
The Timer Begins

I crash-landed deep into the forest. The orcs were far behind me, so I must've overdid it. But there was a shed here, a few meters in front of me.

I opened the door.

There he sat, a man, criss-cross. His hair was long and black, though it was tied loosely. His skin was pale; inhumanely pale.

His eyes were crimson, like the color of blood. He looked to be about 20, wearing a black cloak that covered his body.

On the other side of the table was a demi-human, with green, tangled hair, and green eyes. She licked at her hands, also sitting in her seat peculiarly. There was a white eyepatch on her right eye.

On the table, there were clay models, that looked just like the orcs that I had previously been fighting.

"Holy shit... this is just like a board game..." the man said, in awe. His mouth was agape, as he played with the clay models, making more.

"I told you to stop swearing, Sten! Don't make me-"

She stopped in the middle of her sentence.

"Who's this child, Sten?" she asked.

"It's just Julian."

My heartbeat spiked. I... truly believed that I was the only person who knew of that name. How does this stranger know it?!

"How do you know of that name!?" I asked, a little worried.

"That's your name, isn't it?" The man continued, still playing with his clay figures. Finally, he turned his head.

"Ah! You look different."

I would've asked more questions, but that was not my priority. This is the guy who was making those orcs!

I pulled my weapon out, holding it up. "You're the one creating those orcs, right?"

"So what if Sten is creating the orcs? You're ruining our time here, so could you get out? Dumb elf." the demi-human said, with a snarky tone.

"I'm not talking to your right now, dumbass-"

[God Cast: Spirit Scythe]

Instantly, out of thin air, a scythe formed. It was black and unstable, centimeters away from my throat. I could feel my skin slowly peeling, despite the distance.

"You shouldn't use such words against Evelyn."

"Right!" the demi-human, or Evelyn, said. She stuck her tongue out at me. I lowered my guard.


"Now, ask again."

"C-Could you stop summoning those... orcs...? Please?" I said, shaking. He lowered his scythe, as it dissipated.


"Are you gonna do it?"

"I just stopped it."

"That was quick. But... why did you summon them anyway?"

"Quit asking questions."

"I-I'm sorry!"

"It's because I was experimenting. Sentience in a dead body."

"Sentience... in a dead body?"

"Yeah. Are you stupid? I just said that."

"You're a scientist?"

"Something like that. I'm trying to put an advanced level of sentience into a dead body, and a monster."

"Well, it was an obvious failure. Those things were as dumb as a brick-"

"Shut up. Before I kill you."


The room became silent, as I stood there. Sten walked over back to his seat, playing with the clay models. His wife, Evelyn, reached over the table, to play with them too.

"Ah, right. I miscalculated your seal, Julian. That thing is gonna burst in like... 3 days."

"Seal? What seal are you talking about?"

"So many questions, damn! Get out of here!"

I was pushed out of the cabin, and the door slammed shut. All of that was so strange. I didn't even get to ask the name of those two. But I knew it. Sten and Evelyn.

But that was not important. I ran back to the gates of the village. All that was left was dust and a confused duo.

"You're back? We were fighting, and then all of a sudden, the orcs just turned into dust-"

"He's the reason that happened, Rar. You're so... stupid!"

"Thank goodness! For a second, I really thought I was gonna have to take out my sword."

"Hey... Rar. I have a question."

"Hm?" he responded.

"Is there anything specific that happens when... you unsheathe your sword?"

"When I unsheathe my sword... all hell will break loose. I get... 200 times more stronger."

"He's lying. Don't listen to him." Aerith jumped in.

"Believe what you want!" Rar crossed his arms, tapping his foot. It was a bit funny, I couldn't help but smile a bit.

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