
Jisuk Yoo

"It was really nice to see Ms. Jinah after so long." Inhyuk said he had a wide smile across his face.

"Yes. It was quite nostalgic seeing Unnie after so long." Jiyoung said, but her expression wasn't as happy as Inhyuk's. She gave a small smile, but then her face turned serious.

Inhyuk noticed this and asked what was wrong.

"What did you think of her son, Owen?"

"Hmm..." Inhyuk's expression turned serious as well, and he said, "That kid seems a little troublesome."

"I agree." Jiyoung said

"I don't know what his motives were, but he has used his ability about three times since he came here. I didn't feel anything wrong or malicious, which is why I let it be. I also investigated the places he used his ability, but there was nothing wrong." Inhyuk said

"Yeah. He used his ability just now before leaving as well."

"I sensed that as well."

"Whatever he did, we need to keep an eye on him until we are clear about his intentions. Also, after using his ability, he first had a horrified look on his face, but then he smiled. So he clearly did something. We need to figure out what that is." Jiyoung said

"Leave that matter to me. I will take care of it. But other than that, he also seemed incredibly powerful for someone his age. I guess the rumors about him defeating Duke Grayne and becoming the World Awakener Academy's numberr one wer actually true." Inhyuk said

"Yeah. He is the same age as Jisuk, but he is stronger than him as well." Jiyoung said

Right now, the only thing running through her head were the possible motives behind her former teacher bringing her son to this place.

After all, Sung Jinah had visited Korea a few times before, and even then, it wasn't as if she didn't have a son, but she decided not to bring her family with her.

So what could make her do it this time?

Jiyoung ordered Inhyuk to keep a close eye on both of them, as it wasn't uncommon for an awakened one to exploit the group they were previously associated with.

Inhyuk nodded and was about to leave the room when Jiyoung asked where Jisuk, her younger brother, was.

"He decided to spend the night at Jiwoo's along with Wooin." 

"I see," Jiyoung said with a small smile on her face.


[Owen POV]

The next morning, I forced myself to wake up at 6 and do my morning routine. I can't miss my morning routine. Not unless I am drunk or hungover.

I couldn't go to sleep on time last night and ended up staying up until 3 in the morning. 

Normally, if I were back in my own house, I wouldn't have any trouble sleeping, but it is completely different if I am in a new environment. 

Also, I could barely think about anything but Jiyoung Yoo's might. 

I really want to fight her as soon as possible, but I think just straight-out asking her would be quite rude. Even if her powers are unknown to the world and Mom is in a good relationship with her, she is still the leader of a small but incredibly powerful group.

Also, all of this has made me compare the two of our groups, and without a doubt, the Shinhwa group is slightly stronger than ours. 

Grandpa can probably match her for a while, but he will eventually lose as well. The rest of the people in this group, however, are weaker than our group's, but one person is all that is needed to make the difference. 

After all, numbers hold no advantage against pure overwhelming strength.

I want to fight her as soon as possible.

I have been stuck at this level for far too long. 

I also need to focus on creating my own force control. I can't just keep on using my family's force control forever. 

My ability isn't the same as theirs in the first place. 

My ideal force control should allow me to flow my haki throughout my body. When I reach that level, I will be able to use internal destruction, which will not only increase the power behind my punches but also make them much more deadly.

The thing is, I have been lacking a good sparring partner to do this. I have always experienced an incredible amount of growth in my haki during battle rather than training. 

I first awakened Haki mid-battle as well, and it has only improved during the fights. But I have lost any good sparring partner who could help me evolve my Haki further.

Dad, Grandpa, and Mom, and everyone else in my group that I know is stronger than me, never go all out against me and only use enough strength to slightly pressure me.

On the other hand, if I pick a fight with someone who is on their level but not related to me, they would just aim to kill me, and I don't really want to risk that unless I absolutely have to.

But, with Jiyoung or even Inhyuk, I could have them come at me with the intention to crush me but not kill me. Only then will I be able to bring out my power and evolve during the fight.

In all the fights that I have fought till now, I have never really used my powers to their full extent to make them tougher for me in hopes that it will help me increase the level of my haki, but it just doesn't work that way.

What I need is a moment when I am completely helpless and none of my tricks, strategies, or tactics work, and the only option left for me is to surpass my limits there and then. That is the only way for me to become stronger.

'Let's just train for now. I am sure the opportunity will arrive sooner or later.' 


Later, at noon, I went to Jiyoung Yoo's office once more.

Mom was already there, and apparently the two of them wanted to introduce me to someone.

"I am here. Sorry for being late." I said this as I walked into the office.

Jiyoung got up from the sofa in her office along with another dude and walked closer to me.

"Hello again." She said. "How was your first night in Korea?" She asked

"Great. I like the vibe of this country. It feels a lot more peaceful than at home. For today, though, I was just planning to do some sightseeing."

"I see. Then I won't keep you for very long. I just wanted to introduce you to someone." She gestured for the other dude to come forward. "This is my younger brother, Jisuk Yoo. I figured the two of you would get along considering you are the same age as him."

"Alright. Hi. Nice to meet you." I said that and brought my hand forward.

He looked at my hand in annoyance at first and gave a cold look as if to try to intimidate me, but stopped doing that as he received a glare from Jiyoung.

"...Likewise." He quickly shook my hand.

Why are all the awakened teenagers so rude?

"Since you are going sightseeing, I am sure you wouldn't mind a tour guide, right? Jisuk and his friends will keep you company and guide you around town." Jiyoung said

'So I am under surveillance. Makes sense. I have used my abilities numerous times since coming here. I am sure they are all concerned.'

"I don't mind having a tour guide, but I was planning on going with my mother, so it might become a little icky if a few teenagers will be hanging out with us." I said.

"I have some business to attend to today, so I can't go with you today, Owen." Mom said

"Hey. I thought we came here to put me in a good mood." I said

"I know. It will only take a few days. I will go with you afterwards, okay?"

"Fine," I said with a little hesitation.

I knew whatever business she came here for must be an important one. So it's better to finish it before relaxing.

"Let's go." I said and tapped Jisuk's chest. But I remembered how this is just the rigt opportunity to ask that question so I turned around.

"Oh, before I go, there is something I need to talk to you about." 

"What is it?" Mom asked

"Not you Mom. Ms. Jiyoung." I said and I continued after she looked at me. "What I am about say is going to sound very rude and down right disrespectful so I want you to know that I am only saying this with the best of my intentions."

"What is it Mr. Knight?" Jiyoung asked

"I want to have a spar with you." I said

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