could only be a coincidence. Everyone took it as a joke and did not take it seriously.

But I didn't care, we depend on Torterra's life. Without it, we could have already been pushed back 100 years in development. It was because of him that we were able to train and create many Jaegers throughout the Pacific region. So sacrificing your life for him didn't seem like a bad deal.

On the way to the duel site, I saw Torterra fighting a crab-like Kaiju on the monitors. The opponent was difficult, he immediately damaged Torterra's legs and slowly increased the number of wounds on his body, waiting for him to bleed out. It was a dangerous situation. If I had not been sent to help him, we would have lost an ally.

Having seen their fight with my own eyes, I couldn't help but be fascinated by the ring in which they fought. To imagine that there is another creature on the planet besides humans that can build such structures was very exciting. Maybe the jokes about him understanding human language aren't jokes at all?

When I was dropped on the platform, I got down to work.

10 minutes later...

"What did he draw on the floor? Is that an alien?" I was impressed not only by the fact that Torterra could draw, like people, but also by What he drew. Portal! Aliens! The unknown biology of the Kaiju! This message was too ambiguous. How does he know about this? As far as we know, Torterra hasn't even come close to the portal, and all he can know is the fact that the Kaiju exist, but he didn't draw a Kaiju, he drew a humanoid creature that doesn't look like humans. And judging by the fact that he's asking me to go with him, that means he has more information. I can't turn this chance down. It seems that my life will not end today.

Climbing onto his arm, he led me to the inner wall of his house. This wall was slightly lit by the morning sun, but it was enough to see what this big guy was painting. And what he drew was shocking and scary. Without this information, we would be doomed. No, we were doomed as soon as the portal appeared on our planet.


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