
Delicate Anger (Part 3)

Medical Colony

Give it up to Heero Yuy, he may have been a terrible burden ruining Relena's life with the press right now, but he seemed to be right about her medication. Dorothy's throat felt better than ever. Oh, Miss Relena would be okay. The press got so anxious sometimes. She could have proved them all wrong if Heero hadn't played big shot and intervened. Now Relena was holed up somewhere in the colony, unable to enjoy its luxuries. How unfortunate. Meanwhile, she sucked on her cold drink. Not very long and she'd probably be just fine. Nursing her health and enjoying the colony, she found a hotel to relax in. She kept her eyes out for Relena if she came for help, but it seemed Heero was tending to her still.

Oh well. At least they were getting quality time with each other.


An emergency room. An emergency situation. Even if he hadn't planned for it. Heero always went with one bedroom though, expecting to just pull himself out of a jam. He would have to start getting a bigger room. Like Odin did with him. Relena looked around the room, probably surprised he had it and they weren't running through the streets. That's what he was counting on the authorities thinking too. She had used up a good portion of the front of the small memo pad, asking simple questions he easily answered, including why he asked for Quatre.

"It's a medical colony," Heero answered her. "He has better sway." He moved to the corner over by the computer and started to dig into the information. "He's also the father of Dorothy Catalonia's unborn." Yeah, that got a small reaction too.

He knew about the pregnancy and the abortion details, he didn't need to hear the press' opinion on that. No, what he wanted to know was what they knew about him. RTL had given them information on his past. They knew about Odin Lowe. He tried to dig in deeper, but so far, news just broke. No one was deep enough.

He had managed to keep things about himself quiet, even when he was the 'acclaimed Gundam pilot'. Who was in charge of RTL? Who was Crystalia? "Don't go near the window." She was getting restless and starting to move around. "Relax. They won't find us." She probably still had thousands of questions. Of which, he didn't have many answers to.

"My mother?"

She was using her voice. He got the hint. Relena was good at keeping calm in many situations. Her pacifist words usually made a difference. This time, her words meant nothing. She couldn't use them. She was unaware of why she was being used. All she wanted in the world, was to talk to her mother. "Eventually." Not yet. Too dangerous. They would be focusing in on Miss Dorlain, questioning her about everything. The less she knew, the better and safer Relena's mother would stay. He watched her nod. Good. Except, not good. This whole situation wasn't good.

Unless RTL or the doctor relented the truth, Relena's career and reputation was dashed to pieces. They were on the run though, so neither of those things would be happening. Duties. He wasn't unused to new duties being placed on him. Duties. Giving him something to do. It made it easier to find a reason to keep going. He moved away from the computer. "Lie down on the bed. I'll get you something cold to eat." A nearby local store would probably have something. Although he was on the news, he should be able to snag something real quick in the back. If the situation got bad, he could fight his way out and run until he wasn't followed anymore.

It wasn't real hard to find a place. The cold area was in the back so he snagged something and got out. He kept himself fairly concealed without being too suspicious and headed back. He went to the room, locked the door, placed all of the cold bars in the little fridge area, and then gave her one. "Eat."

She didn't feel like eating.

He continued to hold it out. She was going to eat. Recovery would be hard for someone like her until he got some real medication not laced with anything.

She accepted it this time. Still defunct. About being lied to, about her career, about the pregnancy, or any combination of things.

He went back over to the computer. Her whole life had been over. How had Odin handled that? When he was just a kid. ///Heero: Assurance./// That had meant a great deal to him. He didn't know what he'd been doing, just an orphan of the colonies. Not fully self-sufficient yet. Odin taught him how to survive, how to hold and shoot a gun. Everything he knew to that day was due to him. Assurance. "You'll stay with me. It's too dangerous out there alone and you are carrying my unborn. As long as you follow my lead and any contracts we receive, we'll be fine."

He didn't know if that made her feel any better or not. She seemed to be willing to eat her bar a little better. It'd be hours before Quatre arrived. Maybe even tomorrow. The Winner family should be able to gain access into a medical colony without looking suspicious. Once he boarded, he could get her out. The press wouldn't catch up quick enough to his colony would they? Or should they go all the way back to Earth. Getting trapped on colonies was harder to get out of than getting trapped on Earth. He had no real connections on Earth, no current contracts he was fulfilling down there.

Then again, if any kind of emergency broke out, Relena would be trapped up there. Her family having been all born and raised on Earth, pregnancy would be a risk. Risk of complications rose while she was up there without any test history in her lineage.

It was best to get back to Earth. He still had old contacts that might need something done. In fact, he should probably call out as soon as they started to head out. He could use a hotel room system until he was ready.

He looked back over to the bed. She ate the bar and went fast to sleep. Her body wasn't used to everything they did that day, nor should it be doing all that. She wasn't a couple of weeks pregnant, she had been a couple of months. Similar to that woman, Mei-Lin Wang. Hopefully Wufei took his advice and moved fast. Come on, Quatre.


That Evening

"I'll join you soon," Quatre said to Heero and Relena. He had got them aboard one of the shuttles he went up in with the Maguanacs. They pretended to be picking up medical supplies. Relena didn't look so good and he doubted Heero said much to her about it. They probably spent the night hiding in alleys. He didn't know. The temperature was always decent in the colonies, but he doubted it was in any way more comfortable. Not that he could criticize, he still needed to confront Dorothy Catalonia. He went over toward Rasid. "Take the first shuttle and head out. They should get out as soon as possible."

Dorothy wasn't in the area she was in yesterday. She must be feeling better. That was good. Quatre wandered around briefly as shocking new developments started to come on the screens. ///Quatre: An emergency. Oh no. Was this going to be Revenge of the Lost doing something like they did with Heero?/// He needed to hurry up and find Dorothy Catalonia. He moved through the streets and through the shops, sharing her picture to try and find her faster. Finally getting a positive, he started to head southward. She was just walking around, so it shouldn't be too hard to- "Dorothy?"

It was one of those moments Heero just suffered. Dorothy was in the middle of being arrested. There wasn't anyone around though, they were trying to do it quietly. She wasn't a celebrity like Relena and she wasn't even fighting back, quietly going with it. "Hang on!" Maybe he could get it straightened out? "What are you arresting her for?"

Dorothy tried to keep her head up. "Apparently, even though I was on Earth at the time, I'm responsible for killing a man in the colonies."

"Your fingerprints were found," one of the authorities said. "Come on."

Framed for murder. Even her fingerprints were planted at the scene. Two people. He looked at her. She had no idea what was going on either, but she didn't think it was a huge deal. It would prove to be false, just someone setting her up to her. Fingerprints could be faked and video could easily prove she was on Earth at the time. However, Revenge of the Lost didn't goof around with Relena Dorlain.

It could get sorted out. It should. Getting involved would lead to bad things. Except, once again? Revenge of the Lost didn't goof around. His thoughts bounced back and forth. ///Quatre: She'd been sick. How often did she leave her house? Could they manipulate her own security camera dates? Isn't that the only real proof?/// No, he couldn't risk it. No matter how simple it seemed.

He apologized before he took out the two authorities, grabbed one of their pairs of keys, undid her cuffs and started to run with her.

"Quatre Raberba Winner, what are you doing?" She complained. "This will only make me look guilty!"

"The people who set you up are very good," Quatre responded. "This isn't the time to assume justice is on your side. Hurry up and follow me to my shuttle!"

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