
chapter 3 a chad between rulers

The day was perfect…

The sun was out, the people were happy with various merchants or traders selling their wares to the public…

The trees were dropping their leaves to make the scene even more beautiful from an outside perspective…

But the truth of it all was that this was all a facade to the true darkness that this place held…

The Capital City of Fire Country, known as the Fire Capital by the residents of said place, was a place that looked nice on the outside, but if you were to actually check you would easily see where the facade ends. It was like seeing a nice lavish home with a fresh coat of paint and freshly cut grass, but the second you walk in you see rotting wood, mold, and various other things that make you wonder just how the hell the house is still standing.

Hell, even the citizens of this place knew the truth, but those who could do something about it, AKA the rich, didn't care to actually do anything to fix it. The poorer people couldn't do anything since the rich had the money and access to various people such as mercenaries or even worse shinobi, who could simply make them 'disappear' for good if they ever did anything that would upset the status quo from what it was now. And the biggest asshole who kept the lower class down like this?

Well that would be the Fire Daimyo himself, and wouldn't you know it but as we speak he was parading down the main street.

And when I say parading, I mean it in a literal sense since he thought of himself so highly on that pedestal that in his own mind his very presence needed to become a spectacle like this was. There were men holding banners to announce his group, samurai at his sides waiting to deal with any sort of trouble that might happen, and trailing behind him were two young women whose sole job was to hold the back portion of his elegant robe so that it didn't slide on the ground.

Yep… the epitome of being a narcissistic asshole…

The Fire Daimyo was a man who was happy, since he got whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. It was his Kami given right as a ruler to take whatever his heart desired, and he abused that right his entire life as his father had before him, and his father before him. Yet even though that was the case, there was one thing he was denied in his past, and it was something that irked him to this very day, but there was nothing he could do about it since the object of his desire was no longer available.

But even with that small spot of a blemish on his perfect streak of getting everything he wanted, he was still having a good day. He had been too cooped up in his palace and wanted to grace the populace of his city with his presence so he had come out today to do just that. So far nothing had happened that needed to be rectified. All those who saw him bowed to him, no one attempted to attack him, and there was cheering from the people. So very normal… for now at least.

But it wasn't until near the end of his route, which was by the main bank of the Fire Country that was beside a restaurant that served him the perfect sushi, which they took meticulous care to do so since the past several chefs that had failed to meet his expectations had all been… well… they weren't around to mess up his order anymore and let's leave it at that. But he always made a trip towards the bank before he went to get his favorite dish of sushi. Yet while you would think that he was there to see his own finances so as to gloat in the large amount of wealth he had accumulated via inheritance, taxing the people, and just stealing it from people, but that was not why he came here.

Inside of the bank was one specific vault he salivated over beyond anything else. Inside of it were the riches that many people lusted over yet not a single person could obtain no matter what they did. The reasoning for this was the sheer amount of seals that lined both the outside as well as the inside of the vault to make it impossible to break into. This was the vault of the Uzumaki clan, one of the richest clans to ever exist in the whole Elemental Continent. And only an Uzumaki could open it, yet they were all dead so the means to open it up so as to obtain the riches within was lost to not only him but everyone else as well.

Well… except one… and it was that thought that made the Fire Daimyo chuckle a bit since he had plans on how to break open this vault once and for all, but he would have to wait for his plan to come to full fruition.

So after staring at the vault like he did from time to time, he left to go and get his sushi. It was exactly as he wanted it to be and was perfect in every way except one… The waitress presenting it to him was not radiantly beautiful like he demanded she be whenever he got his sushi, so with a quick hand motion, his samurai grabbed ahold of her and dragged her out the back with her crying and begging for mercy. Yet her screams were silenced soon after, but the Fire Daimyo couldn't help but notice that his samurai had not returned. He motioned for another one to go see what had happened, and said samurai went out to see what had happened, but he himself also didn't return.

This irked him since they should have returned already. So with his final two samurai he himself went out the back to see why they hadn't returned. When he went outside, he saw nothing there other than a trash bin used by the restaurant. The samurai weren't there, but what did catch his eye was something in the distance.

What he saw was a bench that was facing in his general direction, and on it saw a child with a hood on his head looking in his direction. This wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but the Fire Daimyo saw the boy stand up to leave, and in a split second motion, he noticed the color of the kid's hair…

A very specific color of blonde that he would recognize anywhere…

But that couldn't be the case, for the person who had that color of hair was supposed to be under heavy watch in Konoha, so how the hell was said person here of all places? But before he could call out to the kid to demand he stay put, the brat took off down the street. The Fire Daimyo ordered his men to follow and detain the kid by any means, and so they took off after him.

Naruto smirked as he sensed he was being chased now, since this was his plan in the first place…

He was too fast for the samurai to catch up to, even with all the obstacles that Naruto had to go through such as people who were out and about. But the shinobi who were there were another thing entirely. Naruto ran into a nearly empty plaza of sorts and saw three shinobi standing on the roof of a building directly in front of him. He knew they spotted him and so he took a quick left and booked it in that direction down the street.

He felt as something was thrown past him and saw as whatever it was exploded into what was essentially a wall of fire so as to deter him enough for him to be captured. To them he was just a kid and wouldn't be stupid enough to go through fire. But guess what Naruto did? He jumped through the wall of fire without so much as stopping. He felt as the flames heated him up, but his magical power protected him and healed what little there was that needed healing in some way.

Since they saw that their initial plan was not going to work, they took more drastic measures and began to throw explosive pellets. These were meant as a shock and awe tactic of sorts, but it still did not stop Naruto. One shinobi took to the roofs and got ahead of him before he dropped down and tried to grab him with his bare hands. Naruto didn't stop and dodged his attempt by sliding under the guy right between his legs. This actually caught the man off guard since he had no idea that their target would do just that, so the chase continued.

Naruto sensed as about 2 dozen people were chasing him, so he turned suddenly down a narrow alley that was laden with random clutter such as bins and boxes of various sorts. Two of the shinobi were able to chase him down the alley, all the while Naruto was flawlessly maneuvering around all the obstacles in his path. But the alley did lead to a dead end, which the shinobi thought would make the brat stop, but it did not since Naruto simply hopped up onto the roof in one single jump. This caught them off guard, so much so that they comically crashed into the wall at the end of the alley.

Naruto ran across the rooftop and jumped off the other side of the building, but this was unfortunately where the chase ended. One of the shinobi was a master of capturing targets alive and as such had a portable net launcher that he used to catch Naruto in midair. Naruto struggled to get free, but it was in vain. So he was quickly surrounded and then released from the net before he was bound in cuffs. He was forced to remain on his knees for several minutes before the Fire Daimyo himself made his appearance. Naruto glared at the man, who could only look at the brat with utter disgust.

"How is this brat here!?" shouted the man at one of the Shinobi. "He was supposed to be under constant watch in Konoha! What in the 9 hells are you shinobi doing!?" The man then glared back at Naruto. "Take him to the dungeons and leave him there with the other convicts."

"But sir," said one of the samurai in the group, "we have several dangerous individuals there already. One of which is a convicted pedophile. I do…" The samurai was stopped before he could finish his sentence.

"Did I stutter!?" shouted the arrogant man. The samurai knew better than to go against the orders of the Fire Daimyo and took the kid by the arms and began to walk him towards the dungeons that were on the palace grounds. While this was all happening, not one of them noticed Naruto's smirk as he was being led away…

Everything was going according to plan…

(1 hour later - underground dungeons)

The samurai took Naruto as he was ordered to and uncuffed the poor kid. Once he was uncuffed, he had one of his men open the cell door that led to the large room that contained several people already. He then pushed Naruto into the cell and shut it back up before locking it behind him. He did open the slit at the top of the door and say a quick 'good luck', but other than that there was nothing.

Naruto looked at his surroundings and saw where he was. Imagine if you will, a prison yard with all the various groups and the weights to workout and the basketball courts. Now take out all the extra stuff, and put that area underground, lit up via lighting from seals, ones that looked ancient and Naruto wouldn't be surprised if they were made by the Uzumaki given the look of them. That was where Naruto was at this given point.

"Well well well," said a man, one covered in so many tattoos on his body, as he walked towards Naruto, "looks like we got fresh meat boys. And isn't he such a tender morsel."

"I wouldn't try and get fresh with me guy," said Naruto as he calmly cracked his neck and then his fingers. "Because this is not going to end well for you."

"Oh," said the man as he licked his lips in a very creepy manner, "a fighter? I like it when the little boys fight back. Their screams are so beautiful to hear as I take them." The man then lunged forward so as to grab Naruto, but Naruto simply held up his hand and flicked the man's fingers. This alone didn't seem like much, but the force of him doing so broke and bent them fully backwards in a manner they were now bleeding. Naruto then grabbed the man's arm and rammed it hard into the now screaming man's mouth. He got it in there as much as he could, and then full on punched the man's elbow so it went deeper still. The pedo died from literally being fisted down the throat.

"Well good news gentlemen," said Naruto with a smirk as his eyes began to glow bright blue as his killing intent increased. He summoned up his daggers into his hands and got into a fighting stance, "you aren't going to rot in here. You are simply going to die here and now. So good luck in whatever part of Hell you end up in." And then he rushed forward and began to massacre the convicts that were in the room. As he did this, their screams began to be heard by the few guards that were down the hall. The way this cell worked was that it was sound absorbent, so if they could actually hear screaming, that meant the convicts were screaming very loud.

So about a dozen of the guards made it to the room and opened up the portion of the door to see inside of the room. The room was eerily quiet as well as dark as night. Something had damaged the seals on the walls so no light could be seen in the room. So the guards pulled out flashlights and opened the door before they entered it themselves. Their hands were on their various weapons at all times, and they were right to do so since the scene they were greeted with was horrific to see.

The bodies of all the convicts they had in this cell were scattered all over the floor. And what made this scene horrific was the fact that not a single one of them was fully intact as one whole body. Pools of blood littered the floor with nearly as much splattered across the walls. One convict even had the head of another shoved into his chest, and that scene caused a few guards to puke since it was traumatizing to see. None of them noticed the figure moving up from behind them, but they did notice the second they heard the door to the cell slam shut.

The guards shone their lights towards the door to see who had closed it and were surprised to see Naruto standing there, a creepy grin plastered on his face as they did. But his eyes… his eyes were glowing blue in a manner that unnerved the guards who saw it. Naruto chuckled a bit as he held up one of his hands. Two of his fingers were glowing blue as he collected electrical energy within them, and as soon as he had enough, which wasn't much given what he was planning to do, he then snapped them. This caused a miniature EMP effect that made the guards flashlights useless to them now. And while they were completely in the dark, Naruto could see perfectly well within it. And he capitalized on that fact by slaughtering the guards as easily as he had killed the convicts who had once inhabited this room not too long ago.

Naruto had spent most of the time training in the Forest of Death with his magical power trying to see just how far he could take it in a sense. He wanted to know the true capabilities he had with them, and one such thing was the ability to set off an EMP like effect in the immediate area. How far exactly? This he did not know since he had trained not too far into the forest to avoid most of the more deadlier creatures that called said forest home and since he wasn't in the exact center of said forest his EMP would affect the homes close to there. Then shinobi would investigate and he didn't want that to happen so he kept the range small. And while it was a fairly neat ability that was fast to activate, he didn't really see how he could use it all that well given his enemies used metallic weapons, not electrical ones so this did not help to disarm his opponents at all. Then there is the main issue of the effect is not specific in a way that he could pick and choose who was affected. So once activated, everyone around him was hit by it. Well now he had found the perfect means to actually use the ability, and that alone had caused him to chuckle since he had answered his own random question from months ago that he never really wanted or even expected any sort of answer to.

It didn't take long for Naruto to kill the guards who tried in vain to fend him off, and once done, well he then used his power to conscript their shadows into his forces. True they weren't the best given shinobi were stronger, but hey, they would make perfect meat shields if needed really so he would take it. Beggars can't be choosers when one was lacking manpower like he was right now. And speaking of manpower…

Naruto summoned up the entirety of the Uchiha clan from the shadows and gave them one simple order…

Eliminate every last samurai and shinobi in or around the palace. Spare the staff by knocking them unconscious, but not the muscle. So they took off to do as their master ordered, and while they did that, Naruto went off towards his own destination to finish what he had come here to accomplish…

(Meanwhile - Secret room near Fire Daimyo's bedroom)

The Fire Daimyo walked out of his well hidden (yet still known by the staff, which made you wonder just how the hell is it a 'secret room' if the majority of the staff know about it) room, that from the outside looked like the rest of the wall that was there. He was growling in anger as he headed towards his room to rest himself for the night, but he did take a few breaths to calm himself. He couldn't really sleep when he was angry so he needed to calm himself.

The room he had been in was one that was made specifically to talk to others in complete privacy as well as silence. The sheer amount of seals that were in the room made it so not a sound escaped said room, but it was perfect for conversations such as the one he had just had, hence the sour mood. In the room was a wall of monitors so as to speak with either a group of people from afar or just one like he needed at the moment.

The Fire Daimyo had entered the room and turned the monitor on, the one that connected to Konoha directly. There was always someone stationed there, which was their job, one that was done in shifts and was considered so very boring by the ones who had to do it. The pay was low for what was basically sitting in a room waiting for the off chance that the Fire Daimyo would decide to call through the monitor. It rarely happened, like only 3 times a year at most. So after the monitor turned on, he looked and saw the shinobi on duty. The Fire daimyo demanded said shinobi to fetch Hiruzen immediately, which the shinobi left to go do. As he did this, The Fire Daimyo impatiently tapped his feet on the ground while he waited. Eventually, the elderly Hokage showed up as ordered and took a seat to speak to the Fire Daimyo as he told the shinobi to leave them alone to speak in private.

The Fire Daimyo talked to Hiruzen at first about the goings on in Konoha, all of which Hiruzen answered to the best of his knowledge. Yet after several minutes of speaking about other things that had nothing to do with the actual reason he called, he finally asked the question he wanted to speak:

'So how goes our plan for the Uzumaki brat?'

The Fire Daimyo had clearly seen Hiruzen flinch as he had asked that, but he had composed himself just as quickly. Hiruzen had lied to his face and stated that the plan was going as was directed in the first place. The Fire Daimyo asked the same question over and over, and every single time Hiruzen lied to him. Finally the Fire Daimyo had enough of the Hokage's lies and straight up shouted at him for doing so. He told Hiruzen that Naruto was here in the capital city, nowhere near Konoha, so he wanted to know just how long the brat had been missing. Hiruzen had lost the color in his face as he heard about Naruto's wearabouts, but he told the man that Naruto had only been missing for a few weeks and that they had been searching for him ever since. The Fire Daimyo had been angry and told Hiruzen to come personally with his shinobi to come and collect Naruto who was in the dungeon. There he would hear the full truth of the matter, and from there a proper punishment would be issued once he got the full story. He then shut the monitor off and left the room to head to bed.

And it was here that we find the Fire Daimyo at the moment. Alone, and in his bed. He had some tea prepared to help him sleep, and he had just finally drifted off to sleep.

The Fire Daimyo was having a pleasant dream, one he had multiple times for years. In it he had the brat he had locked up open the Uzumaki vault and out came a tidal wave of money. He would swim through it all the while laughing, and then he would make it to a boat that was harnessed onto the brat he took it from via spikes embedded in his back so they could not be removed. He then would pull out a whip and use it to tell the little shit to swim and pull his boat, all the while he would lounge on the chair that was on the boat with covering and servants to feed him while he relaxed. This was how the dream always went, and while a lot of it was physically impossible given you can't swim through money like that, and while he hated the brat having such spikes driven into his back like that would be the death of him. And while one part of his mind would be alright with that, the other part knew he was still needed so as to serve him to his dying day as a tool to defend his country.

But this night, the dream only went so far as him nearly reaching the boat before he was so rudely woken up with a headache of all things. His vision was groggy as he was forcibly awoken, but he shook his head a bit to clear his mind and then went to flip a switch near his bed so as to turn on the light, but he never was able to do so since his hand, both of them to be exact, were grabbed ahold of and he was pulled back flat onto his bed. He struggled to break free, but whatever intruders had him in their grasp were fairly strong and he couldn't break free from them. He tried to see who it was, but his room was pitch black since he had no windows in this room so there was no light source to illuminate it for him.

"Dear Kami," said a voice in the dark, which caused the Fire Daimyo's rage to surge since he instantly recognized it the second he heard it. "The layout of this place is so… what's the word for it? Bizarre?... no that doesn't seem like the right word really… Idiotic! That is the word I was thinking of! This place's layout is idiotic. What is the point of a room that has no windows and only one door to it? In case of an attack there is no exit whatsoever and you can't see shit in the dark. Well you can't, but I can see just as clear as day myself."

The Fire Daimyo opened his mouth to scream at the boy in rage, but one of the men holding him down slammed his palm firmly over his mouth so all that came out was a garbled, muffled yell that no one could understand what was being said. While he was doing that, the one talking to him in the dark illuminated the room in a manner he was not expecting. Instead of flicking the switch to turn on the lights like a normal person, said intruder held up his hand and in his palm formed a ball of pure electricity. The Fire Daimyo could not only see the illuminating orb that was crackling with electrical sparks here and there, but he could now clearly see the face of Naruto himself, and as he saw that the boy was smirking at him it only fueled his rage even more than it had before, and he continued to try and yell at the brat through the hand, but failed still. Naruto was sitting on the edge of his bed cross legged, just out of range of his legs so he couldn't kick him.

"Now I wish to have a civil conversation with you," said Naruto simply, "but given who it is I am talking to, that is more or less impossible. So let me tell you how this is going to go."

Naruto then leapt forward and slammed the electrical orb into the chest of the Fire Daimyo. The man screamed out in pain as the electricity surged through his body. It only lasted about 3 seconds, but for him it seemed like a lifetime. "Every time you begin to yell, or you insult me I am going to shock you. Do you understand?"

The Fire Daimyo was trying so hard to catch his breath from the pain he was inflicted with, but all he could do was glare at the brat who did this to him. He swore that once he got the boy back in the cell he would ensure that not only would his stay in the dungeons become a hellish nightmare, he would make sure that the life the brat had lived up to this point seemed like heaven in comparison. But Naruto saw his rage through the man's eyes, and he didn't like that look in them so he once more thrust the orb onto the man's chest. So now the Fire Daimyo was screaming again, but this time the hand was no longer there to muffle his voice so his screams could be heard out loud, and boy was it music to his ears. But just like the last time it only lasted a few seconds.

"I will ask slower this time to get my point across," said Naruto with a chuckle. To him it was funny to see the adult in the room act like this while he, the literal child, albeit with the mindset of a far more mature person given his acquisition of power and memories of his past life, acted more mature and calm. "Do. You. Understand?"

"GUARDS!" Shouted the Fire Daimyo in rage that he was being subjected to such painful torture and yet his guards had done nothing to stop this. What was he paying them for?!

"Oh come now," said Naruto as he plopped himself right on the Fire Daimyo's chest, cross legged like he had been before when this all started. He then began to toss the electrical orb up and catching it as he spoke. "Use your head for a second. You had me thrown into the dungeons under lock and key with guards and yet here I am. No one is coming to your aid when you are screaming like a little bitch at the top of your lungs and everyone can hear this. This is a simple equation to solve in your mind, so solve it already."

"There is no way you killed my guards!" stated the Fire Daimyo in anger. He had about 300 samurai in his palace at all times, so there shouldn't be any means to eliminate them all. Other than a full on invasion, but that would require an army and this brat didn't have that. Oh how wrong he was…

"Yet I am sitting here," said Naruto with a raised eyebrow, "so that should tell you otherwise."

"Why are you here?" seethed the Fire Daimyo, angry about the whole situation.

"Finally!" said Naruto with a laugh, "we can begin having an actual civil conversation between you and me! As to why am I here… well you brought me here remember? And not nicely in any shape or form. So blame yourself for this given you were the one who technically invited me into your home."

"Fine," spat out the Fire Daimyo, who was thinking to keep the brat occupied with their conversation. While if what he had said was true and his guards were in fact all dead, he still had shinobi from Konoha enroute to come and capture this brat so he needed to keep him here so as to allow them to arrive on time. "What do you wish to talk about?"

"Honestly," said Naruto as he placed his fingers under his chin in a thinking manner, "just wanted to get a few gaps of information filled. And given they involved you, you should be able to fill those gaps easily enough."

"I'm at a loss here."

"Understandable," said Naruto with a chuckle, "since it is out of context. But allow me to state that I know who my parents are. Both of them."

That one statement alone caused the Fire Daimyo's eyes to open wide. He had ordered Hiruzen to never allow this brat to know who his parents were. Hell, he had authorized the erasure of the history of the Uzumaki entirely just so he would never figure it out. So just how did this brat do that?

"Ah," said Naruto with a frown, "just by your expression alone I can tell that you didn't want or expect me to figure out the truth about my parentage. So it seems like the hatred for me goes way beyond Konoha itself. At least Iwa has a reason being the hatred they have for my father given what he did in the last Shinobi war. But you… the hatred you have is what puzzles me given it makes no sense really. Except in one specific situation."

"I hate you because you're a Jinchurriki," said the Fire Daimyo with authority, which was ironic given his dire situation.

"No you don't," said Naruto with a shake of his head, "I spent 8 years dealing with people who hated me for that specific reason, so I know what that feels like. Your hatred stems from something else. Perhaps… the loss of a loved one?"

That last bit caused the Fire Daimyo to nervously sweat a bit.

"So it is that," said Naruto with a grin, "but who exactly is it that you lost? Your family is here in the Capitol and you have no family living in Konoha. Hell you don't even love your own wife and son, which is plain to see since they live in a separate home entirely on the outskirts of your palace grounds while you live in the main house alone. So I am guessing that they were a combined marriage of convenience as well as a child born to be an heir so as to stop any problems in the future if you were to die. So if the loss of a loved one isn't family related… then it is someone you loved that isn't family…"

At this point the sweat on the Fire Daimyo's forehead was thicker. He was too nervous to even speak.

"See," said Naruto with a grin, "this is the gap in information I was talking about since I had no real proof to say what it was. All I had were the journals of my dead family and they had plenty to say about various things. And it was only after reading their journals that I began to piece this together. It's not a concrete fact, just an inference really. So allow me to say my piece, and you will help me fill in the gaps to complete the timeline. Also don't lie to me. I hate liars and I have had enough of them to last a literal lifetime. Sounds good?"

The Fire Daimyo didn't respond with words, in fact he grit his teeth and growled in rage that he was the one who was being interrogated like this. But he silenced his growling the second he saw Naruto's hand hold up the electrical orb in a position to strike him with it once more. It amused Naruto to no end to see the most powerful man in Fire Country shut the hell up because he was scared of a little pain. Oh the irony given the situation.

"Years ago, my mother was sent to Konoha for the sole purpose of replacing the former Jinchurriki of the Kyubi. The process was a success, and shortly afterwards, the Uzumaki clan was killed off by the combined might of 4 different villages. This is where we come to our first gap of information." Naruto looked at his captive with a raised eyebrow as he said that last bit, "since after their deaths, my mother went to investigate her former homeland and found out that the way they were killed was from several vital seals protecting the place were tampered with, thus not functioning properly and leading to the enemy breaking through and slaughtering my family. My mother always pondered just how that was possible given no one else had the same level of seals that the Uzumaki had at the time and yet their best seals were tampered with. She never got the chance to fully figure out who did this, but in her journal she suspected Konoha had a hand in the death of the Uzumaki. So tell me dear Fire Daimyo… Did Konoha betray my family?"

Naruto glared at the man who couldn't look him in the eye as Naruto stared deep into his own. He was sweating heavily, but he wasn't saying anything. Naruto though, he wasn't going to allow this arrogant fucker remain silent on the matter, so he motioned for his shadow to hold up the Fire Daimyo's hand so that he was still restrained but Naruto could grab the man's hand if needed, which right now he did.

"Apparently you think that I am going to allow you to respond to my questions with silence." Said Naruto coldly as he grabbed the man's hand. The Fire Daimyo actually shuddered at the brat's touch since he couldn't break the grip that Naruto had on him. This shocked him since he wasn't able to break free from the grasp of a literal child! "But I demand a verbal answer to my questions. And everytime you refuse to answer… well you know what they say. Actions speak louder than words."

The Fire Daimyo didn't have any chance to respond to this since Naruto took one of his fingers firmly, and while you would think that he was planning to break it like a lot of torturers do, Naruto went another route that was far more painful and gruesome. Naruto straight up ripped the man's finger off his hand. The Fire Daimyo screamed in pain since this was far more painful than anything he had ever gone through before, and that included the orb Naruto slammed into his chest twice. His blood gushed out a bit from the open wound, but Naruto used his orb and placed it on the open wound to cauterize it so as to stop the bleeding. This somehow made the pain the Fire Daimyo was going through even worse and he screamed louder than before.

"This is what happens when you don't answer me," said Naruto coldly, "I will rip off one finger at a time. Then I'll move onto your feet and remove your toes. Then afterwards I'll just have to get creative with the removals. Like case in point I can and will castrate you if need be. So answer my fucking question!"

"YES!" shouted the Fire Daimyo, who was trying so hard to overcome the immense amounts of pain he was still in right now. "Konoha betrayed the Uzumaki!"

"How did they do it?"

"Hiruzen ordered his student Jiraiya to tamper with the seals on the same day she was taken from Whirlpool."

"Why did he need to do that? They were allies, not enemies."

"The Uzumaki wanted to take the vessel for Kyubi back after the war was over, but Hiruzen wouldn't allow that to happen. With the Uzumaki dead then there wouldn't be anywhere but Konoha for the present and future vessel to go."

"So greed…" said Naruto with a sigh, "greed is what caused my extended family to perish years ago. Well that just adds to my list of people to hunt down personally. But the list was short so what is a name or two to add to it?"

"Do you really think th…" The Fire Daimyo never got to finish his sentence since the same hand that had silenced him before clamped down hard onto his mouth so as to silence his words.

"I don't think a damn thing," said Naruto with a smirk, "I in fact know that I will get away with what I am doing now, as well as my plans for the future. But enough about that. Now onwards with the timeline gap filling. So after Konoha betrayed my family so as to keep the vessel for Kyubi within their greedy clutches, time went by. The war ended and things went back to normal. But several years later, my mother was kidnapped by a group of Kumo Shinobi. For what reason? Well it seemed like the reason for that was Kumo doing its typical plan of stealing people for their bloodlines. True, all villages are guilty of this, but Kumo does it far more than anyone else. But their plan was thwarted by the man who would become my father, Minato Namikaze. It was through his journals that I learned more about that day, and it is there that there is another gap in information that I wonder if you could answer."

"What do you want to know?"

"The way the world knows about it, it was Kumo who tried to kidnap my mother. But the thing about that situation was that the direction the kidnappers were heading wasn't Kumo, but rather towards the Fire Capital itself. And another thing that my father couldn't help but notice is that the men who did the kidnapping were Missing Nin of all things. Now while you sit here high and mighty in your fancy smancy palace paid for with the ill gotten gains you have acquired over the course of your lifetime, but there are certain facts that all shinobi know. One of the most important of all in this case is that once you become a Missing Nin to your village, there is no turning back. You are given the dead on sight label and become nothing more than an easy mark for anyone wanting to cash in on the bounty they placed on your heads. Sure there are some exceptions to this rule, being the complete overthrowing of the current ruling Kage, but they are so rare you have a better chance finding a fucking unicorn than getting your label as a Missing Nin revoked. So if the men my father stopped from kidnaping my mother were in fact Missing Nin… see the picture I am painting here?"

"It's a little abstract," said the Fire Daimyo painfully.

"Well apparently fortune doesn't buy intelligence given how much of a dumbass you are," said Naruto more to himself than anything, "but with the given facts, it was apparent that my mother wasn't kidnapped to be taken to Kumo. Oh no. That was simply a smokescreen to hide the real person responsible for the order to kidnap her while making it seem like Kumo did it. So who in the Fire Capital would want my mother kidnapped? And better yet, what reason could they have to do just that? Any idea, your majesty?" Naruto made sure to say that last bit as sarcastically as he could. While it was true the man was indeed royalty, it meant fuck all given the situation right now.

"I have no clue who would do such a thing," stated the Fire Daimyo with a glare since he was really getting pissed off more than he thought possible. It was that increase in rage that gave him the balls to speak in an angry tone instead of the fearful one he just had when Naruto literally ripped his finger off. "Just because I am the Fire Daimyo doesn't mean that I know everything that goes on in this city!"

Naruto looked at the man for a good minute and a half with an empty expression. This caused the Fire Daimyo to freak out for various reasons, but then Naruto began to laugh hard. And I mean to the point of tears sort of laughing. But mid laugh, Naruto once more slammed the orb of electricity into the man's chest and caused him to scream out loud once more.

"I told you not to lie to me," said Naruto with rage in his voice since he wanted honest answers and he was going to get them one way or another. "And what you just said was a lie! You literally know everything going on in this city since you have shinobi spying on everything and everyone so as to eliminate anyone who so much as even thinks a bad thought about you. Your rule is stained in the blood of so many, many of whom were innocent but you don't fucking care!"

Naruto then stopped shocking the man, took a deep breath and calmed himself since he needed to remain calm if he was going to get the answers he sought. If he was to just kill this man, he would never get them.

"Besides…" said Naruto with a smirk, all while lifting up his other hand, this one glowing a purplish blue color as he did. "I know it was you who hired those men to kidnap my mother. And the proof of such is right over there." Naruto then moved his hand through the air like if one was opening a closet of some sort. As he did, the display case that he had that was filled with various jewelry he had taken from noble families as a 'tax' moved to show a secret room that was hidden behind it. While it was a common thing for rich people to have such things like panic rooms, secret passages to flee intruders, or secret rooms like the Fire Daimyo had here, it was the contents of said secret room that made this odd.

Inside the room were various things that all followed one fairly specific theme…

Each and every thing in the room was something related to one Kushina Uzumaki…

I am talking about old clothes that had been thrown out back to when she was 7 years old and all the years in between then and the year she died. Pictures that were taken in secret. Gum she had chewed and thrown away. A picture of her and her husband, with Minato's face cut out and the Fire Daimyo's face there instead. The creepiest thing was that this obsessed man had managed to collect enough of his mother's hair to fashion a life sized wig, one he placed on a statue that was so lifelike it was almost like the woman was standing there. The list went on and on to the point that the entire space was crammed full of things like this. Hell there were even her used panties… many that were stained white… That made Naruto nearly throw up since that was sick in not only his mind, but just about anyone's if they were to see this.

"Oh Kami," gagged Naruto as he tried his hardest to keep his vomit down. He didn't want to think about what the Fire Daimyo had clearly done to his deceased mother's old underwear, but in his mind he knew already and it made him sick. "You sick fuck. What is wrong with you?"

"You would never understand love brat," said the Fire Daimyo in malice. He was pissed that his personal obsession with Kushina was exposed like this, and to her child no less.

"You call this love?" asked Naruto with a serious look on his face, "cause I, and just about every other person on the planet would see this and see it as it truly is, which is obsession. That is not love."

"What the fuck do you know!?"

"Well obviously the difference between love and obsession. But this does answer the main question I had for you. Why did you order my life to be a living hell like you did? The answer? Simple jealousy. Not because I am a Jinchurikki like you and so many people in Konoha said, but because I am the living breathing proof of the woman you obsessed over so much not only loving another man, but their loving blooming into new life so that I might be born."

"SHE WOULD HAVE LEARNED TO LOVE ME!" Shouted the Fire Daimyo, who at this point was just letting all his rage out at once.

"So that's what your big plan was? Stockholm Syndrome?" Naruto saw that the Fire Daimyo was confused, which was understandable since this world never heard of such a thing while he had due to his past life. "Never mind that. But just so you know, my father knew about your one sided love towards my mother."

This caught the Fire Daimyo off guard since he had not expected to hear that out of all things.

"A man knows when another man is after his woman," said Naruto with a smirk, "and so my father recognized the signs easily enough. Hell, my own father suspected that you were the one to send the Kumo Missing Nin to capture her, but he had no proof so it wasn't like he could come out and accuse you. You would have just ordered his execution for slander and then tried to kidnap my mother again. Hell if I was alive then you would have had me killed no less, erase all traces of her former life so that you could break her down into the perfect sexual object you wanted her to be. Not to raise her up and properly marry her, which a normal sane person would do with the one they love, but to enslave and imprison so that her whole life would be devoted to nothing more than pleasing you no matter what you wanted from her. So I will reiterate, that that isn't love. It is a sick obsession."

The Fire Daimyo wouldn't meet his eyes, thus confirming everything that Naruto stated to be fact. The man was just too proud to say he was wrong here in any sort of fashion. Nobility, am I right?

"Well that leaves all the gaps filled, so I have no more questions for you." Said Naruto as he hopped off the Fire Daimyo's chest and stood up off the bed. He took the time to stretch a bit since it had been a bit uncomfortable for him to sit as he had for so long. Man if he was this stiff from sitting on top of the guy, he could only wonder how bad it was for him.

"Well if you have finished what you come here to do…" started the Fire Daimyo in the hopes that this brat would just leave and let him be so he could do what needed to be done so as to capture him in the very near future. He would make the brat suffer a hundredfold for what he had done to him.

"I'm going to stop you before you finish that thought," said Naruto as he held up his hand and waved a finger at the man. "Did you really think that I would go through so much trouble like this to just let you live?"

"I answered all of your questions! What more do you want from me!?"

"Vengeance," said Naruto coldly.

"Wh.. what?" stuttered the Fire Daimyo in fear. The tone of voice that came out of the brat as he said that sent fear straight to his heart.

"One thing you need to know about my clan, your majesty," said Naruto as he used his hands to order his shadows to grab ahold of the man and stand him up. They did just that and as they did, Naruto actually turned on the lights for the room so he didn't need to hold up an electrical orb anymore. It wasn't draining much of his magical power given it was small in size, but right now it was a nuisance since he didn't need it. "We have a few creeds that we uphold to the letter. First, we care for our family and we take care of our own. Second, we don't start fights, we simply finish them. And lastly, we always get even against those who do us wrong. You fit that bill so very nicely. You are a terrible leader who kills people for so much as looking at you wrong or not fitting your insane standards of beauty like that waitress earlier. You knew the truth about my clan's demise and not only tried to profit off it by stealing our money by most likely using me since others can't open it, you sentenced me a literal child to a life of hell out of jealousy, and you would kidnap and rape a woman just because you wanted her. There is no redemption for you. So I must do what needs to be done for the betterment of just about everyone alive."

The Fire Daimyo opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out of his mouth was a garbled mess since Naruto had slit his throat with his dagger faster than the man could notice it. Naruto stood there with a grin on his face as he saw the Fire Daimyo's blood leak out of the deep wound and splatter onto the floor. The man's last vision was of the brat he hated so much standing there with that grin, and it was what Naruto wanted. He wanted the man's death to be poetic in nature. Once the man was fully dead, Naruto whipped out his daggers and twirled them in his hands. While killing the Fire Daimyo was a main portion of the plan he had coming here, there was still something he needed to do before he left right now. So with his plan in full swing, he ordered his shadows to go and get him some rope as he put his hands in front of him while forming a square with his fingers so as to form a picture in his mind…

And dear Kami what a grotesque picture it would turn out to be in the end…

(Some time later - Uzumaki Vault interior)

Naruto had come to the bank earlier in the day shortly after the Fire Daimyo had made his frequent trip to it so as to lustfully gaze at the Uzumaki Vault with pure greed in his eyes. Once the coast was clear, Naruto had used Stealth to move towards the vault and placed his hand upon the vault door. Obviously the seals immediately noticed his Uzumaki genetics and unlocked for him. He only opened the door a crack before he summoned up a shadow and ordered it to remain inside to use later. Now was the time that shadow came into play since he used Shadow Echange to switch places with it.

The room was dark, but that was expected given it was a vast vault of all things so there were no windows of any sort otherwise that kind of undermines the whole point of a vault which is that it is secure. So Naruto summoned up multiple orbs of electricity to illuminate the massive vault and looked upon his inheritance. What he saw made his eyes widen in surprise. As far as the eye could see… massive piles of gold and precious gems of all sorts. Hell there was a diamond the literal size of his head in a case right in front of him.

"Well now I can understand why so much effort went into trying to manipulate me to open the vault door for them," said Naruto to himself, "since this is a lot of money. I wonder how much this would convert to if I was able to go back to my old world. Man, mother would have a heart attack if she saw the sheer number of zeroes on that check. Well, now it is all mine as it should have been from the start."

Naruto then held up his hand and charged it with electricity in a manner that made it magnetized. So as the various golds and metals shot at him, they were stored away in his inventory so as to take it with him for the future. It took a bit, but in the end all that was left in the room were multiple piles of gems since those are not magnetic in any way. So he summoned up numerous shadows to gather the gems and they took the time to do so. Once more it took a while but now the room was empty other than the seals that covered the entirety of the walls within the vault.

"To those who took the time and effort to make these seals," said Naruto as he walked towards the closest wall and placed his hand upon it, "I am sorry. I will not allow anyone to copy their design." Naruto then channeled magical energy into the wall, and as it pulsed through it, the various seals that were once plastered all over it began to erase themselves from existence. Magic was sure handy when it came to things like this since it was far stronger than chakra. So with his job done, Naruto left a single note on the ground dead center of the room before he chuckled to himself and then used Shadow Exchange once more to leave the vault towards his next destination…

And while he did that, the shinobi that the Fire Daimyo had ordered to come to the palace were just within viewing distance from the capital itself…

(Elsewhere - Unknown location near ocean)

Naruto looked out towards the ocean and gazed at the massive pool of water. It was so calming to look at it like this even in the moonlight and he was enjoying the time he had to just stand and enjoy the sight before him. These moments were rare and he would enjoy any and all he could get. But as he stood there, he summoned up an item he had within his inventory so that he could look at it. The item in question was nothing more than a picture, but of who you might ask? Well that answer only pissed Naruto off as he looked at it.

The picture was of one Tsunade Senju… AKA Tsunade Uzumaki Senju, as in a literal living relative of his own clan who wasn't there to aid him… AKA his Godmother, according to his mother's journal…

And what a godmother she had turned out to be in the end. She had abandoned the village for the past eight years and never once set foot back in it so she couldn't really do her motherly duties such as raising him if she wasn't there herself. He had learned about her and her relation to him via his mother's journal, and he could still remember the rage he felt that day as he came to realize that he not only was abused, which in itself was bad enough, but he was abandoned as well which only made the harsh reality he lived in far worse.

Now while his plans had been to kill the Fire Daimyo, which he had accomplished, he also planned to kill Tsunade as well. The woman was a disgrace to the Uzumaki clan name and he would take the time to kill her himself, but his window of opportunity was closing fast and he was not really one to gamble, especially when he had come so far in his plans. That was more Tsunade's shtick and it would eventually come back to bite her in the ass once he got his hands on her. True he could have just killed the Fire Daimyo quicker than he did, and just be done with it all to save on time, but the sheer amount of horrific things that man did to not only his clan, but the very citizens of Fire Country itself warranted that his death not be quick but rather slow and excruciating. There was also the fact that if he faced her now as he was, he would have to be stealthy in his kill since as he was, his power was nowhere near what it was in the peak of his past life, so he would train his body and mind to prepare himself.

"Ha," chuckled Naruto as he looked at Tsunade's picture, "for someone known as the Legendary Sucker given your reputation at losing so much while gambling, count yourself lucky that you have some more time to enjoy your vices. Your death will not be quick, and by the end of it you will know deep down within your very soul that it was your own damn fault."

Naruto then used Wind magic to shred the picture into shreds before he blew them from his hand to the winds. Her face was forever ingrained into his mind so the picture was no longer needed.

"Now before I set out, there is one last thing to take care of."

When Naruto had been in the secret room that the Fire Daimyo had filled to the brim with stuff his mother had from the past, there was one thing there that was not Kushina-themed. It was a very well forged katana with the emblem that showed it belonged to Murmasa's family. So Naruto had taken it before he had set out from that place. So he pulled it out of his inventory and held it now in his hands. While it was a finely crafted blade, it was not his to wield since it was a family heirloom as well as the fact he preferred daggers over full swords. So with blade in hand, he summoned up one particular shadow to carry out a specific task.

This shadow belonged to Hikoshiro. Naruto had taken his shadow after killing him, though he didn't take the ones from the minions since they wouldn't really do him any good. He wanted warriors in his personal dark army, not thugs like they were. True Hikoshiro was just like them, but he wanted him to do this task personally.

"Take this blade back to your father," said Naruto as he handed it to the shadow, "there you will kowtow on his doorstep, and remain in that position until he himself comes and takes the blade from you. Then you will be freed of service since I don't need a pathetic man like you under my control. You aren't even worth being a meat shield."

Hikoshiro's shadow strapped the blade onto his back and then ran off in the direction of Iron Country as his master had ordered him to. And Naruto watched as he left before turning around to face the water once more.

Naruto then summoned up the shadow of a shark he had his others kill so as to ride it across the water. He did this by ordering them to dive down and kill one. It had been a question he had for a while, since while in his past life he had been in various different worlds through the gates that plagued his old home, he had never dealt with any sort of underwater world. Strange to think about given he had been is places like underground, frozen plains, hell even the fucking desert where he had to run for his life from giant worms when he was still so very weak. Apparently shadows didn't need to breathe so they were able to swim underwater indefinitely and any shark would easily be overwhelmed by a small army of people out to kill it so the deed was done eventually.

So once the jet black shark was summoned, Naruto stepped upon its back and ordered it to swim towards their new destination…

Whirlpool… The home of his ancestors, the Uzumaki Clan…

And it would be here that Naruto spent the next 8 years fully training himself, so as to prepare for the battles that lay ahead of him. For while he left that shore in the dead of night a simple boy named Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze…

He would return in time with a new identity that the world will say in fear…

The Shadow Monarch…

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