
Chapter 11: Naomi Watts

Sean rose early in the morning, taking a brisk jog with his loyal companion Polk by his side, and engaging in his regular morning exercise routine at a nearby park.

Following that, Sean had a morning session with Nicole in the shower, with meat-slapping sounds reverberating around the room. Afterward, they proceeded to enjoy a satisfying breakfast together before parting ways, sealing their farewell with an affectionate kiss and a promise to stay connected.


After a long day, it was nearly eleven o'clock when he finally returned to the apartment.

He knocked on the door and was surprised when the woman promptly opened it. To his astonishment, he found the small room impeccably tidy, and much more organized than he was accustomed to. It wasn't that he had been particularly messy before; in fact, he had developed the habit of cleaning his room at a young age. However, as a man, his housekeeping skills were not as meticulous as those of a woman.

"Oh, I didn't have anything else to do, so... I hope I didn't disturb your belongings or disrupt your routine," the woman, now dressed in simpler attire, hesitantly explained.

"Oh no, not at all. It's actually great. I always try to tidy up, but I must admit my housekeeping skills could use some improvement," Sean self-deprecatingly replied, which elicited a peal of laughter from her.

"By the way, my name is Sean. I'm originally from San Francisco," Sean introduced himself once again.

"Yes, I remember, Sean Tang. I heard it last time," the woman smiled, visibly relieved. "My name is Naomi, Naomi Watts. I'm from Australia."

[Naomi Watts Image]

"Nice to meet you, Naomi. Your accent is delightful. I actually thought you were British," Sean said curiously, gazing into her captivating sapphire eyes.

"Well, actually, I was born in the UK and moved to Australia with my mother when I was 14," Naomi explained. The conversation then took an unexpected turn, and her expression changed completely. "You're quite impulsive, Sean. You hardly know anything about me, and yet you readily handed me the keys to the apartment. What if I'm a bad person? What if I'm a liar?"

Sean was momentarily taken aback. Why did it feel like she was scolding a child? Wasn't this sudden change a bit too drastic?

"Wait... wait, how do you know... I mean, do I give off the impression of being one of those clueless guys who... know nothing?" he asked with a hint of dissatisfaction, making a dismissive gesture.

"Of course not. It's just that you're not even twenty years old," Naomi replied, a bit bluntly. Then she realized something and became slightly embarrassed. "Well... the neighbors told me."

Sean looked initially surprised but then chuckled. Naomi shrugged, somewhat embarrassed, and they started getting along.

"I'm sure you're not that kind of person," Sean immediately responded. "Maybe my judgment isn't entirely accurate, but I believe you shouldn't be."

As a mischievous smile formed on Sean's face and a playful sparkle flickered in his eyes, he continued, "Besides, you must have exchanged information with the landlady, didn't you?"

Naomi's lips curved into a gentle smile, accompanied by a glimmer in her eyes, growing more at ease. Eventually, they both took their seats.

"Thank you, Sean. If it weren't for you..." Naomi paused, taking a deep breath.

"It's nothing. Just lending a helping hand," Sean shrugged. "After all... I understand that feeling," He had a melancholic gaze but swiftly continued, "and maybe I would have faced a similar situation if I hadn't landed those extra roles on sets."

Noticing the inquisitive look on Naomi's face, he proceeded to share his story—from his solo journey to Los Angeles, taking up temporary grocery jobs to make ends meet, stumbling upon an agent by chance, and eventually becoming an extra. He recounted all the auditions and his encounter with Cole's betrayal.

"Actually, your agent was right," Naomi responded, pausing for a few seconds before offering a wry smile in response to Sean's questioning gaze. "Here, in a place like Los Angeles, especially among young actors, opportunities are scarce..."

As she spoke, she raised her head and gazed out the window, her expression becoming somewhat distant. "It has been over ten years since I started shooting commercials..."


[Background Story]

For some unknown reason, Sean always felt a sense of familiarity when he heard Naomi's name, but he couldn't be certain if he had encountered it in his past life. As mentioned earlier, memories don't vanish completely; they simply require sufficient triggers to resurface. Even then, recollections are often fragmented and easily blended with other things, leading to inconsistencies. Thus, he preferred not to dwell on them.

Aside from that, Sean held great admiration for Naomi. Despite recently celebrating her 30th birthday, she had embarked on various career paths, including modeling, fashion designing, and assisting a fashion magazine editor, all while nurturing her aspiration to become an actress.

Although she secured her first acting role at the age of 18 and gained diverse experiences from Australia to Hollywood, she hadn't achieved significant success. Nevertheless, her determination remained unwavering.

In late 1997, she finally landed a significant supporting role in an NBC TV series, only to have it abruptly canceled due to poor ratings. This setback further exacerbated her already precarious financial situation. Burdened with credit card debt, unable to afford medical insurance, and constantly moving from one apartment to another, she found herself spending nights in her old car.

Nevertheless, Naomi refused to surrender.

"My mother had a brief stint as an actress, performing in stage plays. When I was 10 years old, I witnessed her mesmerizing performance on stage, and that's when I made up my mind to become an actress too," Naomi shared with Sean when he inquired about her aspirations. Although she smiled, she didn't provide a direct response, instead opting to begin from the beginning.

"As some psychologists suggest, there exists within everyone a desire to perform, to express oneself, to stand out, and to receive applause. Hence, when I excelled as an assistant, I abandoned it in pursuit of portraying a character. Admittedly, had I known it would lead to this outcome, I might have hesitated. Nevertheless, at this moment, I simply wish to persist. I refuse to give up easily. Otherwise, all the time and energy I've invested thus far would be rendered meaningless." Her words carried a sense of tranquility. Her determination resonated in her composed tone.


However, despite her firm resolve, she unconsciously curled up in the chair, hugging her legs, which seemed contradictory.

"Thank you," Naomi murmured, momentarily lowering her head before raising it again. "I'll request my agent to find me a new job and relocate as soon as possible. Until then, would it be alright if I continue staying here?"

"Huh?" Sean, who was about to display his generosity, found himself taken aback.

"This place isn't too cramped. I can set up an additional bed on the floor, and I can sleep on it," Naomi explained, her voice gradually softening toward the end.

After careful consideration, Sean understood that she lacked confidence in securing the role she had recently auditioned for. If she failed to obtain it, she might face difficulties in affording a new apartment for some time. However, she didn't want to overstay her welcome in someone else's apartment and force them to seek accommodation elsewhere. Hence, she proposed this plan as a means to address the immediate challenges while maintaining her self-esteem to some extent.

As for any potential awkwardness in the future, Sean chose not to fret about it at the moment. Following their previous conversation, they developed a certain level of understanding and trust in each other.

"Alright, but there's one condition," Sean responded sincerely. "I'll sleep on the floor."

Regardless, it was inconceivable for a woman, especially one older than him, to sleep on the floor.


[I will upload another short chapter later. Stay tuned for more updates.]

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