
Chapter 3

Whilst they all ate, a butterfly flew across their meal, and one of the bears chased it going ''Shuu shuu'' and one of the lady bears responded '''How dare you chase that butterfly, that's mother spirit, and its obviously attracted to the honey, and its also not your honey, it belongs to the bees'' they all laughed, and Troy and Horus were already finished with their meal and thank them for their hospitality. Troy said ''That's our que ladies and gentleman to leave you in peace'' and the bears thank them for the visit, and they made their way and wished Horus all the best with the Zen Master, and gave him some silly tips on how to act with the Zen Master. On their way they were being scorched by the sun, and very parched. An eagle approached them crying ''what brings you here, I saw you coming from the distance'' Horus responded ''surprisingly I saw you also from a distance but was not sure if I was seeing right'' and the Eagle responded ''Yes, you have my eye, I just activated for you by being in my presence'', Troy responded ''I didn't even know you had that ability through you, this is one of the gifts your journey was meant to bestow to you, am glad it happened so early without any effort on our parts''. Troy looked to the Eagle and bowed, and said they come to meet with the great Zen master, and the Eagle said he will pass the message, and will request the Zen guards to come meet them with a wagon with horses to see them through the Zen Masters pathless path, and gateless gate. As the eagle was about to depart, Troy asked for water and they were very parched, and it directed them to a stream that was close by but hidden by a hill, across it beneath a bush was the stream, with various juicy fruits for them to serve themselves, and it was called the brook of the god's. Whilst they drank, basking beneath the trees which had the smell of the fruits it produced, whilst they ate the mangoes, pears, grapes and banana's to sooth their souls, they heard galloping of horses from a distance and realized it must be the Zen master guards approaching them. They came out from the bush area with the stream , and followed the sound where the horse galloping was coming from. Horus with his eagle eyes spotted the direction, and they flew towards them. They greeted them, and the lead guard said ''We been sent by the Zen master to come fetch you gentleman'' Troy responded ''We were already told you were on your way, we are grateful for the honor'' and they made their way to the carriage and were carried towards the Zen masters place which was up the castle by the mountain. They arrived there, got off the carriage and we greeted by maiden servant's, who had prepared baths for them, after that gave them robes to wear to prepare them to meet the Zen Master. The guards came to pick them up after when they were prepared and showed them to the dining lounge where there was a meal prepared for them, they sat down and helped themselves. Horus responded ''This looks amazing'' Troy smiled, as he already had food in his mouth to say anything, and they were indeed hungry, the last time they ate was the fruits they heard before the took the drive there. While they sat the Zen Master looking like a Chinese old man, with white beards and white hair long up to his neck, having a golden smile on his face, with an Ent rouge of maiden servants and a harp player who quietly started playing it while they sat down with the Master, as Troy and Horus stood up to welcome the Master as he came. The Zen Master greeted them, hugged them, saying he was delighted to see them, they all sat down, the Zen Master said ''Lovely to see you indeed, you are most welcome to my home, please continue to help yourselves, we prepared just for you, there is enough wine, and you can tell me all about your journey'' Troy nodded as he lifted his cup, he had a sip, placed the cup down, and said ''We are delighted to be in your presence, I and the boy, for we know to be part of your presence is of rare privilege's.'' The Zen Master nodded his head, and the conversation went on flowingly. After dinner they all went by the garden, which looked like a Chinese garden, as well as the structure of the house, trees, robes, inscriptions, art, but the guards and the maiden servant's did not look Chinese, they rather looked like red people. They walked around the garden talking, looking at flowers and butterflies, then they sat under a shelter which only had a roof on top supported by wooden columns, and there were small cushions in which they sat on, and the maiden servant's brought tea pot and small Zen cups as they sat, enjoying the view, listening to humming beards around, with the harp player close by playing his harp gently. Horus said ''Zen Master can I ask a question''? Troy was stunned and they all looked at him, and the Zen master nodded to give permission, and he said ''Why is it that evil can still enter this world, like Seth experience we just had by the forest, when its not even an evil forest, is there some law that has been broken, and this whole story to me really doesn't make sense''. The Zen master was listening attentively, as he poured tea for them in cups looking at Horus as he spoke, but meanwhile, the tea was pouring out of the cups to the floor without the Zen masters awareness, Troy together with Horus noticed, and tried to point at him at the mess that was happening, the Zen master looked unfazed, put the tea cup down, and sorted the mess, whilst he gave them their cups to drink tea, then he said ''Like this cup that was overflowing, it is like you, full of many ideas right now, it cannot take anymore tea, because the cup is full, first you must empty yourself, so that you can get new understanding''. Horus looked puzzle, looked at Troy, who could get his puzzled face, and said ''That's the Zen master saying, there was no law broken, but the Yin and the Yeng''. There was a sigh at the moment, whilst they drank their tea, talking about many things. Later on Horus was going to be introduced to Kung Fu secrets and magic powers to also gain the skills of it.

The next morning after they had such a peaceful night and went to bed after a nice dinner, with Indian exotic dancers that came to dance while the music was played as a form of entertainment for Horus and Troy from the Zen master who enjoyed life, and wanted people to also enjoy their present as much as they can, drink of it and be satisfied so that the there is no glory of unlived lives. The maiden servant's had prepared baths for them and came to wake them up for baths, after that brought them their robes, and lead them again to where they were to have breakfast, which was in a nice garden spot by the palace of the Zen master which was greatly prepared in English style. They sat down and helped themselves, while the Zen master also made his way in his new regalia, and sat down to eat as he greeted them, asking them how did they sleep. Troy responded ''We slept so well, it feels like we in paradise'' they all laughed and the Zen master said ''it certainly is'' and they laughed again. The Zen master said ''Well gentleman as explained yesterday as one of the program said for the young man was Kung Fu lessons and magic to be given to him, I have a manual and a remedy he must consume to activate his powers as I transfer to him''. They all nodded agreement. After breakfast they all went to the training hall, Troy drank the concoction remedy prepared by the Zen master which was very bitter, it made him dizzy for a moment, but after that he started feeling a lot of energy. The Zen master said ''that's the energy from the remedy, it circulates through your blood stream, up to your cells and communicates a new program shifting, then awakens your chakra's, now that energy becomes yours and no longer borrowed'', then the Zen master handed to Horus a scroll that had Kung Fu depictions of martial arts styles which he had to consume in his mind and be remembered. The Zen master said ''We can start the test, the boy must fight me, to show the styles he has just learnt and see they have been stored successfully'', they began the fight and Horus showed advancement in his fighting skills as a result, which made Troy very happy for his progress, and his bodies adaptability, they were even flying in the air as they combat. The Zen master stopped the fight and they both bowed to each other as recognition and thanking for how well they both had fought. The Zen master said ''The boy is ready for any Kung Fu challenge, his gifts are successfully activated''. Troy was grabbing Horus and hugging him, then he said ''This journey has been very fruitful for you'' Horus nodded as he smiled, even though heavily breathing as he was exhausted from the combat. It was already lunch time, and the Zen master ordered they have a bit of rest while lunch was prepared with sea food on the menu. When they had enough rest, they were called and lead to the dining area for the afternoon meal. They all helped themselves, the Zen master said ''this afternoon will be focused on sorcery secrets, so there will be a lot of studying and experimenting'' Horus responded ''I look forward to it, I was very impressed with the morning training, my muscles have picked up pace and I feel a lot more stronger, with all these fighting skills and activated abilities, I almost feel already like a Super Sei''. Troy and the Zen master laughed , while they continued to enjoy their meal. A gentleman was brought in looking like a Viking, the Zen master said ''Oh yea, my visitor, Sir Lancelot from the Galaxy, please join us for lunch''. Sir Launcelot said ''Greetings to all of you friends, am so delighted to be here just in time for lunch''. He sat down, and everyone nodded their heads to welcome him, the Zen master said ''I had invited Sir Lancelot to come and assist in this afternoon lessons of sorcery as he is a master in its teaching''. Sir LAncelot nodded his head as he lifted up his cup of wine, whilst he drank. They spoke about his journey and some of his work, whilst the Zen master introduced Horus and Troy, and seeing to it that they were all getting comfortable to each other. After lunch, they were meeting at the lab which was at the basement of the Palace, where sorcery was going to be taught to Horus, and they were all wearing their black wizard robes while at it. They worked all the way towards evening, the lesson was adjourned, but had given Horus a lot of information when it came to magic that was part of his empirical knowledge now as a gift. The madein servants had come to fetch them and lead them for their baths before the sunset, while dinner was being prepared for them at the lounge. The maiden servants came to fetch them again and lead them to the dining space where that nights meal was prepared, and there was already a stage setting for a theatrical performance of music for the night whilst they feasted. They sat down and helped themselves to the meal, while amazed with the presence of a performance that was setting motion for dining. The Zen master arrived as well and greeted everyone there while he sat down and said ''I have prepared this orchestra for you gentleman, since we had such an exhausting day, it was best we relax our souls and muscles'', everyone nodded their heads in appreciation. Sir. Lancelot said ''I had a great time myself, the food also was lovely, even though I will be heading home later on tonight, as I have also other issues to attend too, and it was an honor giving lessons to the boy, hopefully he will do the universe great service''. They all nodded their heads in agreement, while Horus held back his entire smile. Sir. Lancelot looked at Troy and said ''You have to ensure that the boy comes to visit us after his done here, we will introduce him to many other teams that he will work with in the future for some of his missions''. Troy responded ''Definitely, will see to it that we request a spaceship to come fetch us as soon as we done, I assume within a week will be done here, but would want to take him home first to get some rest, before we embark on that journey''. Sir. Lancelot nodded in agreement, and lifted his cup to propose a toast to friendship, in which all joined with him.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Iman_Questacreators' thoughts
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