
Eldritch Tyrant

I walk towards the creature, while glancing at Cthylla, who signals that she needs five more minutes for whatever she's doing there.

Well, five minutes to have some fun and see what this creature can do. Cthulhu seems to be really pissed off since he's never done something like that before.

But also, the Followers were much stronger and faster in my old world, and most of them could morph their whole bodies, not like these ones who seem all to be fresh in his ranks.

Maybe he simply lacks power at the moment to make his Followers stronger, and that's why he needs to combine them.

The wound Cthylla gave him in my old world before dying probably still isn't healed yet...

It looks at me unimpressed as I come closer, probably because of the bone balls it got after fusing... So I point the gun at its head and shoot at it to test my ground.

*Bang, Bang*

The bullets connect with its bone-protected head, and it stumbles back a bit before halting and looking at me again.

Yeah, this bone armor is a pain in the ass, and I probably have nothing at my disposal at the moment to kill that thing... I should have stolen the grenade launcher from the brothers.

Well, since I have none at the moment, let's see what Cthylla is planning. If her plan fails too, well then we use plan C and put on our running shoes and get the hell away from here...

I take a few big breaths and make myself ready for a lot of pain, then dash forward. Seeing me, it slashes down with its sword, but I stop and shift my body to the side and evade it.

The sword crashes into the ground and creates a small crater from the insane force the monster has...

When it wants to take it out of the ground, I jump on it and then try to climb its body further to reach its head. However, it swings the sword upwards and catapults me into the air.

I make a few flips in the air and then start to fall again. It sees the opportunity to take me out and wants to send out its right-hand tentacle.

Not wanting to end up as a skewer again, I aim down and shoot at it.

*Bang, Bang, Bang*

Since its whole body and even the tentacles have bones on them, I again can't penetrate it, but after hitting its head, sword, and chest, it stumbles back again.

Immediately I drop the pistol and grab my knife with both hands.

Afterwards, ram it into its chest while using my strength and the momentum from the fall. The knife breaks through the armor, and I can even slide a bit down with it, while cutting its chest.

{Nice try, but you don't even make a scratch on the flesh}, says Cthulhu, and in the next moment, it slams his right-hand tentacle into me and sends me flying backwards.


The bone-hardened tentacle penetrates my chest and creates a huge hole in it.

I can't breathe anymore, and blood fills my throat. However, since I don't need to breathe, I simply endure it and use my feet as brakes to stop the tentacle from crashing me into the wall.

{You... Did you get more resilient all of a sudden?}

Well, it didn't kill me instantly... but the werewolf bite did enhance my body, so maybe my resilience too. I don't know...

But this would explain why I woke up so fast when the female Follower knocked me out at the motel... Normally, it depends on the wound and how long I sleep.

But being slammed through a solid wall should have done enough damage to knock me out for a bit.

I smile a bloody smile at him, then grab the tentacle and want to swing him around. However, suddenly my body freezes, and I can't move.

{This is over. Welcome to a world of constant pain.}

I feel a lot of small tentacles coming from the big one in my chest. They start to drill into my body to hold me in place.

{Scream! Give in and embrace the pain, and beg me to stop!}

"From... this? Don't make me laugh... I watched the earth breaking apart... and died millions of times that day and countless more while floating through the void of nothingness... in comparison to it, this is only a small inconvenience at best..."

I say, while blood starts to come out of my mouth and through the holes the tentacle uses to come out of my body and enter it again.

{Through the void? Who brought you here, and what are you?!}, Cthulhu asks in his monstrous voice and starts to drag me towards him by retracting his tentacles.

The void... after the earth died, all light in space died too, leaving a void of darkness behind. The only thing that stayed was the cold vacuum of space which is not very forgiving to a human's body.

But if you like your bodily fluids boiling inside you while your body bloats up like a balloon and you freeze from the cold, then that place is just right for you.

When I come closer, it lifts its sword arm and is ready to swing it down.

"Who brought me here? No idea... and what am I? The guy who will find a way... to end your miserable existence for good!" I scream and use telekinesis to grab the knife that is still in its chest, then propel it out and stab one of the eyes that was part of the sword.

{Agh!} This surprises the monster, and it still swings down the sword, but at least not with full force. So It slices only through my shoulder and stops at its own tentacle.

{Do you think that would stop me? These are only decorations}, says Cthulhu after calming down, then takes out his tentacle while leaving the sword inside my body.

"No... It was only to piss you off," I say with a smile, and it starts to lift me up angrily.

I know exactly what could bring it down. It was the remaining head of the last Follower that was also the head of this thing. But this information is useless if I can't get past the bone armor.

{Why are you still grinning? You lost...}


Suddenly, a glowing white five-pointed star appears under us, while we are in the middle of it.

After that, a giant eye opens under us and sets us ablaze with white flames.


The entire star starts to burn brightly, and the flames also reach the person who created it.

"Agh!!!" screams Cthylla in pain after being engulfed in flames too, but she doesn't stop pressing her hand on one tip of the star.

The monster turns around towards her, while its bone armor melts, and says,

{My own daughter dares to use the elder sign against me... please, I don't want my daughter to give birth to me while she is in a coma because her vessel is too damaged, so stop it.}

While the thing is occupied, I try to grab the knife, but suddenly the sword arm shoots out like a rocket and drags me with it.

The next moment, it pins me to the wall, and I become literally a burning, moving skewer... So I grab the sword and push myself forward to get out of it.

{Why are you doing this? Did you forget our mission, our goal?}, Cthulhu asks, sounding disappointed, while walking towards his daughter.

Cthylla lets go of the star, and the flames disappear, leaving her completely burned.

Then she says, "You... wouldn't understand it anyway... I lived countless lives among them... only for you to come and take everything away... But now it's different."

{How is this different? You still belong to me!}, says her family friendly father, whose bone armor completely melted, leaving only charred flesh behind and two glowing green eyes.

"It's different because I'm here," I say and grab the pistol with telekinesis, then throw it into my already healed hand.


The monster turns around, and I pull the trigger. Simultaneously, its bone armor begins to regenerate too, but it's not fast enough, and the enchanted bullet hits it directly between the eyes.

They start to flicker, while the creature shakes before falling to the ground motionless.

I pick up the knife and behead the fused Follower to ensure it stays down. Afterwards, I walk towards the unconscious Cthylla.

Even though her healing factor is not as strong as mine, she can still recover from something like this as long as her vessel is not completely destroyed.

She told me that she could even heal her vessel after being beheaded as long as the head is reattached again.

Probably the only thing that can really kill her is her essence, her father...

Arriving next to her, I kneel down and put my hand on her burned skin and chant.

"Invoco spiritum meum ut mihi concedat, sanitatem meam et vulnera mea cum ente coram me participare, et ut sacrificium accipiatur."

Two times, and her wounds begin to wander towards my body while her skin and hair regrow.

Being connected to her like that, I finally realize how special this vessel and soul she fused with are.

The vessel is extremely strong and sturdy for a human, and her soul has such a pure aura that if I were to describe something as holy, then it would be her aura.

"Rasiel... Is he gone?" asks Cthylla after opening her eyes weakly.

Caressing her cheek while smiling at her, I say, "Yes, he is gone."

"I missed you." she says and smiles back, then closes her eyes and falls asleep.

I pick her up and princess carry her to the nearest clothing store because her and my clothes were completely burned.

At the same time, I could sense other people entering the shopping center, so we needed a hiding spot anyway.

Hey, guys, and welcome to the end of the chapter! :)

I have decided to move the romance to the next chapters.

Additionally, all the past world events will be revealed soon!

Stay tuned for more.

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