
Chapter 30: Red Gate & An Unforseen Variable

A/N :

" " : Dialogue,

' ' : Thought,

[ ] : System, Akasha, Minerva,

"Italicized text" : Telepathy,

{ }: Parallel Wills,

« » : Artificial Intelligence,

| | : Sung Jin-Woo's System Panels, Sung Jin-Woo's System Messages.


Sung Jin-Woo POV

Taking some hours to rest from the mental fatigue I had gotten from the Class Change Quest, I was woken by my mom, who asked me to follow her to Jin-Ah's school.

I took out some money from the bank, got a haircut and a nice business suit, before we eventually headed to her school. My vastly improved appearance attracted a lot of attention from students and staff alike. Even Jin-Ah was surprised at my appearance.

Mom and I went to the Jin-Ah's counselor. My mom was feeling a bit nostalgic as this same school is my alma mater. Upon reaching the counselor's office, we knocked and were told to enter. The teacher I saw was a kind looking middle-aged woman who I had never seen during my time as a student, showing that she's most likely a new staff member.

She told us that Jin-Ah had no personality issues or failing grades. As a matter of fact, Jin-Ah had shown herself as a model student. She asked if we were aware that Jin-Ah was aiming for a medical college and we confirmed that we knew that. I guess Mom had been talking with her whenever she had the chance.

Close to the end of the meeting, she asked us a question that came out of left field. "I've heard that you are currently working as a Hunter, Mr Jin-Woo. If Jin-Ah was determined to have awakened abilities, would you push her to do Hunter work?" "No." While the question was sudden, I had long since made my stand on such a thing. Mom had already lost Dad and I'm technically always at risk with my own raids, so I'm not going to push such danger onto her or Jin-Ah.

She sighs and tells me of one of Jin-Ah's classmates and friends that had awakened as a Hunter and was fully investing themselves in hunting, to the point of truancy. I asked who it was that she was referring to and she told me a name I didn't expect. "Her name is Han Song-I. And from what I heard, she received the lowest rank"

I had seen that name among the hunters that Jin-Ho had put in the raid team. I asked for an image, just to be sure, and lo and behold, it was the same person. I knew that she was around the age of a high schooler when I saw her at first. I just thought that she was trying to make a quick buck and leave, but I hadn't expected this. "I'll see what I can do." I tell her and leave her and mom to talk.

Later in the day, after the school day had ended, I happened to meet up with her, which also surprised her. She apparently didn't know that Jin-Ah is my sister, despite her visiting the hospital at some time. Maybe I wasn't there at the time.

She then told me that she won't be returning to school or leaving the life of a Hunter. I warned her of the dangers of being a Hunter, especially one that is E Rank, but she just shot back with the fact that I was still registered as an E Rank Hunter myself while remaining persistent in her decision.

I chuckle a bit at her words. "Don't worry. I wasn't planning on convincing you to quit." I say, knowing that she's only being this way because she hasn't experienced the cruel reality of being a Hunter, especially an E Rank.

"Then why are you here?" She asks, flinching and stepping back. A small smile made its way to my lips. "I'm here to mould you into a better Hunter."

I had gotten a van to drive to dungeons with other people, especially since I didn't particularly have any forms of transport that I could use for things like that. I had told Han Song-I of the White Tiger Guild's recruit training exercise that I had been invited to by Chief Ahn, and she told me that she would happily follow me there.

I drove there quite smoothly, despite the fact that I had never driven since I got my driver's license. 'I guess I owe this to my stats. They really come in handy for all sorts of things.' I thought as I kept driving.

Han Song-I asked about Jin-Ah and her behavior at home. She assumed that an honor student like Jin-Ah would spend her time burying her nose in books and such. How wrong she was.

I told her about Jin-Ah's behavior. Mentioning how she would laze about at home, eating fried chicken, playing games and sleeping. When Song-I told me that she didn't believe that, I told her of how Jin-Ah frequented arcades in middle school. We continue chatting and eventually arrive near the vicinity of the Gate to the dungeon where I park the van.

The place where we parked had been designated as a Gate Prone Zone, making most of the people who lived here move away for their safety. Ignoring the eerie atmosphere created by the lack of people in what would normally be a densely populated place, I get out of the van and start heading toward the Gate, with Han Song-I right behind me.

I look at Han Song-I and see that she is spooked by the atmosphere of the place, but as she looks up, her jitters seem to leave her. Looking in the same direction that she is, I see the Hunters from the White Tiger Guild. It seems that seeing Hunters from one of the country's beat guilds was equivalent to someone seeing a super celeb or something like that.

"Oh, so you really came." A familiar voice says to me. I turn to look at the person and see a familiar face sincerely smiling at me. It was Hyun Ki-Chul, Chief Ahn's deputy. "I heard you were coming from Chief Ahn. So this young woman is her?" He asks, since I had told them that I was bringing another Hunter with me. "Hello." She bowed her head in greeting.

Before we could continue speaking, a burly guy in armor walked up to us. "Let's stop with the useless chatter and get started already. We didn't come here for a picnic and it's almost 9 PM." He said with a gruff and rude tone, then walked away without caring for a response.

Thinking that his attitude was wrong, I asked Mr Ki-Chul who he was. "Oh, him? He's one of our new recruits. An A Rank at that. He must be feeling a bit upset after hearing that I accepted your request. He was saying something about a dungeon not being a place to fool around." Hearing that the burly guy was an A Rank kind of surprised me, but it at least explained that attitude of his.

I asked him about the ranks of the hunters taking part in the raid, and he told me there were a total of 12 Hunters, with 1 A Rank, 7 B Ranks and 4 C Ranks. I thought that using that many hunters of that rank was overkill, especially since the Gate was just a C Rank, but he told me that they were all still green to the Hunter life, so this is being used as a training exercise for them, after which they'd be sent into higher ranked dungeons.

Looking at the Hunters, I shook my head internally because I knew that their presence was going to dampen the shock factor that I wanted Song-I to experience. But then I thought of putting her forward, closer to the action, so that she would see how powerless an E Rank would be in a dungeon.

"When can we enter?" I hear Song-I say in excitement. 'Let's see how long you can keep that up.' I suppressed my laughter and told Me Ki-Chul that we'll be heading in. He quickly dragged me to the side and silently asked me not to act on the dungeon, as he felt my intervention would make the dungeon too easy. After assuring him that I won't step in unless absolutely necessary, I walked to the other Hunters.

We all exchanged pleasantries and greetings, except for one. "I don't care." The burly tank from earlier said and walked into the gate without a care for us. "Well, let's get going as well." The other new recruits walked into the gate one by one. Han Song-I also walked in, but she asked if I was still going in with them. "Only after I see you enter first."

After she entered, I paid attention to the surface of the Gate and noticed that it was rippling. It shouldn't be doing that. The surface is normally expected to just turn into a solid black barrier after enough people enter. I touched the surface and noticed that it felt viscous and sticky, clinging my hand as I tried pulling away. 'A Red Gate!'

Quickly turning to Ki-Chul, I shout at him, telling him to call the main raid team as things had gone awry. Shortly after, I was sucked into the Gate. Passing through the gate, I felt like I was sliding across something slick and smooth, while also being stuck in darkness.

Emerging on the other side, I notice that there was no exit. 'I see. So this is another world, huh.' I think to myself, looking at the wintery forest that was completely covered in snow.

The others had begun panicking upon seeing the situation and noticing that there was no gate for us to use as an exit. Meanwhile, I was scanning the place with my Perception and eventually my eyes met someone else's, it was the burly guy from earlier. His name is Kim Chul, if what Mr Ki-Chul told me earlier is true. He sent me a short glare then looked away.

Han Song-I walked up to me, the confidence in her eyes from earlier replaced with abject fear, and asked me what had happened. Before I could answer her, two small objects blasted into my Perception range, one headed for Song-I and the other headed to the second weakest hunter.

Moving quickly with Shūndō, I caught the two objects, which happened to be ice arrows. Seeing them, I focused more on my Perception and found the culprits that fired the arrows, Ice Elves, otherwise called Hyakki, or as Dante had described them, the Frost Folk.

Looking at them, I noticed that they were laughing, as if they were looking at prey and couldn't decide which one to take out first. I focus my Intimidation skill on them and break the arrows, and they draw a line across their throats while grinning at me, then ran away.

Sighing because of the annoyance that they'll prove to be, I think of how they had fired their arrows. 'One to the far right and one to the far left.' It was as if they were playing about. It pissed me off.

"Well, it looks like that was meant to be a welcome." Kim Chul says. As he spoke, everyone focused on him, as he was the only A Rank in the group as well as the appointed raid leader.

He tooktime to explain to everyone the situation that we were all in and the only way out. The Hunters started murmuring among themselves, as his explanation made them know that there will be no Hunters entering here to rescue us, not that I need it.

"If we remain here, the cold will kill us before the Hyakki even get a chance to do so. I'll clear the place and get out of her, by myself if necessary. Are there any of you that wish to join me?" Kim Chul says with confidence. 'You'd have been a better politician than a Hunter. It's a shame that you'll probably die to the frosty bastards.' I think in jest.

Some of them started to join him, until.. "Except for you." He says as he shoves a hunter away. "And also you, you, you, you and you." He pointed at everyone that was at C Rank or lower, which ended up including me. 'I don't know if you're blind or stupid, but it's your funeral.'

Kim Chul then said that apart from those with him, the rest were just baggage that'd slow him down, causing another fit of panic. "Excuse me." A woman on his side said, she was a B Rank. "There's no problem with any of us going over to that side, right?" Kim Chul looks at her like she's foolish. "Do what you want."

As she came over, Kim Chul smiles. "Well, it seems we've had an opening over here. So who wants to take it?" To his surprise however, no one answered him. He then turned away with the remaining B Ranks.

As he leaves, I look at the woman with an inquiring gaze. "That man Kim Chul, he couldn't see the arrows flying in, let alone react to them." I knew that just because he was a high ranked Hunter, it didn't mean that all his stats were high, it just meant that maybe one or two were high. "So, what are you saying?" She smiled refreshingly. "You're not actually an E Rank. Am I right?"

Smiling at her confidence, I ask her how she and the others can still be as calm as they are, especially with them being new recruits. "The first thing we were taught was that anything can happen in a dungeon. So we were all trained properly, especially that Kim Chul guy. He was even given a special training regime so that he'd eventually join the White Tiger's main raid team." She says that, but I can still see it. Deep down, they're all still the same as Han Song-I

"Hey, you still haven't answered my question. Are you an E Rank or not?" She says, persistent on receiving answers. "Why should I tell you that?" I ask her straightforwardly. She remains quiet after that.

As I was looking around, my eyes met with Kim Chul's again. "We will be using the road." He says with a harsh, low voice, as if telling us to stay out of his way, but also asking us what we'll do. "We'll be going through the forest." I respond to him after checking the surroundings once more.

As we walked into the forest, I clearly heard his voice. "What a bunch of idiots. Walking into Ice Bear territory just to die." I smirk and continue walking into the forest, the others following closely behind me.

As we continue walking, we all notice that the trees all around have been marked with huge claw marks. The woman from earlier voices out the complaints that the others had internalized. Clicking my tongue at her inability to fully judge the situation, I tell her to really look at the trees.

"For the markings to be this many, it means that there aren't just one or two Ice Bears in there, but a lot. So why the hell are we going in there?!" Calmly looking at her, I tell her that it is because there are only Ice Bears in that area. Then, she finally understood.

Looking at her, I notice that her skin is red, dangerously so and I ask her about it. "It's because it's so cold." Nodding, I look through the store for some clothes that can be worn in winter. I come across two items, the Warm Fur Coat and Warm Boots, each costing 10 Gold per unit. I bought 7 of each and quickly distributed them while they were still talking in amazement.

Han Song-I walked up to me and started asking questions about my capabilities, to which I put a quick stop. "Han Song-I, I know that I brought you here, so I'll take responsibility and make sure that you don't get harmed. In return, no questions. Understand?" She nods timidly.

"The same goes for all of you. You will not ask me about anything nor demand anything from me. If you don't like it, you're free to leave. I won't stop you." There was no objection.

Turning to the deeper forest, I bring up my status window and change my equipped title to the Wolf Slayer title, increasing my damage against beast type monsters. In other words, on top of the damage from my daggers, an additional 40% bonus is added to my stats.

|A beast type monster has been detected.|

|Equipped Title has been activated.|

I decided to abuse the bonus to hunt down the Ice Bears. Quickly dashing into the forest, I killed every Ice Bear I came across, either by slashing them to death or by smashing their heads to bits. This of course, brought up more questions, but I reiterated my words from earlier, shutting them up.

Evening came quickly and they set up a camp. Meanwhile, I chose a secluded area not far from the camp to do my daily quest, after which I tracked the bears down. I had noticed earlier that all the Ice Bears were coming from the same direction, so I searched and eventually found them.

I saw dozens of caves on a cliff face, behind some bushes, and in that vicinity, I felt over 30 bears in the area. I called out my soldiers and set them on the bears. Despite it being only Igris and 6 Shadow Magical Soldiers, there was no disorder between them and they moved with speed and precision.

As they were attacking, their foes were not still, and they were being attacked by the Ice Bears. One of them got hit by a bear's claws and dispersed into a clump of black smoke. 'Hmmm, did I expect too much?' Before my thoughts complete, the soldier that got hit reforms from the smoke a couple steps away from the bear, then fires a magical bolt at the bear's head, killing it.

Igris on the other hand, was slicing through as many of them came close to him or his blade, which was most of them. The mages that were behind Igris seemed to have completed a large spell, then fire it at the bears, killing a few and incapacitating the rest. Igris quickly took the chance to dispatch the last few ones that were still alive.

The battle was coming to a close, when suddenly a loud roar came from one of the caves. The source of the roar emerged from the cave, showing a bear that was double the size of the others and a head taller than them. I immediately assume that this one is the pack leader and command Igris to take point.

I return the mages into my shadow, while Igris stayed out to battle the Ice Bear Pack Leader. It seems that he only exerted himself a little bit when dealing with the other bears, because for the leader, he put in more effort, sending slashes to its limbs and torso while evading all of its attacks.

Flesh came off the monster as each attack hit, and eventually, Igris separated the head of the monster from its body. Before the head could hit the ground, he caught it and knelt before me, presenting it to me, placing it at my feet.

Looking around at the various corpses of bears, I let a smile make its way to my face. "Arise." I say, raising the leader and 10 of his bears as my soldiers. A loud roar sounds out as the leader is raised as my soldier. A few very welcome notifications pop up.

|Soldiers of a high grade can be named.|

|Please set the soldier's name.|

I looked at the bear's stature and gave it the only name that came to my head at the moment. "Tank. Your name is Tank." I say with a smile.

After dealing with the bears, I began walking back to the camp, where I heard Kim Chul shouting at the others, accusing them of hoarding essential supplies from the others. "One! Two! Three!" He shouts with a sword in his hand, counting down, so that they would tell him who held the supplies. What an idiot.

"Four." I say calmly, then smack his head to the ground, knocking him out. "An idiot like you dares to say nonsense when you left your comrades to die."

"Jin-Woo Oppa.""Raid Leader." Song-I and Miss Hui-Jin call out to me, but I tell them to stay quiet. "It looks like you even brought some unwanted visitors to our step." I say, kicking Kim Chul in the side. "Quit hiding already. With energy as powerful as yours, it's damn near impossible for you to hide."

Multiple Frost Folk show up as I finish speaking, causing everyone else a considerable degree of discomfort. Looking around, I did a quick head count and saw that there were over 20 of them, and among them was one on horseback, the strongest one.

Looking at him, I decided that I would definitely make him a soldier. "So there really was one. A truly worthy being among all the human trash." "What did you just say?" I said reflexively, surprised that the boss understood me and that I understood him. Then I remembered that Dante explained that it came with the territory of being a Monarch.

"You, can understand our language?" The boss looks at me incredulously. "That's good. We can converse. You see, there's someone I wanted to introduce to you." The boss says, pointing to a familiar Hyakki behind him, one of the two that fired the arrows earlier, and he still had the same shit eating grin that he had when he attacked

"This friend informed me of a truly strong being among the humans, and he wishes to challenge you to a duel, so how ab.." He didn't get to finish, as I used Dominator's Touch to manipulate Knight Killer to slash off the fucker's head, then retrieve it.

"Anything else?" The boss looked at me with a wide smile. "You're indeed quite strong. However, you should know already, that you can't fight us all by yourself." He says as he disembarks from his horse.

I look at the 20+ Hyakki behind him and let out a snort. "If that's what you think, then you've really overestimated your capabilities." I say, then flash away from my position with Shūndō, and take out another 4 of them in an instant. Of course, I made sure to call up my shadows to hold the boss back.

Dante had told me about the way monsters see humans and Monarchs. Since the Absolute Being had made the Rulers and Monarchs battle each other, their subordinates also fought each other without requiring any obvious aggression. So monsters would attack humans without incitement, the same way humans would do the same. However, monsters would need clear orders before they attack a Monarch.

This explains why the boss would actually have taken time to talk with me, despite me clearly being opposed to them, but would have killed any other humans without caring to hear anything but whimpers and screams.

The boss was able to slip away from my Shadow Beast Soldiers and Shadow Magical Soldiers to attack me, but Igris and Tank intercepted his path of attack, buying more time for me to keep killing the remaining Hyakki, of which there were 7.

Of course, the others had retreated from the battle from the moment I started attacking the Hyakki. Looking to the downed Kim Chul, an idea quickly flitted through my mind. I returned the unnamed soldiers to my shadow, while Igris and Tank continued keeping the boss busy.

Returning to where I was when the battle started, I kick Kim Chul's longsword to his body then return Igris and Tank to my shadow, and begin fighting the boss in earnest. We slash and stab at each other, trying to find and take advantage of even the slightest opening, with little success.

Not long after, Kim Chul woke up and grabbed his sword, then ran to attack me in a bloodthirsty frenzy. 'Too bad. You really chose the wrong career.' "Igris!" Understanding my command, Igris jumps out of my shadow and deflects Kim Chul's sword, then stabs deeply into his chest, killing him.

"Arise." As I say that, a huge hand emerges from the now deceased Kim Chul's shadow. A massive knight far larger than the original version came out, carrying a huge war hammer in one hand, and a shield as tall as a grown man in the other.

|Please set the soldier's name.|

Quickly thinking of a name that still linked him to his past self, I named him Iron. And similarly to Igris and Tank, Iron was also a knight grade soldier.

As I finished naming him, he leaned back and let out a loud roar, even louder than Tank's. While I was wondering what the hell just happened, a few messages popped up.

|Iron has used 'Skill: Shout of Provocation'.|

|The owner of the dungeon has fallen into an 'aggroed' state.|

I remembered that Kim Chul was an A Rank, and at the time I met him, I assumed that he was a Tanker, and it seems I was right.

The boss that had gotten its aggro drawn to Iron, dashes at him and begins stabbing at him relentlessly, to little effect, as Iron tanked the blows with his other skill, Reinforcement.

Taking advantage of the distraction, I quickly got to the boss's back and stabbed him with the Sanguine Ripper, and the effect hit.

|Effect: 'Bloodletting' has been activated|

|The owner of the dungeon will lose 5% of its health every second.|

Despite the highly effective attack, the boss continues to attack Iron. "Now." I say, calmly commanding Iron and he nods. He then drops his shield and war hammer, then bear hugs the boss. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He shouted out from Iron's cold embrace.

The boss wouldn't be able to do much else after now, as I slash his head off, effectively killing him. Iron then drops the now headless corpse and pick up his war hammer and shield. I walk to the corpse and try to raise its shadow. "Arise."

The shadow flickers for a bit, until eventually, a slender arm emerges from the shadow.

|Please set the soldier's name.|

I look at it for a while, then look back at the corpse and see it still holding its twin daggers. I take them and inspect their stats, and I have to say, I wasn't disappointed.

|Item: Baruka's Dagger|

|Item Class: A

Type: Dagger

A dagger wielded by the great warrior 'Baruka'. The lightweight magic enchantment will make the wielder more agile.

Attack: +110

Agility: +10|

"I see. I guess I can let you keep that name as my respect for your capabilities. Baruka." After naming my newest knight grade soldier, I turn to the remaining Hunters and tell them that we can finally return to our world as the exit Gate opens.

Dante POV

It's been a few days since I last spoke with Jin-Woo and he's finally called me back totell me that he's coming over.

For these past few days, I'd been thinking of the different things that could happen after I copy the authority of the Shadow Monarch. I could simply copy just the authority and that'd be it, or I could end up contending with Ashborne over it.

It was all up to chance, really. The main inconvenience of being a Singularity, was that no one, not even you or the primordial personification of time itself could predict your future. It did serve to keep your development unknowable. You could however, predict other people's reactions to your actions. But still, no dice.

He eventually reaches the room and tries knocking on the door, but I make it open up for him before his hand can touch it. As the door opens up, he looks at me with a pointed, deadpan stare. "You're never going to stop doing that to mess with me, are you?" "Nope." I reply, popping the P.

"So what'd you call me for that's so urgent?" He says, taking a seat in front of me. "It's nothing that'll affect you negatively. I just want to try and replicate Ashborne's authority." I tell him, causing him to raise a brow at me.

"You don't have to do anything, just give me your hand." I tell him with my hand out. "Babe, I'm going to try it now, and from what I've seen, it'll be pretty bad for this universe. So if you're looking for me, I'll be back in the home dimension." I tell Shiro, Who Is training with Cha Hae-In in the building's training area. "Okay. Good luck."

He grabs my hand while channeling some of his mana, and I notice that unlike before, it's tinges with death energy and darkness. Delving into his energy, I come across Ashborne's consciousness within him and leave my greetings.

Delving further, I come across the authority planted into Ashborne by the Absolute Being and analyze it. Akasha immediately replicates it in my body and begins separating it into its most basic parts.

"Okay, I'm done." He looks at me skeptically. "That was it. That wasn't even up to 2 seconds. Don't you dare say anything." He says as he sees me smirking. "But that's really it? I really thought it'd take longer."

"Jin-Woo, I'm multiple times more powerful than anyone in this universe could ever dream to be. Analyzing one person's power isn't going to take me up to a second. I just spent a bit of time talking to Ashborne is all." I tell him with a smile on my face.

[Analysis complete, Dan.]

Immediately I hear that, I open a gate to my and Shiro's home dimension, which the both of us are anchored to. "Well, I better get going, if I don't want to reduce the entire universe and everything in it to quarks." I say, walking into the gate and waving him goodbye.

Closing the gate behind me, I teleport to the house's master bedroom ans lay on the bed. Taking a deep breath, I instruct Akasha. "Begin integration of authority."

[Got it. Integration of Authority has commenced.]

[Integration and Transcendent Essence are fusing to create Unbounded Omniversal Authority.]

[Unbounded Omniversal Authority is fully integrated into your existence.]

[Name Unbounded Omniversal Authority?]


[Scanning attributes, skills and past achievements.]

[Unbounded Omniversal Authority has been fused with Attributes, Skills and Achievements to create the following authorites;]

[Samsara Overlord, Elemental Overlord, Combat Overlord, Mystical Overlord, Overlord of Balance, Psionic Overlord, Machine Overlord, Oculus Overlord, Spacetime Overlord, Soul Overlord, Eldritch Overlord, Overlord of Transcendence, Overlord of Survival, Dragon Overlord, Overlord of Wisdom, and Overlord of Mastery]

[Absolute Psychokinesis, Gamer's Overmind, Psychometry and Omni-Detection have been subsumed into Authority : Psionic Overlord.]

[Absolute Psychokinesis has evolved into Omnikinesis.]

[Skill: Omnilingualism has been gained.]

[Elemental Magic, Earth, Fire, Water, Ice, Abyss and Light affinities have been subsumed into Authority: Elemental Overlord.]

[Naming, Necromancy, Life and Abyss affinities have been subsumed into Authority: Samsara Overlord.]

[Notice. Authority: Samsara Overlord is unstable. Searching for element to complete it.]

[Traces of Reincarnation have been detected. Fusing into Authority: Samsara Overlord.]

[Fusion successful. Authority: Samsara Overlord has stabilized.]

[Acid Immunity, Toxin Immunity, Elemental Immunity, Status Condition Immunity, Physical Immunity, Disease Immunity, Gamer's Transcendent Body, Anaerobic Operation, Reality Anchoring and Immutability have been subsumed into Authority: Overlord of Survival.]

[Evil Eye Emperor, Panoptic Vision and Pancognition have been subsumed into Authority: Oculus Overlord.]

[Apex of Learning and Mastery has been subsumed into Authority: Overlord of Mastery.]

[Apex of Learning and Mastery's effect has been enhanced by 10,000 times.]

[Craft, Maintenance, Technomancy, Technopathy, Cyberpathy and Machine Affinity have been subsumed into Authority: Machine Overlord.]

[Combat Mastery, Weapon Mastery, Amaterasu no Ten no Mai and Diamond Drill Punch have been subsumed into Authority: Combat Overlord.]

[Divine Dragon Power, Divine Dragon Scales, Divine Dragon Barrier and Divine Dragon Heart have been subsumed into Authority: Dragon Overlord.]

[Skill: Dragon Fear has been gained.]

[Soul Marble, Acero, Cero, Bala, Soul Manipulation, Reishi Manipulation, Blut Herz, Emperor's Haki and Emperor's Manifestation have been subsumed into Authority: Soul Overlord.]

[Chaos and Order affinities have been subsumed into Authority: Overlord of Balance.]

[Breath of the Cosmos, Heart of the Cosmos, Void and Abyss affinities have been subsumed into Authority: Eldritch Overlord.]

[Magic Mastery, Enchantment and Transcendent Energy Affinity have been subsumed into Authority: Mystical Overlord.]

[Overman, Gamer's Transcendent Body, Transcendent Energy Affinity and Transcendent Essence have been subsumed into Authority: Overlord of Transcendence.]

[Overman's effect has been enhanced by 100 times.]

[Dimensional Magic, Time, Void and Space affinities have been subsumed into Authority: Spacetime Overlord.]

[Akasha has fused with Authority: Overlord of Wisdom and upgraded to Authority: Akashic Librarian.]

As the last notification popped up, immense amounts of energy surge from my body. Focusing on my self, I felt multiple changes on my body. My body was fully reconstructed, and I noticed that it was no longer made with normal matter.

Every thing about me was elevated to the point that I could confidently say I was over a billion times more powerful than I was before the integration. At this point, my stats have had to rework themselves just to fivw any actual sense of my level of power. While I definitely hadn't expected this to happen as my body's adjustment to replicating an Authority, it was a very welcome variable.

Choosing to slightly flex my powers a bit, I look through the entire universe, and I eventually find him, Sung Il-Hwan. "Well, Jin-Woo, it looks like your dad's gonna be home a lot sooner." I say, then go to the training room to see the extent to which my powers had been enhanced.

Chapter End.

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BasedDragonLordcreators' thoughts
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