

Ten years had passed since the birth of Momo and she was not the only child that had been born over that period of time.

There was Ichigo and Haruma who were twins and were born around a year after Momo.

Ichigo and Haruma both possessed pure purple eyes without pupils, Ichigo had blonde hair while Haruma was born with black hair like his mother.

More than a year after there was another girl that was born into the family which was named Chieko, she had blood red eyes with black rectangle shaped pupils with black hair.

One final child was born among the family two years later which was the black haired youngest male among them who had possessed ordinary looking white coloured eyes with black pupils named Tokito.

While Momo was ten years old, the twins were nine, Chieko was seven and Tokito was five years old.

Each of the children had inherited some kind of traits from their mother or father's special eyes or they did not possess anything special about them at all.

Some may have manifested early or been free to use from birth but it was not the case for everyone.

Tokito was seen as a failed creation along with Momo who had both failed to show signs of manifesting any kind of special abilities.

Chieko was seen as the greatest success due to her being born with the already unlocked Blood Dragon Eye without needing to access it through undergoing a great deal of stress.

Ichigo and Haruma were seen as just as successful due to them both possessing the same type of clear eyes as their mother but with a slight variation to the colour of their eyes which were purple just like their father.

Chieko had a better sense towards iron and blood from all around her to manipulate in her present state while the twins had gained the ability to see the chakra and blood in the bodies of others when they activated their eyes just like the White Eye.

One variation had shown to be excellent for offensive purposes while the other would be considered better than the original for its sight abilities.

Tokito was not completely a failure just like his siblings even if his eyes had yet to look special in any way due to something their father had done to test each of them at a young age.

It begun with Momo who he placed under hypnosis and it had been successful so she had been unable to resist his control.

Upon testing it further with his other children, he had found that the others were less influenced by his hypnosis and had a high amount of resistance towards it so they had been placed more highly on the children that he favoured.

Momo was controlled to train just as hard as the others around her and to study to make up for her flaws while her siblings were given much better lives like they were being treated as princesses and princes.

Momo was covered in sweat and her hands were full of calluses while there was a little blood on the handle of the wooden sword that she had swung towards a training dummy. "Ha.."

There was a thud that followed as she continued to hit the dummy in front of her and even when she was past her limit, she kept attacking it like she was possessed and did not notice her fatigue.

There was someone watching nearby who had sighed. 'How many times is this now? She is going to make herself sick again.'

Many had tried to stop her or interrupt her training but they had failed to do so since she was too focussed on carrying out what her father had ordered her to do.

There was little attention paid to those around her and she kept going until she finally collapsed from overexerting herself without resting.

A figure appeared and picked her up before carrying her back to her room where her wounds were attended to.

"Sigh… why is the lord so cruel to the young miss.."

"Quiet or you may disappear like the others."


"It is only the young miss and you here so I trust that you will not go telling anyone what I said."

"Okay buddy."

Everyone knew that the first miss of the family did not speak to anyone so their words would not reach the ears of others so they only had to worry about others telling on them for doing or saying something wrong.

There had been people who had lost their jobs or disappeared for various reasons in the past and a lot of the reasons were usually due to them speaking out against their master or interfering with how the lord raised his children.

There had been several deaths after people had shown pity towards Momo as they tried to offer their help or tried to make her rest.

That was how cruel their lord was and they could only learn to ignore what was happening in front of their eyes and not become affected by it so that they could survive as they worked for their master and his family.

Anyone that had entered the walls and worked for the family were unable to leave to prevent information leaking out so those that did not know about that did not know that those who had been fired never really got that far before dying mysteriously.

There were many secrets that needed to be kept within the walls of the Ryu household so most that entered were put under light hypnosis so that some failsafes were in place to prevent leaks but there would always be those that would be foolish enough to invoke the wrath of their master.

Ryu Momo was the first miss of the family that received the most attention since she often stood out and overworked herself while the others were closely guarded by their master who guided their training personally and kept their abilities hidden from outsiders.

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