
Chapter 26 Plan

~~~ 27th of November 1896 ~~~

Time flies by so fast since the day I and Vajiravudh converse with each other in the music room. And now, it has been a few days since the news about the assassination of the Minister of Rites Min Young-ik reaches the shore of our nation and later the entire world. And since then, many things have happened; when I say many, I mean it.

Under my instruction, the Lobestar Tribune published an article about the recent development in the Korean Peninsula the day after I received the news. A propaganda poster was also made depicting a saint like Minister Min Young-ik assassinated by a barbaric north.

The news quickly became the talk of the entire nation, drawing crowds after crowds of Butuanon take the streets in front of the Joseon Embassy, demanding justice for the murdered Minister of Rites and information about the King's location and current well-being. Some Butuanon-Japanese descended from the Japanese Christians who fled from Japan in 1637-1638, have also voiced their support towards the Southern Faction of the Joseon Kingdom and condemned the North for doing this. Some of them even criticize the Japanese government which they suspected of being involved in the assassination.

Support for the Southern Faction grew in the entire empire, especially after being included in the news that the Southern Faction supports the union between Prince Yeong and my younger sister.

The embassy of Joseon remained quiet for the next 3 days after the news spread to the entire country.

By the 3rd day after the news breaks out, Prime Minister Emilion Aguinaldo released a statement, calling for justice for Minister Min Young-ik, calling the assassination an act of cowardice and barbaric. He then ended his statement by calling for prayers and support towards the royal family of Joseon and Prince Yeong.

Subsequently, Ambassador Wichai Suriyawongse of the Kingdom of Siam also released a statement regarding the assassination of Minister Ming Young-ik. He expresses the Kingdom of Siam's condolences towards the minister's family. He then proceeded to express his support to the Southern Faction and demanded that the perpetrator of such a barbaric act shall be put on trial.

A few nations, like the Russian Empire, the UK, and Qing Empire, to name a few, have expressed their concern towards the stability of the region and are calling for justice towards the assassination of Minister Min Young-ik. The Japanese Empire remains quiet since the news broke out.

And by the 5th day of the demonstration and the news being spread to the country. Daesa (Ambassador) Kim Hong-ju suddenly announces that King Gojong and his entire entourage are currently heading into the country to seek some refuge while being escorted by the Imperial Navy of Butuan in the Butuan Sea (Pacific side).

The announcement gathers different reactions from the people. Some small groups of people have voiced their opposition to allowing the King and his entourage to stay in the country. Citing that this will drag the Empire towards unnecessary conflict and might damage the relationship with Joseon's Northern Faction.

But the majority voices their support for sheltering the King and his entourage in the capital. The propaganda in support of the royal family of Joseon has worked.

And despite the opposition from the Liberals, the government and my papa, pursue the plan of allowing King Gojong and his entourage to stay in the country.

The news caught me off guard. Despite the delay of them leaving Joseon, I was still actually expecting King Gojong to flee to Vladivostok Russia since it is much closer to the Joseon Kingdom compared to our country, much like in my past world, but it looks like I was wrong.

This further proves my previous thought about the current track of this world's history. With how King Gojong and his entire entourage just recently fled Joseon, instead of having it last February, the proclamation of Joseon into the Korean Empire will be delayed a bit more.

This also signals the possibility of much bloodier minor and major wars. Heck! There is even a possibility now of having a much earlier Word War. These developments further fuel my desire to hasten this world's technological advancement by introducing late WW1 and WW2 weapons to our government with the help of some trusted private companies.

After Daesa (Ambassador) Kim Hong-ju's announcement, preparations were made in the Batlso Palace, 2.31 km away from the main entrance of the imperial complex. Apparently, under the request of my papa and by the approval of the Estate Commissioner, King Gojong and his entire entourage were allowed to settle in the Batlso Palace. While the payment shall be discussed later, according to my papa.

Papa even allowed them to establish a provisional government here in the country right after their arrival, if they ever planned to.

And by the 12 of November 1896, King Gojong and his entire entourage safely arrived in the country. They were warmly welcomed by our entire family, Prince Yeong and his entire entourage, the cabinet members, and Prince Vajiravudh's entourage. The 'welcoming ceremony was just short yet elegant since King Gojong and my Papa had a short conversation afterwards.

King Gojong and his entire entourage instantly settled at the Batlso Palace while Prince Yeong and his men are allowed to stay in the Imperial Complex to make him and my little sister much closer to each other.

By the next day a telegram from Ambassador Nguyễn Văn Phúc, the Ambassador of the Empire of Butuan to the Joseon Kingdom, arrived at my father's hand. The message contains information about the current situation in the Joseon Kingdom. Ambassador Nguyễn Văn Phúc confirms the involvement of Grand Internal Prince Yi Ha-eung and Crown Prince Sunjong in the assassination of Minister Min Young-ik. The message also tells the involvement of the Japanese Empire in coaxing the two members of the Joseon Royal Family.

The message further informs us that the Japanese military presence in the entire country is increasing day by day. Making a lot of Koreans upset and started a small uprising, which was easily squashed by the Japanese soldiers and some Northern Faction soldiers. The most shocking news about this is that King Gojong's son, Crown Prince Sunjong, is currently preparing for himself and the entire royal palace for his coronation, which is to be overseen by the Japanese Military General to Joseon, General Masaharu Makabe.

This fully signals the involvement of the Japanese and their growing control of the Joseon Kingdom.

This angers King Gojong after reading the entire message from Ambassador Nguyễn Văn Phúc. In his fit of rage, he announces the disinheritance of his Heir Prince Sunjong to the throne of the Kingdom. He also commanded that all information about Prince Sunjong and Grand Internal Prince Yi Ha-eung shall be removed from all records regarding the royal family of Joseon.

This also prompted King Gojong to finally establish the Joseon Government in exile in the Baltso Palace. This was then followed by the recognition of our country towards the legitimacy of the Joseon Kingdom Provisional Government (조선국 임시정부). Making our country the first country to recognize its legitimacy, which was later followed by the Kingdom of Siam.

Crown Prince Vajiravudh and his uncle Prince Damrong Rajanubhab decided to extend their stay in the Imperial complex until the end of the month. The duration of their visit has been extended with the arrival of King Gojong. Apparently, King Rama V wanted Prince Damrong Rajanubhab to build a relationship with the Joseon Kingdom through my father. This intention of King Rama V was then accepted by King Gojong as he himself also wanted to open a diplomatic talk with the Siamese.

Crown Prince Vajiravudh and I have also been spending quite a lot of time with each other for the past few days since most of my classes were still on hold. With only my religion, governance, and military, classes are still ongoing. We both went fishing in the Agusan River, of course, accompanied by our respective courtiers and a few imperial household guards.

He also accompanies me on my visits to orphanages, homeless shelters, and government hospitals, for the past few days. He even commented that once he becomes the King of Siam, he will follow what our nation has done in easing the people's suffering and encouraging education, not just for the wealthy but also for the poor.

Mama has also been busy for the past few days; she has been visiting the consorts of King Gojong in the Batlso Palace for the past few days. I and my siblings have also accompanied her on her visit one time, and it was great actually. We were able to meet his 7 consorts and 2 concubines, which is quite a few compared to King Rama V's 9 wives and 145 concubines and too much compared to my father. Our culture stops practising polygamy and adopted monogamy a few years after we converted to Catholicism and even continues it after we establishes Aylashanism (The Temple of Butuan).

My sister also was able to meet the mother of Prince Yeong, Royal Noble Consort Sunheon of the Yeongwol Eom clan, and she adores my sister so much upon meeting her. Royal Noble Consort Sunheon would always squeeze my sister's cheeks while calling her cute and adorable names which upsets Yeong the most. One time, Prince Yeong saw his own mother pinching the face of my sister while calling her cute names, Prince Yeong got upset with her mother and told her not to pinch my sister's face since he was the only one allowed to do that, to which we all laugh at.

After that meeting with the consorts and concubines of King Gojong, my Mama and Royal Noble Consort Sunheon decided to have my sister visit the Batlso Palace every day to receive her early education about Joseon culture, she will be accompanied by Prince Yeong every day.

This further strengthens the closeness between my sister and Prince Yeong. They are now so close that Prince Yeong even told his mother that he will only marry my sister to which both my Mama and RNC Sunheon disagree. You see, my Mama understood the importance of having multiple partners in Joseon culture for nobility and rulers since this was once our culture's practice. Even my sister was lectured by Mama about this, telling her that she will not be the only partner of Prince Yeong and he is expected to pick another lady as his partner.

This put my sister into confusion since polygamy isn't that widespread in the entire empire. My sister then started to bombard our Mama with questions, which was only answered with "You will understand it when you grow older". This stops my sister from asking more questions, but she then started to wish to grow faster.

My younger brother, Prince Ainesh Philips, has also been doing great in his studies as well. He just recently started his training in arnis and archery and soon he will be learning archery while riding a horse. He is also currently being supervised in his studies by Head Eunuch Isagani del Cruz and Head Court Lady Putri Chaya of Sipitang.

But nothing is much busier than my Papa, the Prime Minister, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. For the past few days, they have been meeting with different people both from Joseon and Siam, discussing the planned alliance with them. Despite the agreement in forming an alliance being finalized verbally by both parties. Binding it on paper is much harder than you thought it would. This causes my Papa to skip some sleep sometimes, which makes us all worry about him, especially since my Papa has been experiencing some on-and-off fever for the past few days.

Mama even told Papa about this, but Papa dismisses her worries and told her that he is doing okay, but the truth is, he is not. One time, the entire complex was turned upside down when Papa collapse because of exhaustion. But despite this, papa still insisted to continue to work, this puts my Mama in a rage and used her power as the woman of the house to barge anyone to enter Papa's chamber without going through her first.

This was also the time my Papa disclosed to me his intention to negotiate with the Dutch in the next few years the rights to establish a colony on the Island of Papua. Apparently, my Papa, Prime Minister Aguinaldo, and the Minister of Treasury, Minister Trần Quang Minh, have been discussing for the past few days how they will convince the Dutch in agreeing to allow our nation to establish a colony in Papua.

But this was put on hold and my Mama then told my Papa to focus first on the negotiation of alliance between Joseon and Siam before even planning on establishing a colony in the Island of Papua, which was echoed by my Papa's entire cabinet members.

Despite my parents and our own busy schedule, we still manage to spend some time as a family, especially during our family tea time. Our usual afternoon tea at the Imperial Garden is a must-attended tradition of us all since this is the only time, we all can relax and enjoy our time as a family. Sometimes, Aunt Hainmi and her entire family are with us, sometimes it is Uncle Sharvil and his entire family who is with us.

The government under Prime Minister Aguinaldo has also been busy for the past few days.

Firstly, the Aguinaldo government started its diplomatic talks towards some of the former coastal colonies of the Spanish Empire in the Americas to strengthen trade between our nation and them. The countries included are Peru, Chile, Argentine, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Mexico. Ambassadors from Butuan to these respective countries are contacted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and were instructed to secure a trade deal between these nations. Citing the reason that some part of our nation used to be part also of the Spanish Empire.

Secondly, under the Parliament Act number 975 of 1896. The coastal cities of Sooraj, Maynila, Vigan, Cebu, Zamboanga, General Santos, Davao, Batangas, Tacloban, Vũng Tàu, Rạch Giá, Kota Kinabalu, Lahad Datu, Sandakan, Sanya, and Wanning, has been subsequently declared as priority city for further development and expansion. This was made to make sure that these coastal cities will be capable of receiving merchant ships and furthering their development as major cities in the Empire.

Thirdly, under the Parliament Act number 976 of 1896. The Island of Guam, Vũng Tàu, and Davao Gulf, shall be converted into naval bases for the next 3-5 years. This is to ensure that the interest of the Empire will always be upheld in its respective territories. The additional 3 naval bases are the latest addition to the existing 5 naval bases in the Empire, bringing its total to 8 naval bases.

And lastly, the Imperial Military under the approval of the Minister of Defence Ali Ahmadi bin Haji and my Papa, answers the request of General Li Yong of Liangao County, General Jiānwén Guolao of Haikou County, General Zhu Mingde of Chengmai County, General Li Bai of Wechang County, and General Wang Wei of Danzhou County.

They have sent Vice Admiral Chen Yi, who's guarding the Northern Butuan Sea, to station at the Hainan Island for a show off of naval strength. He brought with him his 2 fleets of ships, consisting of 30 ships in total, with his 2 battleships as his main flagships.

The Qing answers the provocation by sending its fleet of ships also, outnumbering the fleet of Vice Admiral Chen Yi. Taking this as a further stance of provocation, Defence Minister Ali Ahmadi sends Vice Admiral Nguyễn Văn Thoại, to guard the Champa Sea, and Vice Admiral Miguel Malvar, guarding the West Butuan Sea.

The arrival of the new admirals resulted in a standoff between the Imperial Chinese Navy and the Imperial Navy of Butuan. The entire nation was at a standstill at that time, we all really thought that a battle will break out between the two opposing naval forces. But good thing we are wrong.

3 days after the initial standoff, both naval parties decided to separate ways and retreat from each naval base. Vice Admiral Miguel Malvara and Vice Admiral Nguyễn Văn Thoại return to their respective post, while Vice Admiral Chen Yi remains on the Island.

The entire nation sigh in relief after knowing that the tension between the Imperial Chinese Navy and the Imperial Navy of Butuan ended with a decision to retreat on each base.

After the standoff, Minister Ali Ahmadi bin Haji commanded the engineers and shipbuilders of the Imperial Navy to increase the production number of ships within the next year. This is his response to the increasing boldness of the Qing Empire in challenging our nation in a naval face-off.

I have also been quite busy for the past few days, especially with attending my daily duty and classes. Playing with my siblings and with Vajiravudh. But the training that really exhausts me the most is my training in horseback archery, which only started recently, coupled with my arnis training.

The training ground is in one of the properties owned by my family which is being leased to the government, the Diliwata Estate or Unspoiled Estate in the Butuanon language, is a 4.58 kilometres distance north of the Imperial Complex. My training on horseback archery happened three times a week to make my body immune to exhaustion and pain.

The letter from Senior Eunuch Akash Sundar has also been delivered to my papa after I instructed Radhesh. My papa then told me that he is in full support of the possibility of aiding the Hawaiian natives in their rebellion against the Republican Government, but he also expressed his concern that the Parliament might not be keen on supporting them.

The rising tension between our country and the Qing Empire, the threat of the Japanese in their dreams of expanding, and the continuous small skirmishes between the French-Indochina government and our country and Siam in the borders. These reasons are what my papa has said that might use against supporting the natives. Not to mention, the USA's interest in the Island as well.

But my papa has promised me that if the government agrees to aid the rebellion in secret, he will inform me directly.

Regarding the Asianization plan, my papa has expressed his support along with the Prime Minister. And by the 24th of November, this year, the Asianization initiative was then introduced to the public.

About the education control, my papa and the minister of learning and sports, Minister Zhu Shengli have both agreed to teach in every institution, both private and government, the importance of the monarchy in our society and culture and how the monarchy symbolizes national unity.

Although opposition from the Liberal Party voices their concern and disapproval about the newly added subject in every school, their voices were not enough to hinder it from passing to the parliament and being applied in every school the next school year. That is why they ran to the Butuan Freedom newspaper agency to publish an article criticizing the current addition in the school curriculum, calling it indoctrination and a threat to democracy.

This causes countries like the UK and the French, to also voice their concern about the change. But nothing is much more vocal than the United States, criticizing the government for even allowing this to be taught in every institution in our nation.

But before it could even gather a huge number of support from the people and intellect of the empire, the Loberstar Tribune dropped a bomb that causes the downfall of the Liberal Party. The Loberstar Tribune published an article criticizing the Liberals for almost hindering the parliament in passing a law that details the importance of teaching students the importance of monarchy and its history in our nation.

The article also accuses the Liberal Party of supporting the republicanism ideology and is receiving some support from the United States, with specific pieces of evidence. The news outrages the majority of people, especially after it was exposed that the Liberal Party are receiving some support from the United States. This totally damages the Liberal Party, especially since the majority of the people in our nation are against the Western Nation.

The news causes a huge backlash for the Liberal Party. A huge protest in the capital erupted against the United States and the Liberal Party. The protesters gather in front of the American Embassy and the office of the Liberal Party. Criticizing the Liberal Party for being a puppet of the United States. And calling for the Aguinaldo administration to conduct an investigation.

The day after the news about the Liberal Party receiving some support from the United States breaks out. The government of Aguinaldo swiftly conducted a thorough investigation following the order of my papa.

The investigation about the Liberal Party receiving some funds from the United States still continues until now. But few pieces of evidence have been discovered that pointed out a cash aid from an unknown individual to the Liberal Party. Because of this discovery, the government increases its power in investigating the Liberal Party.

And even if the Liberal Party are proven to be innocent, their reputation in the Empire is now almost non-existent. And it is expected to remain like that after a few years.

It has been a few days since then, and today is the end of my relaxing time. I am currently sitting on one of the chairs that surrounds a circular table at the Imperial Garden. I am enjoying the breeze of the winds that blow in the garden while sipping a cup of green tea, my favourite. It is rare for me to enjoy this moment of my life despite the age of 10 and I needed to treasure this moment since I will be having some visitors later.

While I was sipping my cup of tea, I saw Radhesh making his way towards my direction while carrying a bundle of documents.

"Are they here already?" I inquired

"Yes, Sir." Radhesh replied while nodding his head before placing the documents in front of me "These are the documents that you've asked for, Sir. This also contains those drawings that you instructed the artisans to draw."

I then take a look at the contents of the paper which made me smile the more I look at it. The documents contain the necessary information needed to materialize the drawings that the artisans have made.

"Great! Don't forget to reward those artisans bountifully. I don't want them to feel being exploited on making these drawings." I said while placing the documents near me.

"Yes, Sir. They will surely appreciate this gesture of yours, Sir." Radhesh replied while smiling and nodding towards me and a few seconds later, I already can see 5 individuals walking towards me while conversing with each other. Looks like my uncle has brought him a little companion, Major General Antonio Luna.

"Oh? Ah! Nephew! Hahahaha" My uncle suddenly shouted while smiling at me as they all draw closer. "This is indeed a fine day to relax in the imperial garden, isn't it? Hahaha"

"Indeed, Uncle." I replied as I take a sip of my tea before standing up and welcoming them all.

"Welcome, my honourable guests." I smilingly said while gesturing them to take a sit "Shall we all take our sit?"

Hi everyone!

I would take this moment in informing you all that I will be uploading the new chapters a little bit late. Although I am already in Chapter 30 on my raw chapters and am about to start Chapter 31, I have no time to edit my work, at the moment.

My class just started and I am still adjusting my apartment to suit my style. Sorry and please continue to show some support.

Holy_Slayercreators' thoughts
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