

I licked my lips and started talking. "Uhm, about yesterday, I actually wanted you to get off me so I deviced that 'confession' means and it worked."

"I knew that all along. Now, I know you have something more important to say. Besides, you're strange. First, you dress strangely. Then, you have a device stuff and lastly, you forgot about the ritual. I have every reason to suspect you." he concluded.

I knew lying at this time isn't a good idea. So I decided to tell what happened to him.


Hi everyone. Thanks for even creating time to check out this book. I know I'm kinda slow but the reason I'm slow is due to the exams I'm taking but not to worry, I'm finishing my papers this week.

So as from the 26th of this month, I'll drop at least 5 chapters per day.

Share, like, comment to share your thoughts on the story and support. Thanks and love you so much ❣️


I narrated how I missed the bus to falling into the puddle and landing to the palace. I trusted him so I told him. So far, he'd been nicer than I expected.

"Wow, what prove do have? " he asked suspiciously

"Really? Is my phone and clothes not more than enough?" I asked in surprise.

"Well, what is a phone? Besides, one can never really tell if you're a spy from my enemies." he retorted.

"Okay! You asked for prove and I'm gonna show you." I'm so mad right now. How can he not believe such a fact.

I brought my mobile phone from my bag and sat next to him. I turned the screen on and went to my photos.

Giving the phone to him I said," There look at all the pictures there. You'd tell me if it resembles your village."

He took the phone and glanced through the pictures. There're pictures of me in highschool, dancing studio, my family plus my grandparents, me and my bestie, me in last summer camp and some random pictures of Las Vegas.

"I believe you" he said after a long silence. "But what is my business with it?"

"Well, thanks to you I became empress giving me an upper edge. I want to leave this place and since you're emperor. I was wondering if you could try to find someone who knows about time travelling. Maybe a sage or something?" I said in one breath.

He laughed so much that his face turned red. "And what makes you think I'm going to help you?"

"Because I trust you." I said confused. What the hell is funny to this guy?

He laughed even more. "Really? I thought I'm a cruel and indifferent emperor. What changed your mind?"

"Firstly, I don't know you from since so I don't know your behavior. Besides, I've not been treated cruel by you." I bit my tongue after that statement.

He's face turned cold. "Finally, you've got the guts to say the truth to my face."

Yeah, he onced asked me about something like this.

"I really don't know the meaning of cruel. I'm sorry."

His face couldn't get any redder from laughing. "Are you kidding me? The lady I was to get married to is such a dumbie. You answered wittingly when we were in public and told me your mind in private. You're fit to be empress. You've got the brains and grace. Although, I accept I'm cruel but no one has said it to my face. You're the first and you're my empress, so why should I let you go?"

I was dumbfounded. Why should he not let me go? "We obviously don't like each other. So when I'm gone fake my death and get married to the lady you were supposed to marry. If not for your mother, I would have been home with my fake parents."

"You've got guts and I like that." he said amused.

Sure, this man is crazier than I am.

"I'll help you but about trusting me, don't try it. I love disappointing people." he stood up and left only after winking at me.

Oh, I'm so torn. I wish I could strangle him for making a fool out of me but at least he said he believes and was going to help me giving me more than enough to trust him. But, he's also the same person who said he loves disappointing people.

"Arrgh!!!!" I screamed. My two loyal maids came in.

"Empress, are you okay?" they asked in unison.

I layed my head " Yeah, I'm fine." and slept off.

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