
Chapter 4: Special Mission

Meanwhile, in the Goa Kingdom...

Inside the royal mansion, a grand hallway stretched before them, adorned with a massive banner displaying an engraved symbol—a yellow daisy accompanied by three feathers.

Standing before the King of the Goa Kingdom was a tall man with short hair on the crown of his head, styled in a striped manner, while his unkempt locks cascaded down his sides. His teeth showed a distinct pattern of missing molars, and he wore a traditional captain's jacket over a white shirt.

"Burn the Gray Terminal before the arrival of the World Nobles. We shall bestow nobility upon them," proclaimed the King of the Goa Kingdom with a commanding voice, addressing Bluejam.

"Yes... Yes, of course! Consider it done," stammered Bluejam nervously, his words rushed.

Upon hearing this, the King of the Goa Kingdom nodded in approval.

Inside a dining shop in the Goa Kingdom, the rest of the "Players" were enjoying themselves. However, Kayla and Joel were not among them. After gathering information, they realized that this mission was going to be extremely difficult.

The World Nobles lived up to their title as the nobles of the world, and their arrival was accompanied by high security measures. Being their fourth mission, the difficulty level was going to be exceptionally high.

Despite their careful planning, Kayla and Joel knew that a direct confrontation with the powerhouses of this world was inevitable.

To make matters worse, this was a tier 5 world, on the verge of reaching tier 6!

The carefree newbies who saw this mission as a vacation had no idea just how deep in shit both Kayla and Joel were.

Even with their preparations, Kayla and Joel knew that they stood no chance against a top powerhouse from a Tier 5 world. At most, they could handle a top powerhouse from a tier 4 world, thanks to their recent upgrades.

"Hey, Joel, do you think we can assassinate the royalty before the arrival of the World Nobles?" Kayla asked, her expression grim.

"No, the mission clearly states that we can only carry out the assassination when the World Nobles are present. And we both know we wouldn't survive the 'punishment' of Miracle. Even if we wanted to survive, the only way would be to use either the Divine Exemption Card or a Filled Bile Flask, both of which we are out of now!" Joel replied after pondering the situation.

A heavy silence fell between them for a moment.

"No! Wait, I have an idea!" Joel suddenly exclaimed, his face brightening.


Meanwhile, Hikari sat on a branch in the forest, attempting to recover his depleted spiritual power. However, the amount he could replenish was so insignificant that it couldn't even restore 1% of his total power.

As the sun reached its zenith, a message appeared in the minds of all the newbies.

[The Protection of The Novice System is Over!]

"The protection time is over," Hikari sighed, realising that dying now meant facing true death.

Upon hearing the prompt, Hikari couldn't help but feel a sense of regret. Initially, his plan was to eliminate the entirety of the Dadan Family the day before. However, fate had played its hand, and the main leaders—Curly Dadan, Magra, and Dogra—had stayed behind to care for Luffy and Ace.

Now, all Hikari could do was lament his luck. It seemed that misfortune followed him wherever he went.

After organizing all the information he had gathered about his enemies and himself, he formulated a rough plan. Although it carried significant risks without the protection of the novice system, he couldn't afford to give up now.

Having already eliminated 90% of the Dadan Family, there were only three members and a dog left.

Hikari stood up, gazing at the noon sky, and muttered, "It will be tonight."

The moon rose high in the sky, casting its silvery glow over the world. In the midst of this dark night, a shadowy figure moved silently.

"What the hell is taking those fools so long!" Curly Dadan shouted angrily at Dogra, waving a club in her hand.

"Those bastards should have arrived with the food by now, and that brat Luffy is missing too. Any news of him, Magra?" Curly Dadan fumed, directing her anger towards Magra.

"No... I haven't heard anything," Magra replied quietly, keeping his head down.

This only fueled Curly Dadan's anger even more.

Unbeknownst to them, Hikari observed their quarrel from atop a tree. In a world devoid of spirit particles, Bakudo number 26: Kyokko proved to be incredibly useful for remaining hidden.

Though his limited spiritual power had significantly depleted, Hikari estimated that he still had around 73% left. It would be enough to deal with the remaining members of the Dadan Family.

Since Luffy and Ace were likely being forced to work for Bluejam, Hikari planned to eliminate the entire Dadan Family tonight if everything went according to plan.

Utilizing Hohō, Hikari swiftly appeared in front of Dadan & Co. The sudden arrival startled everyone present, but before anyone could react, Hikari fired all three bullets from the laser gun towards the heart of Dadan, Magra, and Dogra.

In the blink of an eye, both Magra and Dogra were dead.

Dadan, although shot, struggled to stay on her feet. This surprised Hikari, as the Miracle had granted all the newbies a level 1 firearm skill. Upon closer inspection, Hikari realized that the bullet from the laser gun had missed Dadan's heart, unlike with Magra and Dogra.

Perhaps it was due to this middle-aged woman's quick reflexes or simply pure luck. Hikari didn't know, but he knew one thing—he had to kill her before she could harm him.

As Dadan raised her club to attack, Hikari swiftly unleashed Hadō Number 4: Byakurai.

A powerful beam of concentrated electricity erupted from Hikari's hand, instantly knocking Dadan through the wooden wall.

But that wasn't enough. Dadan's fingers were still twitching. Hikari took out the knife he had received with his pirate clothes, raising the katana-like sword and piercing it through Dadan's heart.

With a final, decisive thrust, Hikari plunged the sharp blade of the katana-like sword into Dadan's heart. Time seemed to stand still as the life force drained from her body. Dadan's breathing grew faint until it ceased altogether, her once lively eyes losing their sparkle, and her once warm lips turning cold.

It was at this moment Dadan Was Dead!

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