
Chapter 24: Timeskip & One-Sided War

A/N :

" " : Dialogue,

' ' : Thought,

[ ] : System, Akasha, Minerva,

"Italicized text" : Telepathy,

{ }: Parallel Wills,

« » : Artificial Intelligence,

// // : W System announcement,

| |: Majutsu/Conjuring usage.(Using MA energy for skills, spells, etc.)

World details: There is more than one moon orbiting the planet. A year is 411 days, with 10 months of 41 days. Dante was born on the 29th day of the 4th month, and Shiraori hatched on the 36th.

Finally out of the slump, thank God.


Narrator POV

Three years have passed since Dante put a time dilation barrier over the Demon Realm and now that barrier has dispersed. The Demon Realm has transformed in that time, with the land becoming more fertile, the people and livestock becoming far healthier and the soldiers becoming far stronger, with most of them having all their stats in the 5000-6000 range, while all Commanders have theirs within the 8,000-10,000 range. Long story short, the Demon Realm had finished its preparations for war.

At a large, flat plain, all ten battalions of the Demon Lord's Army are gathered, ready to be transported to their targets. Sanatoria Pilevy, the Second Army Commander, is to be transported along with her battalion to an area near the Mystic Mountains, where one of the key strategic positions that humans hold is located, Fort Okun. The Sixth Army Commander, Huey Guidek, who had originally attempted a rebellion alongside the former Ninth and Seventh Army Commanders, is to be transported to Fort Dazarro with his troops.

Merazophis, the consort to Sophia Keren and current Commander of the Fourth Demon Army, is to be transported to another key strategic location that is between the boundary of the Great Garam Forest and the sea. Phelmina, the Vice Commander of the Tenth Demon Army, is to be transported to a forest that has been designated as a no-man's-land area, that is in-between some of the human fortresses.

Wrath, the Eighth Demon Army Commander, is to be transported to another key fortress along with his troops. Agner Ricep and Bloe Phthalo, the First and Seventh Demon Army Commanders were given the responsibility to attack Fort Kusorion, a highly important strategic location that has been nigh impossible to occupy or destroy in the past wars.

And finally, Kouga and Darad, the Third and Fifth Demon Army Commanders respectively, are to be transported to other forts that hold less strategic importance along with their troops. Meanwhile, the leaders of the Ninth and Tenth Demon Armies stay behind with the Demon Lord, Ariel, to serve as advisors and strategists with a bird's eye view of the various battlefields.

Noticing that all armies were now gathered, the Demon Lord comes out to the highest balcony of her castle, flanked by Shiraori, the Tenth Demon Army Commander and her consort, Dante, as well as Güliedistosiez, the Ninth Demon Army Commander. "So, everyone is ready now. I'll trust you to take care of things now, Dante." Ariel says and walks away, while Dante nods in response.

"Okay, everyone. You know your targets and your objectives. You've been given all the tools needed for you to succeed in this operation, so go and claim this victory for demonkind." Dante says, amplifying his voice to reach all the soldiers, then snaps his fingers teleporting all the soldiers to a safe distance from their targets. Unknown to everyone except Shiraori and Ariel, Dante speedily created a magic circle that encompassed the entire world. Its function, storage and a thousandfold amplification of the MA energy released from creatures to the planet upon death.

After transporting the armies to their respective targets, Dante returns to the Command Centre, where Shiraori is showing Balto Phthalo and the Demon Lord its capabilities. In the room, there are multiple monitors, showing clear, real-time, audiovisual footage of the forts that the armies are meant to attck. That, in combination with the fact that Dante had given every single soldier and commander communication transmitters, made it so that even those in the field had a clear view of whatever would happen on the battlefield.

Location: Fort Okun, near the Mystic Mountains

Sanatoria POV

*Image here*

It's been a few hours since Dante transported us here, and in that time, I've completed other preparations for the upcoming battle. "Lady Sanatoria, the battle formations are complete." Responding to my aide with a nod, I look at the fort that seems half-fused with the rocky cliffs ahead of us and muse at the fact that the cause for its fall won't be known to its inhabitants.

As I heave out a sigh, my aide surreptitiously looks away, his face sporting a slight blush. Despite all the time he has spent beside me as my aide, he still hasn't gotten used to being around me. As a succubus, I possess the skill 'Salacious', which serves to entice any members of the opposite sex. Now, combine the skill with the bewitching mannerisms that I have cultivated for most of my life and I could easily brainwash multitudes of people.

Unfortunately, its effect is still somewhat limited, as I cannot fully force my will onto others or order them to do things that they have strong aversions to, and if I try using it on someone who is too strong, I would only end up digging a grave for myself. Like I had attempted over a decade ago with that monster that is called Dante.

To this day, I regret even trying to do such an idiotic thing as seducing him. I still remember that day, I had thought that the Demon Lord's companions could be turned against her, so I tried seducing him to attack her, only to end up on the receiving end of a torrent of murderous intent so thick, I thought I had already died. Thankfully, he saw it fit to have mercy on me.

He trained all of us, every soldier, every commander, he even trained the Demon Lord during the 15 years that passed, if that torture could have been called training. It was during this time that all thoughts of scheming against the Demon Lord were extinguished from my mind. If Dante was a monster beyond comprehension and imagination, then the Demon Lord was a monster that had reached the limits of comprehension, while we were simply insects that thought too much of ourselves.

The one thing that continues to reiterate this fact in my head is that the Demon Lord's goal for this war is for as many humans and demons to die as possible. We would have gone against her orders and fought her, if it wasn't for the fact that this war offers us a greater chance of survival than defying the horror that is the Demon Lord. Thankfully, Dante's mercy and decision to train us will at the very least minimize the number of demon deaths in this war.

Despite our current strength, I still do not see any way to attack Fort Okun head-on that wouldn't end up being an uphill battle. It wouldn't be impossible for us to win, it would actually be more likely for us to win, but we would incur losses, if we attack head-on, that is.

"Here they come." I look at the mountain that seems to be moving. Upon closer inspection, one would see that it's actually a swarm of monsters that cover the mountain so completely that the you can't see the surface, and that swarm is heading straight for Fort Okun. The anogratches, otherwise known as the revenge monkeys. A cakewalk to deal with alone, but a considerable threat to face when in a swarm.

Anogratches form strong bonds when they swarm, and due to this behavior, they will all attack anyone that happens to kill even one of theirs. So the only way to stop a provoked swarm of anogratches is death, either that of the swarm or that of the person or people who had provoked them. But of anogratches attack a place with a large group of people, anyone who kills anogratches to defend themselves will only add to the number of targets for the swarm's thirst for vengeance, and as this spreads, eventually everyone involved will become a target. And since it is now the breeding season of the monkeys, it's also the perfect chance to use them to tear down a fortress, which I did by brainwashing a soldier to carry one I had captured to their fortress and kill it there.

I watch as the humans struggle to fight against the swarm of anogratches, firing attack magic at them, whittling their numbers only for them to be replaced by more monkeys. "Perfectly executed, Lady Sanatoria." I nod in agreement. "And without a single loss on our side, too." He agrees, but also points out how we cannot approach the fort for some time, given its occupation by the swarm of anogratches.

"I don't believe that will be a problem for long." I say, then look to the sky. "Dante, I know that you approve of my strategy, so please, show your appreciation for it." My aide looks at me skeptically, until he sees a smile on my face. A gigantic magic circle forms over the area that the anogratches are in and spews out a dark cloud. After a minute, the cloud dissipates and the magic circle disperses, revealing a fort that is void of life. 'Ah, he still mercifully smiles upon us.' I think, with slight fanaticism. "Well, he's helped us clear the corpses, so let's take over the fort." I command my soldiers and we move forth to take the spoils of war.

Location: Fort Dazarro

Huey POV

*Image here*

Sixth Commander of the Demon Army. That is the role that I have been assigned. I know better than anyone that it's not a suitable erole for someone of my stature, as I am very young, be it by demon or elf standards. Due to this, people always look down on me, not to mention my slow again that causes me to look like a child wasn't doing me any favors.

Supposedly, our family line has some elf blood from a few generations back, so it's had an effect on my growth too. Which is hard to believe, given the elves' contempt for other races. But seeing as our family line has had a high affinity for magic, like elves, there may be some truth to the notion, my slow growth only making the theory stronger, especially since my younger brother is also the same, making it seem like it's not something that affects me individually, but rather something that runs in the family.

During my time in the academy, my classmates and upperclassmen made fun of me, and even the underclassmen didn't take me seriously. My slowly developing body caused my physical stats to grow slowly as well, making it so I always lost in any kind of hand-to-hand combat, which has been a great source of embarrassment. My magic however, is the exact opposite.

In a contest of pure magic, I'm confident that I'm stronger than any other demon, even humans. Or at least I was, until I encountered those two, the ones called the White Haired Calamities, Lady White and her consort, Dante. I had foolishly said that they had to defeat me in a magical battle if either of them wanted to train me. They created enough magic circles to blot out the sky and said that they could extend it to the entire planet at any time they wished. My thoughts of scheming or rebelling against the Demon Lord were quashed from that day forth. It's too bad for Nereo and Warkis that they were so adamant to rebel against the Demon Lord, despite the fact that Agner and Sanatoria had given up such thoughts, otherwise they'd have been alive today.

As things are now, the demon race is still short on manpower, to the point that I was appointed as the Sixth Commander of the Demon Lord's Army. There are few surviving veteran leaders aside from Commander Agner of the First Army, and most of the other current commanders were young novices who distinguished themselves through service during the long years of the previous war. But they still weren't enough, so they chose someone from a younger generation that seemed promising to appoint as a commander, and they chose me. I had been a mere stopgap measure, until Dante trained me. Now I have reached a realm of power I never thought would be possible for demons that hadn't lived as long as Agner, and now my presence alone commands respect from my soldiers and fellow commanders.

"Sir Huey. We have broken down the walls and reduced their numbers greatly. Should we offer them the chance to surrender?" My aide is now asking if we can let our enemies beg for their lives. We are currently attacking Fort Dazarro, and the battle couldn't be going any smoother for us. My troops, the Sixth Army, are chiefly magic user's, and while all of our stats are high, our magic skills are our main focus. Each of us is powerful enough to cast grand magic spells by our lonesome, so the humans here have no chance to survive except surrender. Unfortunately for them, the Demon Lord has ordered for their deaths. "No, decimate them and leave none alive." I give the order to kill them.

Merazophis POV

*Image here*

I look at the fortress that I have been tasked with taking over and sigh. I feel the presence of multiple humans, strong ones, but none are nearly as strong as the troops I have been commanded to lead. Heaving another sigh, I silently lament my situation. The Lord and Lady had tasked me with their daughter's care and now I have become her spouse. I can only pray that they are not angry at me now.

However, this did not mean that I would remain weak, as I remember clearly what I have lost in my weakness. The woman I had first loved, the now deceased mother of Lady Sophia, was a woman that I knew would never love me the same way, as she was already loved and in love with her fiance at the time, who of course was Lady Sophia's father. Given my position, and out of respect for the relationship, I could not act on my feelings and so the curtain fell on my first love.

Though I would never be with her as her beloved, I still wanted her to be happy, so I served her and her husband, only for their lives to be taken in an act of senseless violence. To this day, I still deeply hate the Church of the Word of God, who had backed them into a corner, and even more than them, Potimas, who took their lives with his very own hands.

I started to feel like my actions were pointless, even with Dante's training at the time. While I had dedicated my life to protecting Sophia, I was forced to see the truth. Compared to me, her enemies were terribly powerful and my meager strength could do nothing to shield her from them. I tried not to lose heart, but it was difficult, as the people around me outclassed me so greatly that I could not reach them, and hardest of all, Sophia who I was meant to protect had quickly begin to leave me behind.

Sophia had grown, from a little infant when we were in Sariella, to a toddler when we journeyed to the demon realm and now to a beautiful young woman, resembling her mother. I had once been told that children grow fast, and seeing her grow and become so much more powerful than me, who is meant to protect her, weighed heavily on my heart, so much so that I once contemplated giving up.

But I resolved myself, especially because I knew I cannot reach her, to keep striving for greater heights, so that the gap between us will not grow larger. When Dante had said that he will train every single one of us, I latched onto the opportunity to get stronger with an unyielding grip, and while I have not been able to match her in strength, at least the gap is no longer too wide.

Shaking myself out of my reverie, I put my arm forward and form multiple magic circles, all ready to fire the same spell, Black Spear. I fire the spells at the fortress and they impact it, reaping lives without mercy. My troops follow suit and in a short time, the fortress is bombarded by spells of different attributes. The battle doesn't even last up to 10 minutes, as soon, all the lives I could feel had been extinguished. I look at the fortress once more then give the order for my troops to occupy it.

Narrator POV

In a forest located between two human forts, moving around in the trees under the effects of Stealth and Concealment, are the members of the Tenth Demon Army, being led by the secretary and Vice Commander, Phelmina, and the direct disciple of the ones known as the White Haired Calamities, who is also known as the Cold-Blooded Princess, Sophia Keren.

The Tenth Demon Army was originally a small contingent managed by Phelmina's father and was fully manned by his private soldiers. But that had changed, as it is now the most powerful army amongst all 10 of the Demon Lord's Armies. This is owed to the fact that Shiraori and Dante had made sure that every member of the Tenth Army would be at the higher boundary of power amongst the demons.

Silence pervades in the forest, until it is interrupted by the sound of footsteps. The Tenth Army stays still and allow the enemy to pass by under them, waiting for a signal to commence the attack. And not long passes before the signal arrives, a thread far thinner than a strand of hair that is wrapped around Phelmina's finger is tugged, giving them the signal to attack, and they all jump into action at once.

Initiating the first wave of attacks, Phelmina throws her weapon, a chakram, at a target, slicing their head in half as well as anyone who was directly in front of them. A mere moment later, Sophia slashes at another enemy, then the rest of the members of the Tenth Army strike, reaping lives with each attack.

The attack catches the human army off guard and they are left defenseless against the second wave of attacks. The Tenth Demon Army continue to press their attack from both sides using the pincer maneuver, dividing the army into multiple isolated elements and defeating them quickly.

The human army starts shouting in panic while the demons keep killing them in silence, all but one. "POOOTIIMAAAAS" Sophia shouts as she lays her eyes on their primary target, Potimas Harrifenas, him as well as the elves under his command. Upon noticing that he has been seen, Potimas gave an order to his troops with a cold, calm voice. "You have my permission to use your weapons. Kill them."

Immediately, the elves bodies begin transforming, with some of them having their hands transform to reveal guns, with others having glowing blades replace their hands. They immediately begin shooting at the demons, but their shots are all avoided, surprising Potimas and his elves, as they did not expect knowledge of their technology to be known by the demons.

Sophia, dodging the hail of bullets, makes her way to Potimas and slashes down with her broadsword, which he attempts to block with his right arm, only for her to slash through without resistance. Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Potimas attempts to release his Anti-Magic Barrier, only to be cut off, quite literally, as his head has been separated from his neck by someone he wouldn't have expected, Shiraori. Sophia sulks upon seeing that her opponent has been stolen from her. Shiraori doesn't respond to her complaints and simply crushes Potimas' head, and at that same moment, the last of the elves is killed.

Phelmina kneels in front of her. "Mission complete, Master." The rest of the unit follows her example and kneels with only Sophia remaining standing. Shiraori nods and acknowledges their flawless completion of their task. Sophia frowns at Shiraori while gritting her teeth, annoying Shiraori. In response, Shiraori says a word, "Sit.", and Sophia suddenly kneels on the ground with her face down, while Phelmina smiles smugly in schadenfreude.

Wrath POV

What I'm doing now cannot be called atonement, and it's certainly not justice. I just don't want lives to be taken in vain. I'm thankful that Dante had taught me all he could about strategy and command, because his instruction has helped me keep my troops from needlessly dying or killing too many humans. If Dante hadn't told us about the spell he cast on the world, things would have been vastly different.

Despite all this though, I know that I am not truly cut out for being a commander, but I had promised Dante that I will succeed in this mission, so I will command them to the best of my abilities while helping Miss Ariel achieve her goal.

The members of the Eighth Demon Army, despite their training, are in reality a bit of a motley crew, as very few of them were actual soldiers. The former commander gave up the empty title and in now focusing on politics, and the few soldiers who were originally part of the Eighth Army were sent to other units. The current members used to be part of the private armies of feudal Lord's who were allied with the former Ninth Army Commander Nereo, who tried and failed to assassinate Miss Ariel.

Initially, they were resentful of the fact that they were forcibly enlisted into the war and some of them proved to even be mutinous, but after Dante's training, they knew to stay in line if they wanted to live. I made absolutely sure to reiterate this fcmact multiple times, that their lives hung on a single decision from two choices, obedience or mutiny.

While they worked to attack the soldiers, I attack the fortress itself by throwing explosive katanas at them from a long distance, forcing the humans within to come out to fight my troops. Doing this makes it pointless to strategize, as staying in the fortress would just cause more casualties. As I continue doing this, I try to minimize the casualties on both sides by only targeting the structures of the fortress where there are fewer people, and only cutting down the few humans that come directly to me.

As I keep chucking and cutting down the humans who come toward me, I hear a loud bellow that cuts through the racket of the battlefield. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" It goes on for so long that I have to be impressed by the sheer lung capacity. I look to find the source of the shout and see a knight, swinging his sword as he charges toward me.

Looking through the gaps in his helmet, I see that he's a wrinkled old man, yet he still fights as fervently, if not more so than anyone else here. As I keep looking at him, I notice that his sword style looks quite familiar, as it belongs to an old knight who attacked me when I was still an ogre, perhaps he's the same person.

"Humph. Such a fearsome aura! You must surely be the leader of this demon army! I am Nyudoz! Let us have a fair and honest fight!" He shouts intensely, heedless of the chaotic battle around us. I seems stupid and tone-deaf, to be honest, as we're well past a fair and honest one-on-one battle at this point, but it's almost refreshing.

"Fine. I accept." I choose to humor him, knowing that he most likely doesn't remember our previous battle, given that I was still an ogre then. "Let us begin!" Nyudoz says as he lunges forward sharply with speed belying his age and the weight of his armor. An impressive feat for a human, but nowhere near enough to give me even a slight challenge. I send a slash as his sword which cuts cleanly through it, and before he can even try to defend himself, my blade flashes toward his neck, severing it and ending his life. As the human soldiers see him fall dead, their formations and morale collapse. And just like that, the Eighth Army secures its victory.

Location: Fort Kusorion

Agner POV

*Image here*

A distance away from the fortress , I look at the fort that is my target while mulling over the current situation of the demon realm. Thanks to the Demon Lord's companions, the demon realm has reached a point of prosperity that they have never experienced, but at the same time, the Demon Lord is still going to be the cause of a great number of casualties for demons due to her desires, what they are I do not know.

I think of the role of the Demon Lord, and I see the one who has taken up the role as pitiful. They become a puppet of the system, a veritable scapegoat that is seen as a villain by both the humans and the demons. The humans see them as their mortal enemy while the demons see them as a villain that forces them to fight the humans and causes them to lose many of their loved ones to war.

Despite this, I can't deny the influence and importance of the Demon Lord. After all, the Demon Lord is the reason we are unable to stop the war against humans. The deaths on both sides will slowly but surely heal the world. The fate of the world would always take precedence over the fate of the demon race, as the world can exist without the demon race but the demon race cannot exist without the world.

Despite our feelings of dissatisfaction and bitterness toward the war, we demons continue to fight as we know the truth of the system, at least, those that are high ranking enough to meet with the Demon Lord. The previous Demon Lord had changed when he acquired the title of Demon Lord and the Taboo LV10' skill that came with it, showing him the sad and bleak truth of the world, and from that day, he would be heard regularly saying; "We must atone...", even when there was no one near him to talk to. He looked more haggard as the days went on, and eventually he started sending more and more demons into battle while also fighting on the front lines himself.

By now, very few people remain that remember how that man was benevolent and gentle, before he became a fearsome and overbearing demon lord. I and the other high ranking demons would have called him a madman if we hadn't seen these changes happen to him firsthand, so we obeyed him, despite us knowing that it would lead to the annihilation of our race, and those below us followed suit.

That was how things were intended to be, until the Demon Lord vanished, leaving the system without a mouthpiece to lead the demons, causing us to look at our situation and understand that our race would eventually go extinct if we kept on this road. Without the madness of the Demon Lord pushing us to war, our eyes were cleared and we focused on the recovery of our nation.

For once, time was on my side and I could become the next Demon Lord, pushing our race to an era of prosperity. I had even prepared countermeasures for the case that I started rambling madly like the Demon Lord before me, even preparing a cell for my confinement, should that happen. But all those preparations were for naught, as I was hit by a shock I never could have seen coming.

The system's method of selecting a Demon Lord is unclear to us, even to this day. I was considered by many of our race to be the most qualified, but that did not mean there weren't other worthy candidates. Balto, for example, could have been a possibility. But no, the system chose someone I didn't expect or even know of. Well, not someone I knew personally, but I had heard of them, not as someone legendary somewhere else, but as a faith tale.

Lady Ariel, the most ancient Divine Beast that served the goddess and the stuff of legends, someone whose very existence I doubted, was now our current Demon Lord. My first reaction on hearing a person with the appearance of a young girl saying she was the current Demon Lord, them saying that she was the Divine Beast of legend was confusion. She had predicted this however, and brought an Appraisal Stone and demanded that I Appraise her.

Upon seeing her status and skills, every bit of doubt left me. Her stats were all easily over 90,000, the number of skills she had were multiple times that of any soldier, and most of them were at the highest level. It is said that anyone whose stats surpass the 1,000 mark is in the realm of legends, and humans and demons find it hard to reach this point, but her stats had reached 5 and even 6 digits.

The despair I felt that day was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. I had trudged through this life, facing the difficulties that fell upon the demon race head on, and I was finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but Lady Ariel's decision to declare all-out war on the humans plunged me into an abyss of darkness.

Like past Demon Lords, she was still the scapegoat of the system, but unlike them, she had no qualms in pushing our race to extinction. She was the Demon Lord and a bringer of despair. She could not be defeated by any being in this world that was not an administrator or Potimas himself.

With that power, she pushes us to meet our end, and we can't defy her, lest she turns her fist toward us. And from that moment on, I understood that the only options that were left were to engage the humans in all-out war or dare to battle against Lady Ariel herself. I had foolishly chosen the latter, thinking that there was a higher chance of victory against her than against the humans, which would undoubtedly prove to be wrong.

Yet, our deliverance came from none other than her own companions, specifically the ones that have been given the epithet of the White Haired Calamities, as oxymoronic as the situation was. They decided to heal the land of the demon realm, causing a level of fertility that hadn't been seen at anytime in the world, and even chose to train all soldiers to the levels of former heroes and demon lords while training the commanders to be even more powerful to ensure a one sided victory against the humans, but they still ensured us that any rebellion plots against Lady Ariel will be met with lethal force, regardless of our strength.

I look to my side and see Balto's brother, Bloe, who is seated on his horse, looking at the fortress with a relaxed yet vigilant gaze. The Seventh Army was attacking Fort Kusorion and were getting through smoothly, despite its reputation for being impregnable. However, we had received an order to keep the casualties low about an hour after we were teleported from Lady Ariel herself, which was uncharacteristic of her, but I chose not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Some minutes pass as we keep looking and eventually the signal showing us that the gates have been fully breached is released, then I command my Army to begin their attack to overwhelm the humans completely. Eventually, we reach the fortress and notice that the remaining humans have all been subdued and restrained, and funnily enough, this generation's hero is here as well, being held in the restraints that Dante had prepared. A rather young boy, but someone who still holds a considerable deal of strength. Unfortunately for him and the other humans, we had simply been trained to become much stronger than them. With this, the human-demon war on the Kasanagara continent is over, taking over the Daztrudia continent would be child's play in comparison.

Location: Demon Lord Castle

Shiraori POV

We all look at the screens showing the battlefields and nod as we've seen each objective completed, with the goal of gathering enough energy having been achieved. Ariel looks at Dante with an inquiring gaze. "There's enough energy for it, but we've got to take out Potimas before we initiate the transfer to Sariel." He informs her and she nods, accepting his advice.

Dante stands up to leave the room and motions for me to follow him, telling me he is about to execute the last part of the plan before dealing with Potimas. I follow him to a large furnished room that could easily hold 30 people in it. Once inside, he spread nanomachines around the entire room, then snapped his fingers teleporting 23 people into the room, or rather, 21 humans, 1 elf and 1 dragon egg. I look at them and appraise them, just to be sure, and see their names. These were all my class mates who had reincarnated into this world along with Sophia, Wrath and I. "Hello, everyone. I know that this is strange to all of you, but please, let us explain." Dante says as we begin to explain the situation to all of them.

Chapter End.

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Took a while to write this, especially since I had to make a shit ton of changes for it to work. Please enjoy the chapter, leave a comment or a review and have a nice day.

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BasedDragonLordcreators' thoughts
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