
The Tower Method

"why would I need to understand the oath?" Elijah asked; he used the metal knife to cut the mutton into smaller pieces and then took a bite.

'you need to understand the oath to build an understanding of the ability; depending on your knowledge of the oath, some people gain new abilities. Think about what this oath means to you. This is called the tower method.

'We use this method to build up a level of understanding of the oath, and then once you advance this tower will keep growing; this method helps the beginners learn faster.

'. that's enough for today. You should finish eating. Otto said in a deep voice; that sentence had a hint of sadness.

Elijah finished his meal and was about to leave the cafe when he heard a similar name called out. "Jackson, what are you doing to my salad?!" a woman yelled; her voice was the same as that night. (they are the ones that saved me from that fire….should I say something to them…) Elijah paused for a few seconds, then added inwardly.

(Now might not be a good time for them…also why is Otto acting so strange? Didn't he want to make a contract with me? did something happen that caused him to lose his influence over me?… I have to speak to Diana about this…

(…..But they're being hunted, so they might not have the time or the luxury to relax…..I should try to meditate to heal my spirit body).

Elijah walked down the halls. Officers dawned with medals rushed by. They had annoyed expressions on their faces; Elijah walked to his room. The door was open, and no guards were around (is there an attack?) Elijah walked close to the door. He peeked inside to see Amala setting up yellowish candles near his bed. "What are you doing?" Elijah asked.


a few hours ago

It was a sunny morning, and the church was filled with people listening to the pope's teachings. He had short curly black hair that was half-covered with a tall cap he dawned a clergyman robe, and he was well-built. He had the skin color of someone who had spent months at sea.

He had a pair of emerald blue eyes his face was covered in a small layer of wrinkles, but he seemed indifferent to his age, he looked to be in his early forties, but he looked as though he had a lifetime of knowledge.

"Amala, I thought that you would have visited Elijah today…Although it has been a few hours since he has woke up.." a tall woman said. The two watched as the pope talked more about their god Amala However drowned out the noise and then answered, "… Yeah…maybe I will visit him, I need something first; see you in a bit Miss Daly".

Amala left the church and headed into Kings Street. There, she walked into an alleyway. She approached a wall and placed her palms on it: "The all Mighty Life." The wall caved in to reveal a door, and Amala opened the door.

in that moment, she was filled with anticipation (I never thought they would allow me to see them again….why did she give me this code…. I thought they didn't trust me). Amala entered and then went to the back of the bar there wasn't anyone in the bar as of now.

She opened the door to see a small office with leather furniture and a desk close to a window "You guys have pretty good Lost arcs…must have been from a walker," Amala said. The woman at the desk smiled and then said.

"We have pretty good things….so have you decided to trust us?" the woman with long blonde hair and deep blue eyes said with a mysterious tone. "Diana, when you took us to that forest what was the point in that?" Diana paused for a few moments then added, "Since I'm feeling honest today, let's just say that the two of us made a deal, let's just put it as that.

"Have you decided yet, Amala?" Diana added with a grin (why did she have to send such a weird note, plus it was in the middle of the night). Amala groaned then added, "On what terms exactly? What would I gain for this?" Diana got up from the seat and then walked to the window.

Outside, people were walking down below. They had smiles on their faces. Steam locomotives went by "you would gain the answers you want …such as why Didnt they deal with the corruption that was on ELijah in the first place…ever since he joined it I always wondered why the church didn't get rid of him. with my help you can discover the true reason, I have a lot of resource at my disposal" Diana said, she wore a Black button down blouse with hunting gear on her side she looked like a merssernory.

"…so what do you want from this deal?" Amala said in a cold voice Dianan chuckled then said, "Good, what I want is my protection for a short while…our "cult" is currently being hunted, and we need your protection for a while," Diana stated. Amala was in thought for a few moments.

(Of course, they are being hunted…..but don't they have a Stage 4 demigod on their side? Both the church and the inquisitor are powerful between the two, the have 3 stage two, Figueres that they are at a disadvantage, so she is coming to me while also giving me something in return…).

After a few more moments of thought, Amala added, "it's a deal….but I want something."


The present.

"what are you doing, Amala," ELijah asked. He wore a black robe with a black button down shirt with a cheap pair of pajamas.

"Why are you in your pajamas?" Amala asked. Elijah looked down and then added, "They didn't give me a change of clothes so I wore this," Elijah said (plus I never asked them to give me new clothes).

"Anyway, what are those candles for?" Elijah inquired. Amala looked at the candles and then added, "These are what we call ritualist candles..don't worry, I know about you not being able to interact with mysticism for two weeks; I'm just doing a check-up on your spirit body, nothing else".

Elijah closed the door and then walked closer to the bed; once he was next to Amala, she waved her hand in the air. The tension that was in the room was removed but was then filled with a cool chill. Sparks bloomed in Amala's hands as she lit the candles, the smell of olives and pine cones.

"Take off your shirt," Amala said. Elijah looked at her with a confused expression then added, "What does taking off my shirt has to do with my spirit body?" Elijah said. Amala sighed, then continued, "I want you to take off your shirt so that I can check on your spirit body."


'just left up your shirt she is just checking if your spirit body has been severely damaged,' Otto said leisurely.

Elijah complied, then left up his shirt, revealing a six-pack, "take the whole shirt off. I wanna see your back," ELijah complied, then removed his shirt. He was a bit embarrassed, Amala placed her cold hands on his back a cold chill went down his back (make this quick, your hands are cold). Elijah thought.

After a few moments, she removed her hand from his back. "Your spirit body is heavily damaged; I'm surprised you are still moving….for now, rest for a few days, then meditate…" Amala then explained why he should meditate; the two talked for a few hours. She only talked about how the others were doing, such as Cassian and Selena, Selena is going to advance soon.

(The others are doing well; I can't wait to get out of this place. I just have to wait a few weeks)


The Church of Combat.

"so, how was your visit, Amala?" Elliot asked; he wore a Bage button-down shirt with overalls connected to his pants.

"it went quite well. We discussed how you guys are all doing….how did Selena's advancement go?" Amala asked. Elliot smiled and then said, "She has advanced to stage 7 shes now a Scarlet healer," Elliot added. Amala released a sigh of relief and then added.

"Good, after I change, let's go conglutinate her," Amala said; she walked down the long halls and then walked to her room which was in a different wing than the normal rooms. After she entered, she went over to her couch then sat down, her face covered in sweat "How could a person be corrupted so much but has yet to die?, who is keeping him alive?".

Amala thought back to when she touched Elijah back she saw his spirit body it was heavily damaged, but once she looked closer, she saw cracks within his spirit body. If it were on any average person they would have died, but Elijah is perfectly fine. She tried to look deeper in the cracks, but what she saw…..couldn't even be described. Even if she had the words at her tongue, she couldn't quite grasp what she saw.

(I need answers!) Her hands were trembling. She had managed to hide this from both Elijah and Elliot, the fear that she felt, then she thought of something "Why did Bargi nor any of the inquisitors check his spirit body? do they know about it?." Amala mumbled after a few seconds; she went to the washroom and then picked out a change of clothes. She wore a black patterned dress.

Sorry i haven't uploaded in a while I have been very busy with school and stuff.Enjoy the chapter

Alan_Grimlordcreators' thoughts
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