

I woke up with the sun shining on my face. Some rays of sunshine broke through the curtain that was left open. I rolled off the bed stretching myself in the process and fell. I groaned because I hit my elbow. I stood up took myself out of the bed sheets then went to the bathroom to have a quick shower so that I can do move my sleepiness. I took a warm shower then I went back to my room to pick my outfit for the day. I will do some black jeans and a white crop top with a black jacket on top. I wore slippers then I went downstairs. I found Mom preparing for breakfast and dining in the living room finishing up what we had to go back and put them in a place where we can just easily take them out of their house into the truck.

" hey honey. Good morning" Mom greeted me as she saw me coming into the room

"Good morning Mom. What are you preparing for breakfast?" I asked her

"I'm making a sponge cake so that we can have it," she said

" I can only assume that it doesn't have cream. Mom you know I love icing cream.

What if I make the icing cream and put it aside so that whoever wants it can just take a scoop of it." I suggested

" yeah we can do that." she replied


I went to take the equipment needed to make the cream. I quickly whipped cream in a bowl and then put it in a piping bottle. I went to the sitting room where Dad was.

" hey honey bear. Did you sleep well?" he greeted

"Yes Dad I slept well. What about you?" I replied

"Yes I slept well, thank you. Did you pack your things?" he asked

"Still in the process." I replied while awkwardly laughing. " I'm just going to have my breakfast then I'll finish up packing."

"Okay then."

I then went back to the kitchen I met Mom on the way coming from upstairs. She

went to where Grey was.

" yay cake!" Grey shouted while clapping his hands as they entered the kitchen.

" yes yes cake." Mom replied

We all laughed. I took the things and then set them on the dining table. Soon we finished eating breakfast then I removed the plates from the table to put them in the kitchen sink for washing. I quickly wash the plates and then went back upstairs.

Reaching my room, I took out my phone and then check my social media accounts to see if we had any messages and checking for any updates. As I was looking at my phone I was reminded of Kara. It's been a long since I've talked to Kara and she was usually the one home I used to talk to. And now that we kind of broke off our friendship they were not too many messages on my phone. Kind of sucks. It kind of sucks now that I think about it I need to make new friends.

I'm not going to lie I'm nervous about the new town that we're moving to. What are the people going to be like, we like to get along with them and would I like the town? I guess I have to see it for myself. I put my phone on the charger on my nightstand then I started packing my things. Lunchtime came and we were all done packing and Dad said we should go to have a luncheon. We went to a nearby restaurant to have the meal. We ordered our meal.

" you look nervous." mom's pointed out as we waited for the meal.

" is it that obvious?" I asked

" yes it is and I already know you so I noticed. You nervous about the moving?" she asked me

"To be honest yes I am nervous about moving. You know New town, new people. It's pretty a big change. Well, you two look just fine."

" don't worry everything is going to be alright... if you let them be." she added with a flat face.

" dude wow, Mom!" I laughed. " you just had to bring that up right? You know I'm a fine woman, a fine teenager for that matter. What are you trying to imply Mom?"

" I'm just saying, if you let things be as it is it's going to be okay."

"It's not like I cause things to be like that. They just happen. I have no control over such.

"Are you sure about that?"

" of course. You don't get it do you? You have to look out of the box Mom, and you too Dad. I told you no matter what I do things always find a way to make it tough for me. You have to understand."

" we hear you, honey. I hear you." Dad said

Our food arrived and we ate. Going back home the truck was waiting for us outside of a house, well soon to be not our house. They packed Our furniture into the truck and then they took off to town while we took Dad's car. The ride took 2 hours to reach the place.

Reaching the place, I got out of the car and then stood out to look at the town. We were standing outside of our new house. I just wanted to let out the air I was holding in my lungs the whole ride I was silent. I stood on the veranda with my hands on the rails then started singing and shouting in my not-so-beautiful voice.

" yeah, I'm going to take my horse to the Old Town Road I'm gonna ride till I can't no more!" I sang loudly

" what are you doing?" Mom asked

" singing my lungs out." I replied

" you sure do know how to make a lot of trouble. You just got here and you're already starting to make noise?" Mom asked

" oh come on Mom take it easy." I flipped her off

"Let's sing let's sing." Grey came around the corner shooting.

" let's do that!" I took Grey's hand and then stood with him. 'Yeah I'm going to take my horse to the Old Town Road I'm going to ride till can't no more "

" going to take my horse Old Town Road going to ride I can't no more!" Grey sang with me.

He started dancing.

" wait wait wait, I'm going to take that speaker okay? Wait for me here." I told Gray

I run to where I put my backpack to take out my speaker then I ran back upside. I think when I get to the speaker to connect it to my phone. Old Town Road started singing then Grey started dancing. My mom laughed seeing him dancing. Dad came around the corner watching us dancing.

" I can only assume that I wouldn't persuade anyone to help me with the unpacking right?" Dad asked

" I will be there dad, will help you" I replied to him.

He smiled and then went back inside to finish up the unpacking. Some of our neighbors came outside to look at us and some just watched through the Windows. We sort of started helping Dad with the unpacking and by the time we finished

evening had come.

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