

I walk into her room. She was facing the window...curled up on her bed in her sheets. I stand there staring at her for a while before walking up to her bed.

"Gayle..." I call out and sit next to her on the bed.

"Go away". She says.

"Gayle... I know it's hard on you in school and so is it on me. They call you a bastard in school and say you've no dad. You can't participate in some activities because the school won't let you without a dad. You even lost a game you've been wanting to win because there's no dad...because dad was absent. I get it okay...but now he's back and he wants to fix it all". I say.

"1month can't fix everything sis. It's hard on me but not on you. Maybe if I was popular it wouldn't be this way". She says.

"It's not all about being popular Gayle. I like your kind of life....I don't wanna do popular. It sucks. But don't let all those things make you hate dad". I say.

"I don't hate him. I'm only upset. Got egged thousands of times in school cos I'm not popular and because dad was never there. He wasn't there in my graduation...he wasn't there on my graduation. Was poured bird poop millions of times cos of this same reason. At a point I figured it'd be better off if he was dead". She says.

"You never told me all about this. And don't wish dad death Gayle cos if he dies you can't handle it. And you know dad's been busy. His boss won't let him off just cos of a graduation or matriculation...you know. Dad would never miss your graduation or matriculation no matter how busy he is and if he didn't have a strict boss or work under someone and you know that". I say to her.

"It's not just a graduation or a matriculation... it's MY graduation...MY matriculation. And dad can just resign...why won't he just resign? How'd you know when you barely check up on your sis in school and it's all about Cameron this Cameron that. You only listen to me when I talk about Peter and you're already getting tired of listening to it". She says.

"I'm so sorry sis. But if dad resigned he wouldn't be able to feed us. You won't even be in Berkeley if he resigned... you'd probably be in one of those schools where....I'm sorry. What I'm trying to say is dad's working his ass out 24/7 to make sure we get the best education. Look at us...in a mini Oxford or Harvard University. We're in Berkeley and it isn't easy. Not everyone have money to afford a good college like Berkeley ". I say to her.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I just want to teach Alycia a lesson". Gayle says.

"Alycia? Natasha's sister?" I ask.

"Oh wow she knows her". Gayle says dryly and roll her eyes.

"Why's that?" I ask.

"She's the most popular fresher and she's making life unbearable for me". Gayle says.

I smile at her.

"When you're ready...tell me". I say to Gayle and walk away.

Gayle follows behind me and we walk into the dining room together.

"Dad...". Gayle starts after we bless the food and dad looks up from his food.

"You haven't touched your food". Dad points out.

"Dad...I'm sorry". Gayle says. Dad opens his mouth to talk but she shuts him off by interrupting.

"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. I failed to see you did a lot for us...I failed to see how much you love us. Khel's been right about you all along and I'm sorry". Gayle says ignoring his question.

Dad clears his throat and wipes his mouth clean. The he sips his water and sits the glass back down on the table. He stands up from his seat and walk out of the dining room.

"Dad?" Gayle calls out.

"Honey?" Mom calls out tailing behind him.

Dad enters the room and shuts the door before mom walks in.

"Honey...you've to listen to Gayle...she's sorry". Mom says.

"You go back to the dining". Dad says softly and she walks away.

Gayle and I both look at mom with hopeful eyes.

"He asked me to leave". Mom says after settling down on her chair in the dining room.

"Mom...do you think he's mad at me?" Gayle asks.

"Definitely not. Maybe he's...I don't know. Maybe he is mad". Mom says.

"I've been an ingrate mom. I always failed to see what dad did for us and how much he loves us and he's mad at me now mom". Gayle says.

"Don't be hard on yourself honey...he'd come around". Mom says.

Dad shows up in the dining room couple of minutes later with a box in his hand. A large box. He walks over to the dining table and takes his sit out and settles on it. He opens the box and takes out a really tiny box and a small box from the big box and gives it to Gayle.

"For your graduation and your matriculation. I figured you'd be upset because I didn't show up and I got you stuffs you desired. Go on and open it". Dad says.

She unwraps the ribbon from the box and opens it. It was a phone. He finally bought me a Samsung phone. "Thanks Papa". Gayle says and hugs him. She unwraps the next box and opens it....it was a glass watch. Full of real diamonds. Inside the watch glass of the watch was a heart shape painted golden with black love write ups in it and fanciful figures of 1-12.

"Honey...these are real diamonds...how'd you purchase it?" Mom asks.

"I worked 20 24/7 non stop for the extra money". Dad says.

"What?! You worked 20 hours everyday nonstop no sleep or rest to gather much money?!" Mom says.

"Yes honey. I did it for all of you". Dad says. "Back at the rig...it's quite stressful with classes we do attend sometimes in order to get promoted and exams we write. So I study....and work. 10 hours non stop study...10 hours non stop work. And guess what baby?" Dad says.

"What?" Mom asks.

"I made it! I got promoted to be an assistant driller in the company and my pay has topped up to $20,000,000!" Dad says.

"Dad....you did all these for us?. Thanks Dad". I say and hug him crying uncontrollably.

He's that one loving father who'd go miles for his family. We weren't rich and we weren't poor either but our outfits never spoke of us being average or poor. We looked and dressed like rich people but never lived like one. We lived like every other average family. Dad's pay topped to $20M but we were still ready to live like his pay was just $10 per month. It was that bad. Mom runs a boutique but the clothes are not so fashionable so she has lesser customers more of old people who'd cut down the price so much in order to purchase it. It really wasn't helping.

"Honey....I didn't get you any stuffs. I was planning on giving you at least $9M to boost your boutique". Dad says to mom and she smiles and hugs him while thanking and blessing him.

"Kids...this doesn't mean you'd be rude to people okay? We're still managing. We're gonna live with this concept so we can survive in touch times". Dad says while bringing out a shopping bag and a long box with a rectangular box and another small box from the big box. He gives me the items.


Vaughn's such a loner...he doesn't really associate with people. It's why we don't talk about him...ever. He does things his own way...eats alone...he's usually in his room and I'm sure whatever gift dad has for him he'd have to take it up to Vaughn's room.

I take the boxes from him and the shopping bag too. I open the shopping bag and brought out the items.

"I bought them for Thanksgiving...your prom that's upcoming...your graduation....and your birthday. Everyone has a Thanksgiving outfit already. I bought for everyone". Dad says.

"How sweet dad. Thanks". I say to him.

I take out the clothes from the bag. One was a yellow off shoulder gown...it's slim fit and long. Has a slit high up to my laps and the hem's furry. The other's black. It's heart shaped at the top and has a lot of black diamonds on it...it's not really mini and it has leather boots too. A long one that stops at my knee. It also came with a furry stuff that I have to wear on my hands sort of it extends...urrgghh I suck at describing. But most celebrities wear it....like Ariana Grande...Cardi b I think. The other is one handed and it's red. It's mini and it has an opening at the back with black furs on the hand part and a black leather belt to wear with it. The last one's purple. Royal purple. It's a handless ball gown. Diamond full at the top the lower part is just lace...but very beautiful and attractive lace with purple leather gloves that extends to my elbows. It came with a silver shoe...the yellow dress came with a mixed color of yellow and black stilleto. The black gown came with a black stilleto.

I hug him so tight and thank him. He gives all of us our presents and goes up to Vaughn's room to give Vaughn his and we all exit the dining room.

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