
Planning the next step

The next day...

In the Fortuna Hotel...

Vishal was sitting on the sofa in his room thinking what to do next as the system has given him a task last night to correct the situation of Earth-70 when Carla entered the room in a black secretary suite. Vishal saw her and said "Come here".

She came to his sofa when he took her and kissed it. "You look beautiful in many outfits but this secretary look is one of my favorites." said Vishal.

"Cheesy." said Carla  but didn't take back her hand as indirectly she liked the complement.

Vishal asked her to sit down beside him in the sofa. She sat when he leaned his head onto her lap. "What are you..?"

"Please." pleaded Vishal.

Carla saw his eyes had a tired look and he was exhausted. Not literally but metaphorically she felt that he is carrying a heavy burden and he is in need of strong support.

She smiled and nodded telling her acceptance. She put his hands through his hair and started rubbing it slowly soothing him. A sigh released from Vishal's mouth as he felt relieved.

"I am with you, Vishal. You don't have to carry the burden alone. I don't want the guy I love to go through this alone. It's suffocating to watch you feel like this." Carla said in a sad voice.

Vishal released another sigh of relief. Presently even though his mentality is tough and doesn't give a shit about adversity, there are times when you feel that the mission you are carrying out or the burdens you carry become too much.

Vishal is facing such situation today. Even though he is a Nephalem but in his heart he is still a human being with feelings and emotions. He was working non stop to bring a change as both Vigilante and Vishal. Finally he got some time for himself and his love away from other universe.

"I understand Carla." replied Vishal. Vishal felt ike Carla is a miracle during these times. He saw that she never had any interest in his money or his status. She came to the company to earn enough to cure her own mother. Nothing more.

She is a precious person to him and he will definitely not lose her.

"System, Is there a way to increase her lifespan or make her a immortal like me?" asked Vishal.

"Nephalem bonding ritual." said the system.

"That thing huh? Well that can only be possible when I mate with her and she also needs to give her consent and a vial of blood." said Vishal as he felt embarassed thinking about it not because he is shy of mating with her but performing a ritual while doing it.

"Is there another way?" asked Vishal.

"You can infuse Angel or demonic bloodlines into her." said system.

"Those bastards from heaven or hell will come after her if I do that." said Vishal aggressively.

"There is no other choice host." said the system.

Vishal sighed in frustration and opened his eyes to see Carla in deep thought.

"I'll ask her later. She seems lost right now. What kind of guy would I be if I didn't take care of his girl." said Vishal.

"Do that." said system.

"Carla?" said Vishal.

"Yes?" Carla came out of deep thoughts.

Vishal lifted his head and said "I won't postpone it anymore. As soon as we go back I am announcing my relationship to everyone. The next year I want to marry you and have you as my wife."

Carla gasped for breathe as she heard his words. She never thought the guy she loved the most would propose to her like this.

"A..Are you sure?" she asked stuttering.

Vishal came in front of her and got down on his knees and said "I love you, Carla Beaumont. Will you become my wife next year?"

Carla's heart was beating like crazy at the sudden confession but she knew one thing for sure after being with him for 3 years.

Even though the guy in front of her may not have al the qualities she wanted in a man but he had most of the qualities she liked and was also sincere in telling her that he is going to have another wife.

Though it is hard for her to digest it, she definitely knew without a doubt that Vishal would never discriminate based on her time being with him.

"I might not be a ideal husband but I promise you that I will ensure that I will keep you happy as much as I can. Even if I were to marry another girl I will make sure that our love will not be damaged at all." said Vishal.

She smiled and said "I will become your wife but on condition that the next wife you will take will be chosen by me."

Vishal was stunned as he never expected Carla would take the initiative. "I agree." said Vishal.

"Though we're still not 18 right, so no kissing." teased Carla.

Vishal gave a cheerful laugh and tightly hugged her which was a surprised to Carla.

"Sure, but there is nothing wrong to hug you right?" Vishal teased back.

She took the embrace with a smile and they both parted after a minute.

Their demeanors changed immediately.

"So, can't we go back using your powers?" asked Carla.

"We can do that but there is a reason we are brought here." said Vishal.

"Is it related to the calamity that is going to occur?" asked Carla.

"Yes. Liark has sufficient destructive energies on this earth to make it extremely powerful." said Vishal.

"I see. So, what's going to be our first step?" asked Carla without hesitation.

Vishal fet energized looking at her excitement.

"Three groups. 1) Rebels, the anti hero faction. 2) League, the hero faction and

3) Society, the villain faction are battling it out against each other." said Vishal.

Carla listened seriously to his expanation.

"While Rebels and League have ideological differences, villains are hell bent on destruction of both the groups. The same goes for heroes who do not want either anti heroes or villains as they club them into the same category." said Vishal.

Carla rolled her eyes and said "Let me guess. Are these heroes stone headed morons like Batman and Superman?"

"It helps you are quick on the uptake. They are adamant that only their way should be followed and the other groups are just criminals." said Vishal.

"What about the anti heroes?" asked Carla.

"They are a little better compared to other two factions because they acknowledge the fact that there is a need for heroes and there is also a need for anti heroes when things get worse." said Vishal.

"Oh! Do you plan to ally with Rebels?" asked Carla.

"Heck no. I won't stand with neither the heroes or the anti heroes." replied Vishal.

Carla raised her eyebrow and asked "Why? We both are anti heroes on our earth, right?"

"Yes, but there is a difference between us an those anti heroes." said Vishal.

"What is that?" asked Carla.

"They are fighting to prove that their way is right but you and me fight for the innocent and weak to make sure that everything changes for better." said Vishal.

The words made Carla ponder and made her remember the past when she saved children from a human trafficking ring and killed those bastards who operated the ring. She did not show it but she felt immense happiness at the children laughing happily when they reunited with their parents. She felt her pride in what she had done.

"Carla?" said Vishal.

"Yes?" said Carla.

"Is something the matter?" asked Vishal.

"No. I just remembered the time when I saved those children from the human trafficking ring." said Carla.

Vishal pointed his finger and said "That is the difference in our way we do things. When the weak cry out for a savior we answer and as for the criminals who threaten them they need to know their actions have consequences and both Vigilante and Phantasm are coming for them."

"I agree. I guess we should start with information on justice system right?" asked Carla.

Correct. First we need to clean the trashy justice system just like I did in Gotham." said Vishal.

"Do you have a plan?" asked Carla.

"Yeah. Unlike Gotham in our world, here there are no mafia lords but big businesses are controlling the mayor and the justice system. We need to break that and clean it before targeting the villains here.

Don't show mercy to the heroes who come after us. Cripple them but don't kill them. As for Anti heroes they will be happy at what we are doing so the chances of them interfering are just 2%." said Vishal.

"Then I should start getting dirt on the government, justice system and the businesses." said Carla.

"Yeah, hack and acquire the data of illegal doings. If you get a chance hack their bank accounts and transfer the money to not only people of Gotham but also the people in entire country." said Vishal.

"That would put a target on us." said Carla.

"I'll help you mask the trail so they never will be able to find out." said Vishal.

"Very well." said Carla and went outside to buy the required equipment.

"Whether it is Earth-22 or Earth-70, criminals and villains beware. Vigilante is coming for you." said Vishal with determination gaining back his vigor.

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