
Nan's group situation (2)

Signing a definitive agreement with Nan's group wasn't difficult. In the group's first 20 minutes together, they worked out a complex agreement involving Vicente's requests, but also important details for both sides.

Vicente, Rex, and Larissa would travel with Nan's group and maintain a partnership until they reached the fairy Nan's group's home, Amea.

In Amea, they could follow Nan's group's recommendations or not, and the fairy's group would have to help them avoid problems with the force she belonged to, in case the trio decided not to join that group and members of it decided to retaliate.

This help from Nan's group in Amea also included keeping his powers and origin a secret from anyone who didn't need to know.

Because of the agreement in question, Vicente told his real name to Nan's group, no longer so worried about repercussions related to knowing this information.

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