
Truly blessed

Jia Li moved her fingers while her eyes showed slight movements. As she gained consciousness, the moments before fainting flashed in front of her eyes. "No... Xianwu!" She shouted his name, causing him to awake with a jolt, whose head rested on the mattress over his arms. 

"Li Li," Xianwu reached out his hand on the top of her head and he caressed it tenderly. "I'm here," he whispered. 

Jia Li opened her eyes finally and peered at Xianwu's face. "Are you al-right?" she asked. "I am alive." A faint smile graced her lips, which disappeared soon as Xianwu almost cried hugging her. 

"Why did you do it?" He closed his eyes tightly while sobbing. Xianwu never cried like this before. He was scared thinking he would lose Jia Li like his father. "You weren't supposed to take that stab. I was worried to death," he stuttered while weeping. 

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