
A Challenge

The alley was dimly lit. There, the old man panted, running with all his might. His white tunic was stained with his own blood, ripped up.

He ran out of the alley and into the night. The town was silent. Only he was awake.

This would mark Tou's 100th kill—a greater stage.

"Wh-whoever you are... come out, you bastard!" the man pulled a knife out of his pocket, raising it.

[Cast: Domain]

"You shouldn't try to make any noise. Since nobody can hear you anymore."

Tou dropped down from a streetlamp, his wings not yet out. The old man stumbled a bit, feeling Tou's bloodlust. But quickly, he regained his stance.

"You d-damn juvenile! Just wait until I get out of this.... I-I'll report you!" the old man stuttered.

"If I'm a juvenile... then you're an infant."

The old man ran at Tou, gripping tightly onto the knife handle.

Tou kicked the knife out of the old man's hand.


"Come on, boy. You've had all your life to train."

Tou then struck the old man's gut and grabbed him by the neck.


"Psh. This is no fun."

Tou crushed the man's throat, killing him instantly.

In an instant, he was sent to a white void. There was no transition between the transportation. Just... a flicker.

"I'm here again..."

Cerat looked around. A new, familiar face was there.

It was Tou.

"Ah. The possessor of my body. I've been itching to see you in person."

Julian was there as well, though he did not speak. It seems he was the last person to get here.

"So you're the real 'Tou', right?" Cerat asked, crossing his arms.

"Yup. How'd you know?"

"You're as monotonous as in the memories."

"Funny," Tou replied, his expression unchanged.

"What's the point of you bringing us here?" Julian asked, bored.

"You all, take a seat!" Tou said.

Cerat looked around, yet again. "There aren't any chairs, though."

"Yes, there are."

As Tou said, there were chairs.

Julian, astonished, spoke. "How did you?-"

"This is my mind space. I control everything here. Now, take a seat."

Nobody questioned anything anymore. Julian and Cerat sat down, although a little bit hesitant.

"Do you guys have any questions before I tell you guys why I brought you two here?" Tou asked, tapping his foot on the floor, bored.

"Yeah. I gotta question!" Julian's hand rose.


"You said you control everything when it comes to your body, right?"


"Then why haven't you taken back control?"

"There's no point in that. I'm empty. Someone else could definitely control it better than me."

"Could you hurry up and tell us why you brought us here?" Cerat leaned back in his chair, resting his foot on the table that was summoned by Tou.

The scenery changed. A large field of grass, with heavy winds blowing.

"Why did you change it? The white void was fine."

"I do as I wish."

"Get on with it already!" Cerat yelled.

"A contest for possession."

"A... contest for possession?" Julian repeated, confused.

"For possession of my body."

"You got it all wrong. I need MY body. Not your body."

"You can use my body to find it. So, relax."

"What makes you think I want your body?" Cerat asked, obnoxiously.

"You're just a soul, aren't you? If I eject you from my body, you'll become a wandering soul. Then you'll get sent to hell."

"So why didn't Julian go to hell, hm? How did he enter your body?" Cerat exploded, in a fit of annoyance.

"That's what you guys are supposed to figure out. The first person to come back here and figure it out gets full control."

"How are we supposed to figure that out!?" Julian whined.

"My memories are free to use. I've remembered everything since birth."

Cerat figured it out quite fast, as he disappeared immediately.

"I have one more question, Tou."

"What is it?"

"You saw everything. Right?"



Julian nodded and disappeared.

(Author's Note)

Hello, reader! My posting rate has been... horrible! I have to admit, that it is because of my laziness. But it is also because I am sick.

Even though I am sick, I will not let that be an excuse.

Ah, one more thing! This was extremely rushed, I know. I'll learn how to stretch things out, I promise! So don't give up on me, reader!

From, the author, graggle.

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