
The Guys

Did you ever wonder how the world would end? Everyone has before, but no one thought it would happen the way it did.

     It all started when Lucas Colt Simms was elected as president. He did great for his first year the rest, they were hell. 

     I walk through the woods at the edge of the highway, close enough to see it, but far enough not to be seen.

     The world has turned upside down. People killing each other on a daily basis, stealing and raiding everything. 

     The streets of towns used to be gray, they now are red and literally run with blood.

     I try to avoid places where people would be, but that doesn't always work.

     I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of voices. I quickly and quietly climb a tree and watch the three men walk by arguing.

     "We're lost." A guy with black hair and blue highlights says

     "No, we aren't." One with black hair and green streaks says.

     "We are, don't let him lie to you." Another with black hair and red highlights says.

     I smile and drop down behind them. "Maybe you're lost maybe you're not." I say leaning against a tree.

     They jump and turn towards me. Green streaks points a gun at me.

     " Who are you and what do you want?" He ask watching me carefully

     "I'm Jess and I may be able to help you guys find whatever it is you're looking for." I say calmly looking the guys over.

     Red highlights makes green streaks lower his gun.

     "I don't think she'll hurt us. She had a chance to kill us and she's really calm right now." Blue says a little nervous.

     "You're right, I'm not going to hurt any of you, unless I have to." I say pushing myself off the tree and walking towards them.

     "Hold it right there." Green says pointing the gun at me again. 

I roll my eyes and take the gun from his hands.

     "You really need to clean this thing and fix the sights." I say checking the gun out.

     They look at me shocked. Red smiles.

"I'm Deak, the gun your holding belongs to Jake, and this is Sammaul." Deak says pointing at each of them in turn.

     "Nice to meet you guys. Where are you heading?" I say looking Deak over.

     "We're heading to Eden." Jake says as I hand him his gun back.

     I look at them. "That's not a place you want to go. Trust me." I say.

     They look at each other than at me. "What do you mean?" Sammaul asks.

"We were told that Eden's the safest place to be." Jake says.

     I shake my head. "Colt is feeding lies to anyone who isn't already in the city." 

They look at me confused. "Colt?" Deak asks

     I laugh at myself. "Sorry, Lucas. I know him as Colt or 45." I say shrugging.

     Deak looks at me with a flash of something in his eyes. "How do you know Lucas?" He asks.

     I tilt my head and look at him. "That's for me to know and you to find out," I say, "What do you guys know about Eden?" 

     "Just that it's supposed to be safe." Jake says glancing at Deak.

     "You'd be safer in the middle of a bunch of hungry tigers." I say 

     They look at me curiously . "How do you know?" 

     I take a deep breath. "I left there and I don't plan on going back. Alive at least." I say fighting the memories of all the horrible things that happened to me. 

     "Okay, want to camp with us for the night, since we're here and it's getting dark?" Deak asks.

     I nod and climb the tree to get my things. They watch me and their eyes get big when they see my weapons.

     " What?" I ask as I place my duffle bag on the ground.

     "That's a lot of weapons for one person." Jake says.

     I smile and nod. "I took them when I left Eden." I say.

     "Why?" Deak asks after we get settled.

     "Why what?" I say looking over at him and taking in his features. He has freckles perfectly sprinkled across the bridge of his nose, long shaggy black hair with red highlights, and purple eyes. 

      "Everything. Why leave, take guns, and head out alone?" He says curiously.

I sigh and sit up. I sit criss cross and look at him.

     "I was like you guys. I was heading towards Eden, when I was attacked and almost killed. Colt's soldiers found me and took me to Eden with them. He saved my life and I owe it to him. He wanted me to stay for certain reasons-" I say before I get interrupted.

     "What reasons?" Jake asks.

     "He wanted me for my weapon skills, military training, and to be his. I told him no for all three, but ," I say and take a deep breath, "I left after I was healed enough to leave and I've been running ever since."

     "After you were healed? How did he know about your military training and weapon skills?" Sammaul asks.

     "I was healed then. Lucas was abusive when we were together, but he's changed from what the soldiers have told me." I say laying down.

     "The soldiers? I thought you said you left and he was after you." Jake says.

     " He is after me. I've killed and tortured a few of his guards for information." I say as I look up at the stars.

     They nod and go quite.