
Lin vs Shadow Knight

A white-haired man in a black mask appeared in a desert with a spear in hand. He wore a blue shirt over black trousers and sneakers. "A desert? Seriously?" He put the spear over his shoulder and waited patiently for his opponent to appear. "Keeping up this Shango appearance is a little annoying," he thought as he waited. 

Moments later, a man about his height appeared a few meters away. He carried a scythe and wore all white with blue hair. The words Shadow Knight were printed behind his shirt. He stopped two meters from the white-haired Lin and asked in annoyance, "What the hell did you do to your hair, you idiot?"

Lin was flustered and jerked backwards. "Jack!? I didn't think he would recognise me in this." Lin composed himself and cleared his throat. "It's a cover, you know. New land, new cover, that kinda stuff?" he giggled. Jack was much more surprised than when he arrived. "A cover? Which idiot wouldn't recognise you in that ridiculous outfit?"

Jack couldn't believe Lin thought his outfit was a good cover. "You look taller than before", Lin interrupted, promptly trying to change the topic. "This jerk!" Jack hissed. "How did you know I was the one anyway? Is the cover that bad?" Lin asked. 

Jack pointed the scythe at him and remarked, "Who apart from Lin would use a ridiculous name like Lightning Inferno Sovereign?" Lin swallowed hard when he heard what Jack had said. "Is the name that bad?" he wondered. He shook his head and said, "O…okay. Let that rest." Lin pleaded and continued, "We always wanted to fight when we were kids but couldn't because our abilities did not manifest early, but now that we are here, I bet a skill I can take you in five minutes."

Jack laughed loudly and replied, "I see you haven't dropped that attitude either. Good, at least I won't feel bad mopping the floor with you." Jack was enveloped by shadow, making him look like a being made of shadows. His eyes glowed with light, and light surrounded his figure. He looked like a burning shadow. 

"You are taking this pretty seriously, huh?" Lin remarked as black flames erupted about him, covering his entire being and making him look like a being of fire with black lightning crackling within it. The ground where Lin stood began bubbling like hot lava. 

For the audience, the scene before them was one of two monsters fighting. They couldn't see even the clothes the two were wearing. It was as if they had transformed into their elements. Like bullets leaving the barrel of a gun, the two zoomed off and clashed weapons. A loud bang resounded as a dust cloud erupted, obscuring their views. 

They cut through the dust and clashed again. It was purely a test of weapon skills. In a matter of seconds, they had already exchanged several blows. "You are no longer that hesitant little boy. I commend you, Lin." Jack barked mid-fight. 

"Things happened when you were away, you arrogant punk", Lin barked back. They exchanged a few more blows as Jack teased, "The timid Lin knows how to talk back now, huh!? It's almost as if you are a different person Lin."

"How much of our childhood do you even remember, man, 'cause I was never timid. As far as I remember, you were the rowdy one. Always picking fights here and there."

"It was a necessary evil to become stronger…" 

"No, it was not…" Lin cut in. "It was just annoying, and we always got our asses beaten because of that", Lin revealed. They exchanged words and blows as they fought on. Jack retreated into the sky. Like stars in a night sky, tiny orbs of light filled the sky. Jack snapped his fingers and yelled, "Taste my skill, Luminous Shower."

The light orbs fell upon Lin like heavy rain with no room for him to dodge. "Now let's see how you respond, Lin", he smirked behind his mask. 

"A wide-range attack? This is such a pain. If I use the quantum streak tablet, my power will be reduced. Then I would just blast through the attack with flames."

Like a mole digging through a mountain, Lin's black flames erupted about Lin wildly as he blasted his way through the attack, appearing before Jack with a punch to the chest, which Jack blocked but was blown back by the force of the punch. 

Lin manifested a lightning spear and shot it at Jack, who cut through it with his scythe. "We are evenly matched. At this rate, it would end in a draw with Lin. The only thing that would give us an edge is our skills. From here on out, it would be a battle of skills." 

Jack swiped his scythe continuously, sending several shadow blades towards Lin. Lin blocked most of them and avoided the ones he could but got a few cuts here and there. 

"Time for another skill, Shadow Land, Chain Prison", Jack yelled. The ground suddenly darkened as several spiked chains shot towards Lin. He actively evaded the chains, but Jack appeared there and continuously attacked him. With little room to manoeuvre, the chains soon bound him and dug into his flesh, drawing blood. 

"You are making this too easy for me, Lin", Jack said cockily. Lin laughed and gritted his teeth through the pain. "I wonder about that", he said, and the ground beneath Jack's feet erupted with flames like a volcano, blowing Jack away and causing his skill to disperse. He landed with a loud thud, sending dust into the air.

"Well, that surprised me. I wasn't expecting that", Jack said as he stood panting. Being hit directly by an attack of that magnitude dealt him quite some damage. Lin wasn't looking good either. He still bled from the wounds left behind by the spiked chains. "I was expecting to take him out with that blow. He is not easy to deal with, that punk."

Lin spun his spear and dashed for Jack, stabbing several spots on his body in a blink. Like a magnet being attracted to his body, the spear reached Jack, who only managed to redirect them so they didn't hit any major organs. Like the fangs of a viper, Lin left wounds which looked like snake bites on Jack. Blood flowed from Jack's wounds as he struggled to block all the attacks. 

"What kind of spear skill is this? Even a scrape from his spear leaves those bizarre fang-sized wounds that won't stop bleeding. It's like being bitten by a snake." Jack realised staying close to redirect Lin's attacks was a terrible idea and retreated. However, Lin was not about to let go of the opportunity and went after the retreating Jack. 

"This guy is really pushing me to use that." Jack stopped hesitating and swung his scythe wildly. Lin stopped attacking and jumped back as he felt his life threatened. A large cleave was left in the ground where Lin had been. "What was that? That ominous energy? It looked like he just swung his scythe, but he did something. I couldn't see it." 

Lin felt the back of his throat become numb as sweat dripped from his face under the mask. "This will be a problem". Lin stared at the cleave with a black aura coming out of it. "If that skill hits me, I would be dead." 

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