
Chapter 42: Top 16 Begins

Kai awoke to find himself back in the white lake. At his head was Auron, looking down at him.

"We have nine weeks left. I will teach you how to control your mental power. If you had been able to control your mental power in the battle with that werewolf, you would have killed the beast at the very beginning of the battle. So I thought I should teach you that first." Kai was getting excited as he nodded. He was really curious about mind training. He would finally be able to use the power he had freely.

In front of Kai suddenly appeared a man who was obviously old. His face was invisible. It was completely blurred.

"We'll try it on this man first." Auron began to walk around like a sage.

"What I want you to do is to imagine. See the thread between your mind and this man's mind. "As soon as Kai started to imagine, he easily saw the thread.

"That was easy. Try to move from that thread into his mind. It will happen very slowly. We won't continue sword training in your mind anymore. You need real life experience. The higher your own level, the harder it is to move up the rope. The shorter the distance between you and the target, the easier it is to enter your mind. The more you improve, the faster you'll move up the rope. "As Auron disappeared, Kai tried to make progress.

After 1 week he finally reached the man's mind. He was three metres away from him. So he didn't know if that was a good time or not.

Auron would tell him what to do next as he emerged. Kai focused entirely on his training.

"Once you're in his mind, it's all up to your imagination. You can do whatever you think. What you can do is limited by your imagination. I don't need to work on that. Now get out of the puppet's mind and try to enter it again." Kai tried to get out of the puppet's mind and try to enter again.

This time it took him three and a half days.

The next time he did it, it took two days.

The next time it took a day and a half.

As it progressed as 1 day, 12 hours, Kai could easily enter the mind of a man 3 metres away with 3 weeks left. As the man suddenly moved away from where he was, Kai was able to understand why. This time the man had moved 100 metres away.

He struggled for 3 weeks, and when the 3 weeks were over, he could take over the man 100 metres away in 1 hour. His power could even capture those in the orange lightning. The limit was unclear, but he still couldn't do anything to the centre of the orange lightning without touching it. The Furies were still a big problem. Willpower could prevent mind penetration. Touching... well, he didn't know how far he could go.

As Kai slowly woke up, Auron appeared in front of him. He had that smile on his face again. I think he was channeling Elvis.

"Some people think they're strong. They're not strong. The people around you are weak. Show them the real power." Kai woke up in his bed again as he nodded his head forwards. This time there was Jace staring at him.

"You'll be late again." Kai quickly got to his feet, shook off his robes, sheathed his sword and made his way towards the arena with Jace.

"Jace, I need to ask you something." Jace looked at Kai.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask me, I guess you're going to ask me why I couldn't beat that guy that day. Or why I didn't use my true power. It was because of you." Jace continued as Kai looked at him in surprise.

"He had a seal on him. We already knew there would be such a seal, a seal that would hide your emotions. It would absorb the power around you. So that no one could get near you. After you got rid of the seal when the accident happened, the effect of the seal stayed there for a while. If you're wondering, I don't know who made the seal. "Kai found this completely logical while thinking. Although he didn't know why the seal was broken at that time, he didn't think Jace knew that either.

"Actually, the story I told you had some holes in it. "Kai started listening to Jace again.

"After my father corrected me, I spent a long time trying to figure out why, why he died even though he used his power. I finally realised why."

"My father gave me a copy of his potential. It was very difficult for him. Even if he had lived, he would have had the strength of an ordinary person. My guess is that after a year of being like this, he would suddenly regain his strength. But during that time, he would be very vulnerable. And because I was so aggressive, I could have hurt him too.

That's why they didn't copy potential in ancient times. No-one had anyone to trust that much. Makes sense. I could have attacked my father. Michael told me that. That's what I wanted to tell you. I thought you should know that."

Kai looked thoughtful as he nodded. He was perfecting each emotion now. The more the day went on, the more he believed that it wouldn't be that long before he got the second emotion. He was admiring himself, but he still hadn't progressed from the feeling of peace.

"Did any problems arise while I was gone?" asked Kai. Jace laughed.

"Oh, you have no idea. "

"A few days ago, Aserah, the deputy headmaster, came to our house. She wanted to take Lena as her apprentice. It was quite surprising, but quite acceptable. The next day Michael came round. He wanted Emma as his apprentice. Emma agreed. But that's not the only big thing that happened. Ariel worked the others like crazy. I'm sure they all got into blue lightning, but I don't know what rank they got. It wasn't just them. Everyone saw their progress. Everyone worked to get stronger. They don't want you to surpass them. There's a huge power increase in the intensity of the academy. The students have really made great progress. "Kai was surprised. Nevertheless, he still liked it. He certainly didn't want his generation to fall too far behind him. He wouldn't be alone in the World Tournament.

"I suppose I owe Ariel a thank you. "

As Kai arrived at the arena, Jace went to the spectator section. The arena was full of crazy people as usual. These periods of socialising and taking a break from their development were precious to them, and they definitely wanted to have fun.

When Kai entered the warriors' room, everyone looked at him. Some looked at him angrily. It was because of him that the training had been so hard and some of them had died. It had been hard for these innocent children to see them die. It made them learn more about this world. They couldn't completely trust even people from the same academy. Even in the academy they were not safe.

Only the strong could be safe.

When everyone was ready, they went to the shed section where they could watch the fight comfortably.

As Michael appeared in the air again, everyone paid attention to him. No one knew that he had taken Emma as his apprentice. Emma was sitting next to where Michael should normally sit. A little bit next to her was Lena and next to her was Aserah.

"Today will be the last finals. We'll start with the quarter-finals." Everyone was on the edge of their seats with excitement as they watched. They were really excited about the fight last time. This time the stronger guys were going to fight.

"The fights will be in groups of 4. Each group will have 3 matches. The groups are as follows.

Group A




Luka (Died)

Group B :


Jamie (Died)



Group C





Group D





The first fight will start with Group A. " Kai didn't care about the groups at all as he sat in a comfortable seat. His encounter with Melony was really good. He would be able to teach her an early lesson. Jack and Kevin came and sat next to him.

They didn't say anything. They just wanted to watch the game. Melony was probably mad to see them like this.

"Kronos VS Summer" Summer was again in the spotlight as she took the field. The only thing that changed was her height. This showed that she had switched to blue lightning. There was a change in her body.

"MANA WEAPON!!!" As one of the spectators shouted, everyone's eyes turned to Summer's weapon. It was a sword. It was like the opposite of Kai's sword. The sword was white. Its length was shorter than Kai's sword. It was clear what the sword's ability was, but the important thing was, could Summer unlock it?

When Summer took her place on the field, she drew her sword and waited.

Mana weapons rarely had 2 properties. Those with 3 properties were considered a legend. Kai's sword had 3 properties. It was normal for it to be a legend.

On the other hand, when Kronos took the field, he also had a battle axe in his hand. There was no change in Kronos. He had already entered the blue lightning before. The axe in his hand was shining. Everyone realised that it was also a mana weapon.

The axe was glowing blue. Even the hilt of the axe was as sharp as a spear. In the centre of the axe's side was a pale bear symbol. Probably the ability of the axe had something to do with it.

"What kind of wealth is this. How could they have found a Mana weapon? It's only the first 16!"

"They're trying too hard. Maybe Ariel gave it to them. That woman always came back with stuff like that when she went on missions. Fifth years are pretty rich, after all. "

"I wish I had a mana weapon. " Kai looked at the duo as the audience chanted.

"Fight with Justice" their eyes widened as they both gripped their weapons tightly. Many in the crowd marvelled at this level of power.

They were both in the middle of the beginning of the blue lightning. In 1 week! This development was extraordinary. Summer was only half a step before! She had made two leaps in one week!

She had achieved an even more incredible feat than Kronos.

Kai suddenly became excited and started to watch more carefully. He had a childish smile on his face. He was excited, but he was more advanced than these two. Much, much more.

"If everyone is like this.... then it'll be fun."

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