
Back At Home (Part 2)

Inside the meeting room of the Gordons clan two of the most important people were sitting and watching for the rest to join before there meeting could comence, the patriarch who was sitting in the middle of the thrones on a throne that looked much taller than the rest could not help sighing

" are they not here yet?!" The patriach asked in anger as he stared at the Grand Elder

" I know you are not blind, so why do you have to ask me that same question every five minutes, it's starting to bug me now"

The Grand Elder replied in annoyance, and the patriarch snorted in response

" I guess we would begin when two people come, we can't keep waiting and hoping all would answer our calls. I still don't understand how they don't have a chance for family meeting when they practically do nothing , the day to day running of the clan is being handled by us"

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