
Shattering death of love

Moros caught the flying scroll and laughed loudly, celebrating his victory. It was as if he got the key that would ensure his success. 

He turned to leave and when he walked out of the library, he found the maid, lying on the floor, blood flowing from her mouth and her eyes wide open, had turned green. 

"Xiaoman!" Moros yelled and rushed to see what happened in such a short moment. The time he took in bringing the scroll out wasn't too long, not enough that an immortal's daughter who was completely fine would be found in such a state. 

He approached her and embraced her in his arms, slightly slapping her cheeks, to make her wake up. He checked her pulse, and all of a sudden, her lips moved. 

"Xiaoman? What is wrong with you? What happened?" He asked horror filling his face. 

"You are returning?" she asked him instead. Moros could not understand what she was trying to say, "What are you talking about? I am asking you who did this to you." 

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