
BURNING DESIRE all I want is you

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It was a beautiful morning after a long night for Clara, today is are scholarship exam which she applied for one month ago, it's not like her family can't afford her school fees but she prefer the scholarship a lot.

"honey are you up, your exam start in 30 minutes dear"she heard her mother yell from downstairs

"wait WHAT!!!"she shouted when she recall what her mother just said, then her eyes draft toward the clock Infront of her

"HELL NO!!!" she yank away from bed and ran toward the bathroom in a jiffy

"how could I have slept for so long" she mumbled while brushing her teeth, that's Clara for you she sleeps early and woke up late that's her daily routine

Her mother was in the living room praying to God that Clara should not attend the exam, is not like she did not want her to study but she did not want her to apply for scholarships, entering a school through scholarship is good and bad, you will be bullied by your junior,have told her so many times but she never listened, she has passed through this and know how it feels but did not want her daughter to follow that foot step , but her prayer was pointless when she saw her coming downstairs all dressed up

"why are you doing this to yourself?"she look at are daughter with pity

"I know you purposely didn't wake me up on time"she reply are mother with either angry or sad tone, her tone was twist

"Clara when all this start don't asked..."she did not allow her mother to finish before she dash out of the house, is not like she's rude, she is just running out of time

She quickly called a taxi "BRIGHT HIGH SCHOOL PLS" she said as she sat down "okay ma'am" the driver reply her , the car was moving a bit fast but not up to what she want "can you pls speed up a bit" she begged cause she is running out of time "are you okay with that" he asked her through the rare mirror but come across her worried and nervous look while checking her watch and nod

on getting to the school gate, she saw student coming out looking disappointed like ever "what could have probably happen" she asked herself

she ran inside and went to the hall where are exam is meant to take place but saw no one there

"wait WHAT!!! no no no no it can't be true"she said and ran out straight to the principal office on getting there he isn't around "it looks like nature is playing trick on me it can't be true, they can't just finish exam just like that" she thought has she walked downstairs trying are best not to cry

"HEY!!!!!" she tripped as someone shout behind her but the person was fast to drag her back before she falls

"are you nut? you scared me" she shouted while putting her hand on her heart

"am sorry" the girl apologize for her childish behaviour

"it's okay" she assured the girl "and by the way who are you?" she asked quite surprised by how the girl approach her

"My name is Ella Stone" she introduced herself stretching her hand out for handshake which Clara accepted responsible

"and I am... you don't have to introduce yourself self I know you" Ella cut her off

"you are Clara William right?"She asked while she nod

"but-t- how did you know my name" she asked a bit confused

"you don't have to be scared, am just one of your followers on YouTube"Ella said smiling

"ohhhh" is all what she could said

don't be surprised Clara is a singer but not quite popular only few people know her, that is why she applied for scholarships in this school to upgrade her music, she did not want to be a celebrity she just want to be herself

BRIGHT HIGH SCHOOL is the biggest music school in the whole of California also filled with young popular artist and dancers, it's her dream school so that she will be able to meet a lot of celebrity.

"you came for the scholarship exam right?"Ella asked which drawn on her that she has missed her exam

she sat down on the nearest chair and started crying which make Ella confused and worried at the same time

"what happened?"she asked worried putting her hand at Clara back to comfort her

"I failed myself , by waking up late,by missing my exam this will only make that woman happy I failed Ella" she said crying even more Ella was at first confused but later understand and started laughing, Clara was taken back by her sudden reaction

"am- m sorry" Ella said in the mist of her laugh

"Clara the exam was postponed not yet taken" Ella informed after she calm down

"are you for real?" she asked then she remembered when she entered the school student was leaving with disappointed look then it drawn on her that Ella is saying the truth

"would I be lying to you, am saying the truth"Ella assured her

"come on clean your tears now and let grab something to eat" she said to her trying to change her mood

"where are we going to eat?"she asked after putting herself together

"in the school cafeteria of course"Ella reply a bit shyly but Clara did not notice it

"you know where it's?"Clara asked a bit surprised

"I know ever corner of this school"She reply again shyly that's when she notice

"why is she shy....she thought to herself

"but how did you get to know this huge place in a day?"Clara asked trying to clear her mind

"that's a story for another day okay, let go"she said as she drag her to the cafeteria

getting to the cafeteria they were dumbfounded by the look of it a round of four chairs and a table in the middle those chairs are not made of wood they are made of glass, on top of the table was a vase of flowers, a tea kettle and cups, a bottle of wine and champagne, a basket of goodies like (chocolate, biscuits, cheese and lot more) on top of each table, student are still in the cafeteria "i guess the late comers

...Clara thought within herself

they look around for a while before they decided to settle down and eat, they were about to sit when a loud scream was heard outside the student was screaming like a wonderful person has arrived

"they are here...Ella said and ran out as well "who is here..... inorder to clear my thought I ran out as well

a different type of four car drove in to the school compound and pack beside their selves, they came out one after the other, the first person came out on seeing his face five girls fainted in a row, he has a curly blonde hair, sharp jawline with pointed nose, he is putting on a Jean and a white shirt, a white Snickers and a sunglasses which give him a bad boy look he was putting on a playboy smile while he thug his hand in his pocket.

The second person came out but this time girls don't faint they just scream like ever before, he was putting on the same cloth has the first person is just that his own shirt was blue and Snickers as well, he has a deep brown hair, round face and long ear, he was flowing kisses to the girls

the third person came out as well there is nothing particular about him, he is putting on a cold face

the last of them came out holding flower, he walk up to a girl and give her the flower which she started crying and hug him, I could guess that's girlfriend

the four of them walked in a row with the one with blonde hair at the front, while the girls keep screaming then suddenly he stop moving and face a boy among the student while every where becomes silent as ever

"did you do what I asked you to do?"he asked with a cold voice but the boy was trebling with fear

"no- no- not yet sir" the boy strutted with fear he put his hand on the boy shoulder while he move back in fear

he giggle and stretch his hand to the back someone pass him a cut of soda which he pour on the boy school uniform a gasped was heard among the crowd and suddenly he kicked him in the stomach which sent him flying hitting his back on the wall

Clara sand where she's boiling with anger, one thing she hate most is bullying, but who did he think he is to bully someone else, when he kicked him she wants to stopped him but Ella stopped her telling her not to interfere

"have told you times with out number never violates my message" the blonde boy said and kicked him again which make him lose consciousness

he face the student who all move back in fear "same goes to you all" he said and turn

he was walking toward her direction looking at him alone is making her boil inside, who did he think he is to boss people around, their eyes met she look at him and hiss and walk pass him

"stop"he said but she did not listen she keep walking "STOP!!" He shouted which called all the student attention on us, she stop moving and turn, she met with his angry eyes even though he is wearing sunglasses she could see his eyes

"uhh you called"She said acting innocent

"no one dares to move when am walking around them" he said with does disgusting voice she don't want to hear

"that's no one not me" she said infecting some anger in him

"And who are you?"he asked getting pissed off by her

"who I am doesn't change the situation here, and for your information you can boss people around but not me, unless you will see how psycho I can be"she warned him and walked away

This is what her mother always said, getting into a big school through scholarship will make your life worst but she is not the type that allow people to bully her and get away with it though

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