

"2 years! You've really been my worker for 2 whole years, Julian!" Faustus exclaimed, clapping amused. 

Julian stared blankly at him in his fit of laughter.

"Right. With inhumane pay. And a work environment unfit for children."

"Relax, Julian. It benefitted you a little bit. You've gotten taller."

Marie sat on the other side of the table with Faustus. The three of them were in the same cafe that they always went to. This time, Faustus was actually paying.

Faustus's laugh slowly faded away, and he sighed. "I'm paying for your boat to Dinet. It's been so long, I forgot why you're even going there."

"... There's something I have to do. A requiem for a friend of mine."

Marie glanced at Julian for a moment, then completely turned her gaze toward him.

"Requiem? What're you talking about?" Marie asked, raising a brow.

"I've been reading a lot of old literature. But, I would really just like to further my education. I've missed a lot of days."

"Ahh, that makes sense. Well, you should get ready. The ship is gonna be coming soon."

. . .

. .


"Maybe I should cut my hair..."

Julian stood in front of his mirror, scanning his features. 

Two years. Julian worked for Faustus for two whole years. In those two years, it was pretty monotonous. Every day played out the same. But it wasn't that bad, with Faustus and Marie there.

A lot of things changed about him. His hair was a bit longer. His body was covered in work-related scars. His face matured, as well. He kept a few of his feminine features, like his eyes, but other parts of his body matured in a masculine direction.

He turned from his mirror, leaving the bathroom. It was time to actually get ready.

He slipped into his button-up dress shirt. It was a little loose, a little baggy. That was because it was a gift from Faustus. All of Faustus's gifts are just items that he once owned.

But it was fine. He tucked the shirt in a little further and that solved his problem pretty well.

He threw on a simple brown coat, light in thickness. 

It was a simple outfit. It's not like he had to try especially hard, as he would be changing into the boarding school outfit anyway once he got there.

"Haah..." he sighed.

. . .

. .


The ship was large. From one glance, you could tell it was meant for several people to board it. 

It was supposed to take a lot of stops before it reached Sar. Lucky for Julian, the ship would not be taking any more stops.

He sat quietly and patiently, staring at the sea. It reminded him.

Julian had almost forgotten that he was brought into this world, and this wasn't where he was really from. 

But so much has happened. So much.

"Is this your first time boarding a ship?" a voice asked him. Julian turned around.

A young girl around his age stood by his side, with a small smile. She was a demi-human with black hair and light blue eyes. She had this kind of faint feel about her, a dreamy one.

Her eyes moved from Julian to the sea.

'She's... trying to make small talk.'

Julian was not a very social person. He couldn't be blamed. Faustus holed him up in the cave, and the only person he really talked to besides him was Marie. 

"No. I've been on a ship before."

He responded very quickly, but his tone was a little weird and unnatural. To his luck, the girl didn't notice it.


Julian nodded.

'Is that not believable, or something? I'm telling the truth, though.'

The mood of her voice wasn't one of questioning, though. More so mischievousness. Like a flirting tone. But she wasn't flirting with him.

"This is my first time getting on a boat. I'm feeling a little seasick, matter of fact."

She placed one hand on her forehead and one hand on the railing. Julian noticed her attire.

She wore a black sundress with a bead necklace across her collarbone.

"Where are you coming from?" Julian finally decided to ask. It would be awkward if the girl was the only one asking questions.

"I'm coming from Gonteno. You've probably heard of it before. Where the Saint resides."

"Gonteno? Huh. I'm coming from Venichian. It's pretty close."

"It is."

Silence fell. It was awkward.

"I'm Julian."

Julian blurted out, his gaze already away from the ocean, instead at the girl.

"I'm Ceril,"

Her faint smile became an apparent one.

"What are you going to Sar for?" she continued, bringing up the question.

"I'm continuing school. I... moved a couple a few years ago, and I'm coming back now."

"... Just now, you hesitated when you said that. Did you really move? Or did something else happen?"

'She picked up on that?!'

"Really, I moved. This isn't my first language, so I was trying to find the word."

"Ahh.. well, alright. Enjoy your ride, mister Julian."

She walked off, and Julian sighed. He managed to survive that interaction. A small smile crept up on his face. Pride?




"Class, class, settle down! I have an announcement."

The class quieted down, hearing their teacher yell out to them. The havoc stopped, and everyone returned to their seat.

The teacher placed his chalk down and readjusted his glasses.

"A new student is coming into this class! Well, the paper says that it's a student that's coming back, but I don't think I've ever heard of this kid..."

The teacher squinted, reading the paper very deeply, looking at the picture next to Julian's name. A young boy with a hearty smile and calm red eyes could be seen.

"A new student?" voices murmured.

"I hope it's a girl! I have no luck with any of the girls in this class..."

"A girl? If it's a girl, I won't be able to have any fun..."

"Honestly, I just hope they don't stink."

The door to the classroom creaked open. 

A boy stepped into the classroom. He had black hair that fell past his ears on the sides and down his neck on the back. His pupils were red and sunken, indicating that he didn't get a lot of sleep on the boat.

The teacher spoke. "Go ahead an introduce yourself, sir."

Julian walked to the front of the class.

"I'm... Julian Thorne."





(Author's Note)

volume one is finally finished!!!! i wanted to finish it at 96 chapters originally, but i just extended it for a reason that i actually forgot

this time... ask questions about anything...

it was pretty embarrassing last time when I asked and nobody asked questions. if i get embarrassed a second time, that'll be reflected in my writing.

but, i don't think i'll bring out the second volume for a bit. because instead, i would like to work on rewriting an old webnovel i made!!! so if you want to go and read it

i forgot most of the things but i wrote down the most important parts, so i'll get to working on that soon


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