
Chapter 32 Estate Gathering

--- Imperial Crown Prince Siagu's POV ---

--- Diliwata Estate Garden ---

As it continues to console my younger brother and calm him down. I also saw more and more bruises on his back and his chest part. After seeing them all, I couldn't take it and calmly interrogated my brother. He was at first hesitant to share what really happened and where did he got those bruises, he even tried to reason that he got those in his training but it is obvious that his bruises came from something else.

And after a few minutes of convincing and soothing, he finally gave in. and what he said shocked me and further inferiorities me, not just as a prince nor a human but as a brother.

Apparently, those two vermin power-sucking eunuch and court lady have been mistreating him for the past months. It all started with a simple spank and later on, it escalated to punches and slapping that resulted in him getting those bruises. All his martial arts training is nothing compared to his fighting the two adults.

When I asked him why he did not say anything about this. He answered that those two had threatened him that they would kill everyone in the palace, especially our parents. And they will put the blame on me. This put my brother into a total scare and just accepted his fate of being beaten and punished by those two freaks.

Treating his bruises isn't even an option for those two individuals. They will just tell my brother to suck it up and act okay in public. And if they saw him being in pain in public, they will beat him once again while calling my brother a retard and

Those two also have been talking badly about our family in front of him. Calling us murderers, demons, and classless individuals, who only know how to please others with our wealth and pretty faces. They also insulted the monarchy and the government calling us uneducated and barbarians for still adhering to monarchial traditions.

My brother's response and hearing the things that those two freaks have been telling and calling my brother made me further resent and hate them both. After a few minutes of consoling and soothing my brother's feelings, he then falls asleep on my lap while I continue to comb his hair.

While I was humming and combing my brother's hair, a soft walk of individuals entered my ears and as I took a look, it was Radhesh, Senior Eunuch Tạ Quang, and Senior Court Lady Puteri Azura, and not far behind them were some courtiers of my brother. A look of seriousness is plastered on their faces.

"Your Imperial Highness." The 3 of them said while curtsying and bowing their heads.

"What have you found?" I seriously said towards the three of them. I am not a fan of small talk and long useless conversations; I prefer direct conversations.

"Ahem… For the past days of our investigation, Sir. We have found that those two eunuch and court lady were originally not included in the manifesto of the palace courtiers. Their names were recently added a few days before being assigned to Imperial Prince Ainesh's side." Senior Eunuch Tạ Quang seriously said.

"Recently added? Are you joking with me, Senior Eunuch Tạ Quang? That manifesto is strictly monitored and handled by the Head Eunuch. How can that be tampered and were they able to escape the strict inspection done by the Imperial Guards and the palace courtiers?" I confusedly asked. "Are you suggesting that Head Eunuch Isagani is involved with those two?"

This confuses me so much because if proven that this really happened, Head Eunuch Isagani will be in big trouble and this will be a huge scandal regarding the protection of our family. My papa will even be heartbroken since Head Eunuch Isagani has been by his side since he came to power.

"We originally thought it to be like that, Sir. But we were wrong. Head Eunuch Isagani is innocent and those two receive some help from a certain Eunuch called Dhruva. A low-ranking Eunuch who is under the command of Head Eunuch Isagani. He is the one responsible for tampering with the list and manipulating the assignment of eunuchs and court ladies, making those two fall under His Imperial Highness Ainesh's care." Senior Court Lady Puteri Azura calmly said.

"And where is this eunuch Dhruva now?" I said as I took a look at my younger brother who is now grunting in pain after I accidentally touched a bruise on his back. This made my brother awaken, making our conversation stop.

"Urgh… Kuya? What happened?" he innocently said after sitting and rubbing his eyes with his both hands.

"Awake already? Hmm… it is nothing, Ain." I smilingly said while fixing his hair.

"Hm-hmm." He noddingly said before looking at Radhesh and the others. "Hi, Kuya Radhesh, Ate Puteri, and Kuya Tạ Quang." He smilingly continued while waving his hands towards them.

Good thing his shaking has stopped after taking a nap.

"Hello, Your Imperial Highness." They all replied while smiling and nodding.

"How was your sleep, Ain?" I inquired while looking at him.

"It was great, Kuya! I dreamt something good. Hehehe" He replied while giggling.

I then squeeze both of his checks out of cuteness which made him pout in annoyance.

"Hahahaha! How cute of you. Would you mind going to the estate first, Ain? I will just have something to say with Radhesh and the others, okay?" I said towards him.

"Uhm… You will follow, right?" He worriedly said to which I answered with a nod.

"I will, Ain." I said while rubbing his gently. "Your courtiers will accompany you first while I am not with you." I continued while his courtiers were getting closer. This made him instantly shake a bit in nervousness which made me hold both of his hands to give him comfort.

"Don't worry. They won't hurt you anymore. I promise." I said in full seriousness which made him calm down instantly. "Now, smile for Kuya, okay?" I continued while smiling which made him smile back at me before standing up and leaving me with my three courtiers beside the river. My brother left with his courtiers while I followed him with my gaze until he was fully out of my sight.

The smile on my face then instantly vanishes and is replaced with seriousness. I then directed my attention towards my three courtiers who are now once again in full seriousness.

Senior Eunuch Tạ Quang then stepped forward before saying. "Eunuch Druhva should have now been under the custody of the Imperial police. The Emperor and the Empress have already been informed regarding this incident, Sir."

"How about those two vermin, Radhesh?" I said towards Radhesh.

"They are now being held in the dungeons of the Estate. The Imperial Police will be here in a little while to arrest them, Sir." He paused a bit before continuing. "Your parents and King Gojong are also coming here sir after hearing the news involving His Imperial Highness Ainesh. They are being accompanied by Senior Court Lady Mei Ying."

"Good." I noddingly said. "Although I wanted them dead on my hands or my father's hands, the law won't allow it anymore." I lamentingly said while stretching my fingers as if I were choking someone to death.

"Uhm… S… Sir?" Senior Lady Puteri Azura nervously said.

"Mh-Hmmm?" I answered.

"Uhm… The tabloids are now aware of some information about the Imperial Prince's situation." Senior Lady Puteri Azura said worriedly while showing a worried expression along with the others.

"Let it be." I said while diverting my attention towards the lotus flower on the river bank.

A confused and worried expression appears on their faces after hearing my reply, and I cannot blame them. My normal reaction would be worried and directly command them to suppress the news, but today is different.

My younger brother's case will pave the way for hastening reforms in terms of who can just join the workforce in the Imperial Palace and any other palaces owned by our family. This might destabilize the nation, scrutinizing the government and our family because of this incident. But if used correctly, can further popularize the support for our family and secure our safety and position in the Empire.

"I know you all are confused right now, but I assure you all… everything is fine." I said after seeing how lost they were.

Despite my anger, the task now in bringing Justice to this issue is now in the hands of the government. My parents and our house might be in rage but this is not our task anymore, the Imperial Judicial Council will handle this.

"By the way Radhesh, any words coming from Senior Eunuch Akash Sundar?" I curiously blurted out.

It has been a few days since my papa's response left our nation and it should have arrived at Senior Eunuch Akash's hands days ago. His response will be the triggering factor to further my plans to prevent or slow down the United States' expansion towards the Pacific. This will hinder the US in meddling with the affairs in East and Southeast Asia. And Hawaii plays an important role in that plan.

After hearing my inquiry, Radhesh shakes his head in denial while saying, "None, Sir. They might still be weighing the pros and cons of accepting the offer."

To which, I answer with a nod.

I cannot blame them for the delayed reply. Accepting the offer of my papa has its pros and cons, and Wilcox will really need to choose between independence while being a protectorate or incorporation into a country after forcefully overthrowing the government. Both and beneficial and damaging to their nation, and Wilcox will decide on this one.

After a few hours of my stay on the riverbanks of the river, I then returned to the building, followed by Radhesh and the others. As I took a walk in the hallways of the estate mansion, I saw my parents walking in haste and on their back was King Gojong while being escorted by Senior Court Lady Mei Ying.

"Ah! Siagu!" my mama said after arriving in front of me and then hugged me tightly while kissing my forehead.

"Mama." I replied while hugging her back. Which ended after my papa tapped my back gently.

"Papa." I respectfully said while looking at him before taking a look towards King Gojong. "Your Majesty." I continued while bowing my head.

"How are you, Son? Are you alright?" My mama worriedly said to me, to which I answered in nods.

My papa then looked at Mama and said, "Your youngest is the one who is hurt, not him."

"I know. But I am also worried about our eldest since he is also a child." My mama replied while being engaged in a staring contest with each other, which made me and the others giggle, almost forgetting about the happenings.

"Enough with that you two." King Gojong smilingly interjected. "You have more problems to settle than that silly one." He continued, which made my parents stop their staring contest.

"You should say that to him, Sir. Hmp!" My mama said.

"Hayst… Radhesh, escort my mother to Ain's room… now." I said which settles everything while Radhesh accompanies my mama towards my younger brother's room. The estate mansion has a total of 50 private quarters and despite our family owning this building, palace workers are still responsible for guiding us since it has a huge area coverage.

After my mama and Radhesh left, my papa followed suit after King Gojong convinced him. All of the courtiers left to follow my father.

Now, it's only me, King Gojong, and our respective personal courtiers are left in the hallway.

"You must be shocked at what happened to your brother, little Siagu." King Gojong said while placing his hand on my shoulder.

"A little, Sir." I replied while looking at him in pain.

Which is a lie. To be precise, I am not shocked but instead, I am worried. The issue of domestic violence is not new to me. Back when I was still in my previous world, domestic violence was a pretty common news to hear. Even in the book, domestic violence is well documented and written, commoners up to royalty, and all classes experienced this, which made me quite immune to this topic.

However showing myself not being shocked or scared will lead to my parents and others thinking that I might be involved in this one, especially since sibling rivalry in royalties is not uncommon even in this time. That is why, I have no choice but to act crudely.

"Come here, little Siagu." He said gently as he scooted me over next to him while he guided me on a walk following my parents' path. "Your brother will be fine. Your parents and the government will do their best to ensure your brother's well-being, so don't be afraid now, everything will be okay."

"Mm-Hmm. Thank you, Sir." I said noddingly towards him.

"Hmmm… An uncle will do, Little Siagu." He replied smilingly.

"Huh?" I said in confusion. This is just a bazaar, King Gojong is known to be a strict and firm individual. His attitude today is different from those that I have read.

"Hahahaha! I said… You can call me uncle since we will be a family soon." He replied smilingly while we continued our walk.

"Okay, Uncle." I replied. "How was my sister, by the way, Uncle?" I inquired.

I haven't seen my sister for the past few days, she has been spending most of her time in the Baltso Palace to spend time with King Gojong and Prince Yeong.

A few days ago, she started her training in Korean culture, and by the strict rules of the Joseon court, she was required to be under the supervision of the House of Yi in her training. That is why, she formally moved to the Baltso Palace for two weeks and will then return back to the Imperial Complex for two weeks and vice versa.

"She is doing great. Hahahaha." King Gojong amusingly replied before continuing. "That child is so curious and amusing to have. She instantly fit in the house and made friends with Yeong's siblings."

Which I answer with a nod. It is okay for me already to know that my sister is okay during her stay with the royal family of Joseon.

I might be much older basing my mental thinking, but I am not that heartless enough to think that I don't need my family to continue my life in this world. The world and my nation with our armies might turn their backs on me, even our allies might do that, but my siblings and my parents will not. They are both my strength and weakness.

The Asian culture revolves around the importance of family, even to the oldest and farthest generation. Even the Filipino culture, which is heavily influenced by the Spanish culture, still manages to adopt this kind of practice. But was later became the victim of a Western mindset that introduces toxicity and a dangerous mindset that damages the culture itself.

"By the way, do you know the likes of your sister? Yeong and his mother have been bothering me to ask you about this since Little Mahati refuses to answer their questions about this topic." He said curiously after a long time of staying quiet.

"Huh? Really?" I replied in a bit of a shock since I already thought Yeong had known this already after spending much time with my sister.

But after thinking a bit more about it and knowing her strong attitude, it wasn't a surprise that she refused to share this information about her. She is quite a stubborn type sometimes.

"Unfortunately, yes." He replied while showing a tired expression before continuing. "I even tried coaxing her but it won't do."

King Gojong's response made me laugh while looking at his beat-up expression. My sister must have drained him after constant questioning.

"Hehehehe. She's not that complicated of a person, Uncle." I replied while giggling. "She likes sweets, politics, dances, embroidery, and kakanins (rice cakes)."

"Huh? Just those things she likes the most?" he confusedly asked which was answered by me with a nod. "I see. Thanks for that, Little Siagu. Those two will be happy to hear these things." He happily continued.

After a few minutes of walking, we finally arrived in my brother's room. He is now awake and is being consulted by Doctor Rizal, who finally returned a few days ago after a successful mission. Our mama is on his side constantly comforting Ain while crying softly while a grim expression is visible on my papa's face right now looking at my brother's bruises.

Even our mother couldn't hold back her tears after seeing how miserable Ain's body looked. King Gojong even commented on how inhumanely Ainesh was being treated and questioned how did it ever happened. This is a reasonable question, especially as this concerns the well-being of an Imperial Prince.

"Everything is now fine with the Prince, Your Majesties. He only needed to have some rest and continue to apply those medicines on his bruises to heal and not turn into a scar." Doctor Rizal said after finishing his consultation with Ain.

"Thank you for that, Doctor." Papa said seriously. "Eunuch Isagani, kindly accompany the good doctor to his quarters." he continues while still staring at my brother who is now slowly falling asleep once again.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Senior Eunuch Isagani respectfully said before exiting the room as he guided Doctor Rizal to his quarters. Other courtiers follow suit leaving me, Ain, my parents, and King Gojong, inside the room.

"Well, I will take my leave first since this will be more of a private matter." King Gojong said before leaving the room.

A minute of silence rules the entire room. The three of us are just staring at my younger brother who is now much more relaxed and calm after being comforted by my crying mother.

"I want them dead, my love." Mama said while quietly sobbing as she gently touched Ain's hair.

"You know the rules, love. As much as I wanted to, the judges will have a say on this issue. We need to let the court do its job." Papa seriously said as he walked towards the other side of the bed just to be near my brother. "Siagu, I want you to go and inform your aunt and uncle about this. I want them all to be here in haste. Your grandmother is already coming here along with your uncle and aunt, on your mother's side."

"Yes, father." I said before leaving the room and headed to the telegraphic room in the mansion, passing the message that my papa wanted me to send to them.

After a few minutes of walking and finally passing the message regarding the information about my papa's command, I then take a look at the window of the room which faces the main gate of the estate.

A crowd of individuals holding their cameras are packed at the steel gate and fences of the estate trying to take a glimpse of what is happening. But the majority of them are common people who are curiously and worriedly looking at the building. Some are even bringing some handpicked flowers and placing them on the fences of the estate, the majority of which are made out of different varieties of orchids.

"Send a telegraphic message to Allen Faher of the Lobestar Tribune and inform him about these things." I said while passing a piece of paper towards the man who was assigned to send the telegraphic messages for our family.

The paper contains all information about what should be published by the Lobestar Tribune. I will not prevent this news from being disclosed to the public, but the Lobestar Tribune must be the one to publish an article first so that we can manipulate public opinion on our side.

Only a foolish monarch or leader will not utilize the power of information to manipulate its people's sympathy towards their side. Public opinion matters, especially in a country where fewer are literate while the majority is still illiterate.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Holy_Slayercreators' thoughts
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