Have you ever read that meme that said something like, "I don't run, so if you see me running, it is because something is after me."? Yeah, that was how I was right now. And I knew that it wasn't helping in the least.
I had been on enough forensic investigations in the forest to know that I was leaving an easy trail to follow in my haste to get away from whatever heat signature I saw a few minutes ago. Hell, I might as well be holding up a sign saying, "Find me at the end of the yellow brick road." Especially to a seasoned hunter.
And if it was a Saalistaja following me, then I needed to be a lot smarter than I currently was.
I stopped suddenly and collected my thoughts. I had never been a hunter myself, although I might have had more than one fantasy about hunting in a forest with one of my more annoying co-workers. But when his body didn't show up the next day to work… well, I wasn't willing to take the chance.