
chapter 10

-POV Max

'why was I so worried' I thought back to my conversation with Arthur. 'I think it was because I and it hard to socializing with people in my last life.' I'm my last life I was home-schooled till the age of ten and when I did start going to I had no friends till I died.

As I was lying in my bed thinking about the day's events that happened prior I realized Sylvie is going to be born today.

''Man I wish I had a bond'' I said 'Mabey I can find one in the beat glades.'

As I was thinking this a letter appears in front of me, I instantly knew who this was from because there is only one being who would and could do this. I quickly grab the letter making sure that I was the only person around before realizing that I was in my room.

As soon as I opened the letter almighty voice rang out '' HAHAHA! hello, Max as you might of gest it is me Death. the reason why I am messaging you is to tell you thank you. you see when you left the plan of death I started researching the manwhas that you suggested your power from and the world that I drop you off in and I loved them and even showed them to my bother Life and he also loved them so we decide to give you some gifts the first gift that we wont to give you is a bond.'' as the Death spoke them words a big black dog with six eyes appeared I instantly knew what it was, it was overground rover from one punch man manga.

As I was looking at the strange dog with a feeling of joy because it was one of the coolest monsters in the manga, it suddenly sent a small energy ball at my chest. I thought that it was trying to attack me so I got into a defensive position expecting a huge amount of pain, but that never came What I did hear was a child-like voice say in my head [what is wrong master?]

''was that you?'' I said to the dog

the dog looked happy before saying through a link that we had [ yes master that was me.] As it said that it quietly came up to me, I could tell that we would be best of friends.

As we were getting to know each other the message of Death continued '' I will be quick about your last gift as I'm sure you would like to get to know each over, I will warn you this gift will courts you to feel unimaginable pain for the first through the first couple of hours of receiving it but it will be a great help agest the scythes and the Asuras when you have to battle them. the gift that I am going to give you is the eyes of the lord but slightly downgraded because you won't be able to copy any abilities that you don't have an affinity for. I will put a barrier around your room so your screams won't attract any unwanted attention. also, I will make sure that the pain won't mess up your mental state. this is everything that I have to tell you so bye. ''

As the message finished I felt a massive amount of pain assaulted my eyes. The pain was so bad that I didn't have the experience to go on to describe it. the pain went on for hours but I counted pass out because something wouldn't let me.

As the pain finally subsided I got up from my bed and notice it was covered with sweat. So the first thing I did was tack a shower and swapped my bed sheets. I then looked in the mirror to tie my hair because I prefer it long, when I was looking in the mirror I noticed that my purple eyes were gone and replaced with shining blue eyes.

I had a feeling if I try to imbue mana into them then something will happen so I tried and then my eyes had a red eyerus with lines branching out from it.

''I can see better'' I said because I can see every detail of the things I was looking at.

As I realized that it was taking a huge amount of mana to maintain the eyes I quickly turned them off, they were taking about one percent of my mana per second. As I left the bathroom I saw my new bond waiting at the door and he said [hello master, are you feeling alright?] he ask worriedly.

I looked at him and said while stroking him ''yes thank you for your concern overgrown rover.'' I then looked at him and said '' how about I give you a new name, what about Zeus''

Zeus looked at me in appreciation of my naming choice and said [I love it thank you, master] with his tale wagging.

as we were getting to know each other I heard a show from Art's room


I rushed over with Zeus and best through Art's door and said ''what are you shouting for you will wake up the whole palace!''

and then looked at Tess and Sylviy and said '' what is that?''

''That's my new bond Sylviy and she's a dragon'' he then looked at Zeus and said ''What is that?''

''His name is Zeus and he is a war beast'' I quickly thought of a random race sins he doesn't really have a race in one punch man or our world.

As we wear speaking Tess quickly ran over and berried herself in Zeus's soft fur ''SOOOOOO soft!'' she screamed so did our bonds for totally different reasons.

''so where did your bond come from? and what happened to your eyes?''Art asks me

''last night I was working around the city and I went through an alleyway and found him sitting there like he was waiting for someone and when he saw me he ran up to me I saw that he had his race on a piece of paper on his neck before I could react he sent a ball of light at my chest and I passed out and when I awoke I was in my bed and he was laying next to me and I could hear him speaking in my head. I decided to give him the name Zeus because it suited him. And about my eyes, I don't know but I can see clearer so that's a plus.'' I hate lying to him but I resolved myself to never tell anyone about my past.

-three months later

-POV Max

The days went by fast and before I know it the time for us to level came.

me, Arthur, Tessia, and her family were standing in front of the palace waiting for the carriage while her family was giving us a worm send of Tess herself was surprisingly quiet. As the carriage pull up Tess pulled us into a deep hug while we didn't seem as close as her and Art we have a very strong friendship but in an almost sibling kind of way, unlike the relationship she has with Arthur.

As she broke the hug she quickly ran back into the palace we both know what the hug meant and that is that we will see each other soon.

As we were getting into the carriage virion stop is and handed Artheu a pocket watch and me a ring and said ''they will allow you to get into Elenoir any time so you don't have an excuse not to vist when the teleport gates are open, also it provides proof that your my disciples.'' we both nodded. we both said in ar hearts that we will not disregard the fact that he trusted us and not abuse the fact that we are his disciples to put down others'

As we get to the carriage we saw that we were not the only ones in the carriage. the were three elves that were sitting in the carriage and recognized the one in the middle it was Feyfey. He and Arthur started having a truly hilarious conversation.

As we got to the teleport gate I started having a sense of nostalgia of when we first arrived. As we passed throw the gate I was blinded for a second but for some reason, I could see little purple dots in the instant we were in the gate. As we were getting accustomed to the light all I could her were loud and bustling streets. when my eyes finally got adjusted and I looked out the window all I could see were people doing all different types of jobs. in both lives, I had never seen this many people in one place.


(AN Thank you for reading this chapter and if you are worried about him becoming too overpowered with his new eyes and bond then don't because he will still be careful about using the eyes because of the mana usage but his bond will still be the stam strength of him in the manga but with the strength of the top Asuras he will still have a hard time agest them.)

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