
The Malicious Hunter Part Twelve

At Grava City Tower, which is the location of Nisugi, Elias finally arrives.

Elias is on the side of the tower, climbing his way to the top.

"Everything aches! My wounds keep opening up! Why is this damn tower so tall? Every time I go forward, it feels like I'm stepping backward," Elias thinks to himself with a struggling expression on his face.

As Elias climbs, his left hand loses grip on the tower.

"Shit!" Elias exclaims with an irritable tone.

Elias raises his left hand above his head and regains a firm grip on the tower.

"I must keep pushing! For the honor of the name, Strout gave me! The Vengeful Destiny!" Elias screams as he begins to climb up the tower at a rapid pace despite his injuries.

A few minutes later, Elias makes it to the top of the tower and is instantly met with a gun to the face. When Elias looks at the gun, he sees it has a silencer on it, and when he looks at the person holding it, he notices Nisugi.

"If you don't want a horrid death, I suggest you jump off the ledge and leave peacefully to the afterlife before I ruin your one experience at death," Nisugi says in a commanding tone with a no-nonsense expression.

Elias looks Nisugi up and down with a serious expression.

"Dresses like she's going to a business meeting. Yeah, this has to be the woman Strout told me to meet, but who's that over there?"

Elias looks over to his right, and at the right of the tower he sees the hooded man ominously looking down on the city.

"Ah. It seems we have a visitor." The mysterious hooded man whispers with an intrigued tone.

After seeing the hooded man, Elias feels Nisugi's gun get pressed upon his neck.

"Did you not hear me? I'm giving you a chance to go out on your own. Hurry up before I decide to end your pathetic life!" Nisugi shouts.

"Hey Nisugi why don't you be a bit more patient? He has even gotten a chance to speak," the hooded man says as he walks up to the two.

"Tch, fine, what's your business here, and it better be good," Nisugi says in an annoyed tone.

Elias hands Nisugi the note Strout wrote for him. Both the hooded man and Nisugi look at the note.

"Well, it looks like the spy I placed in Grava Academy did come in handy," the hooded man remarks.

Nisugi crumbles up the note and tosses it off the side of the building.

"Fine, your ally; hand me the dagger you have in your possession," Nisugi says in a stern tone.

"Alright, I was going to do that anyway," Elias says in an aggravated tone.

"Yes, finally another dagger in my possession," the hooded man says with a smirk.

Elias begins to hand the dagger to Nisugi, but suddenly the dagger gets knocked out of Elias's hands and sent to a random area below the tower.

"What the hell?" Elias and Nisugi yell.

"Oh, I know that presence from anywhere," the hooded man says in an exhilarating tone.

Everyone looks to the sky, and where they feel an immense amount of overwhelming OGi, they see Principal Nixion floating in the night sky alongside the clouds.

"Well, look at that, the oh-so-great Nixion, the proclaimed strongest OGI user to ever live. Why I'm so honored you've decided to grace us with your presence," the hooded man remarks with a cold demeanor.

As the situation at Grava Tower begins to intensify, the battle near Grava Acadamy Stadium has reached dire circumstances.

At the area where Hunter and Wayne had their battle, Wayne began to awaken after being out of it for a long period.

"Where am—"

Wayne suddenly coughs up blood.

"Hey, would you stay still damn it! Healing these types of injuries isn't easy, you know," someone standing over Wayne remarks as the blurriness in his eyes clears.

"Wait Doc?" Wayne whispers as he notices yellow flames surrounding his body.

"Yeah, yeah, I know what you're going to say. Wasn't I abandoning all of you for the sake of my daughter? I bet Mr.Brown already told everyone, but you dumbass kids know better than anyone I'm not just going to walk past an injured kid on death's door."

Wayne's vision completely clears, and he sees that David, the school doctor alongside his daughter, standing above his beaten and battered body.

"Wait, you're healing me?" Wayne asks.

"No shit idiot, what does it look like I'm doing?" David remarks.

"Wait, I thought you didn't curse in front of your daughter?" Wayne questions.

"Come on, now I thought you had more brains than those two other idiots from class one! Don't you see she has these big headphones on? I put them on her the second she walked outside the stadium!" David exclaims in an annoyed tone.

"Hey, Daddy, can I open my eyes now?" Skylar asks in a cute but loud tone due to the headphones.

"Wait, hold on for 2 seconds," David says in a calm tone.

David pulls off Skylar's headphones and begins speaking to her.

"Grrrr," Wayne hears from behind him as David talks to his daughter.

Wayne bends his head backward to see Lex crawling to him with blood leaking from multiple wounds.

"Lex!" Wayne screams in a worried tone.

"Grrr... Gaarr...Grrr," Lex whispers in a trembling tone.

"I'm sorry, Lex, you kept telling me it was a bad idea, but I can't just sit here and let that bastard get away with what he did to Pops and George," Wayne says in a trembling tone.

As Wayne speaks, all of Lex's memories with Kirata, George, and Wayne start to flow through the beast's mind.

Lex looks at Wayne's face and sees tears beginning to pour from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Lex. I should've left you out of the battle; now you are so hurt again because of me." Wayne says with a remorseful look on his face.

As Wayne apologizes he grits his teeth and clenches his fist in rage.

"But what that bastard has done is unforgivable," Wayne exclaims in a passionate tone.

The very second Lex hears these words from Wayne, something snaps within him. All Lex can feel is the pain of Wayne, a man he considers a brother. He feels his tears, his anguish—he feels all of it tearing him apart.

"Gaaarr!" Lex screams enraged as his body begins to grow and the entirity of both his eyes begins to glow red.

Lex grows to 12'7 tall as he begins to stand on two feet. The hair and wings on his back ignite into blazing infernos. Then every muscle in his body grows exponentially. His snaketails widen while also growing to 70 feet tall.

"Gahhhhh!" Lex screams in an emotional, blind rage.

Lex flies into the sky and instantly heads over to Hunter's location.

"What the fuck is that?" Doc yells as he places the headphones back on Skylar's ears.

"That's Lex's current full size. He grew into it a few years back," Wayne answers.

"Wait, you mean that small beast you carry around with you?" David asks.

"Yeah, Lex's race Although Gumalo can grow and shrink, most maintain a shape that conserves energy and optimizes size. What you just saw was Lex growing to his full size," Wayne explains.

"So that means he's got an increased power? David asks.

"Well, technically no. Gumalos keep the same amount of strength no matter how big or small they are, but there is an advantage to growing to full size. Lex can now produce more fire than he could before now that he's at maximum capacity," Wayne explains in a worried tone.

The injured Wayne gets up but falls back down.

"Damn, kid! Your injuries haven't healed yet. Just let my flames heal you!" David shouts.

"No, you don't understand! Lex is still young in Gumalo years; he can only last in his full size for 5 minutes, and with those injuries, who knows how long he will last?" Wayne says in an exhausted tone.

Wayne begins to tremble as he thinks about what could happen to Lex.

"I need to save him before I lose someone else!" Wayne says as flashes of George and Kirata go through his head.

In the sky, Lex is flying at full speed until he eventually sees Hunter down below, preparing to finish Kai.

Lex flies down and lands behind Hunter with a vicious look on its face.

"Hahaha! Wow, I love it when it gets interesting again!" Hunter exclaims as he turns around with a smile.


Lex smacks Hunter so hard that his torso twists off and blows Kai away.

Hunter instantly regenerates from his lower half.

"Hahaha, no way you're the same Gumalo that hangs with that brat! I like this form better; you should use it more often."

Hunter begins to shoot needles at Lex, but Lex instantly flies up to get away.

"Oh no, once you attack me, we're locked in battle until I'm satisfied!" Hunter screams with a fiendish expression on his face.

Hunter uses the accelerate technique and flies up above Lex.

"Sit down!" Hunter yells as he morphs his left arm into a tentacle and forms the end of it into a sledgehammer.

Hunter slams the sledgehammer onto Lex's head, sending him spiraling into the ground.

"Grrr!" Lex whispers in pain as he slams into the ground.

Hunter comes down from the sky and slams both of his knees onto Lex's stomach.

"Hahaha, come on, now you come with this amazing transformation. Show me something already!" Hunter says as he pounds both of his fists into Lex's chest.

The flaming hairs on Lex's begin to fluctuate.


Lex shoots a massive blast of fire from his mouth, burning the entirety of Hunter's body.

"Ha! Now that's what I'm talking about!" Hunter shouts.

Lex knocks Hunter off of his body and stands back up.


Without wasting any time, Lex begins firing giant fireballs from his six tails in the form of snakes.

"Haha! Oh wow, you don't let up!" Hunter says as his body gets torn apart by fireballs.

Hunter begins to harden his skin and tank the fireballs.

"You know it's been a long time since I've fought such a strong beast; lets see if you can live up to my standard!"

As Hunter speaks, he begins to build up fire within the back of his throat.

Lex notices this and also begins to build up fire in the back of his throat as well. As fire builds up within him, Lex's stomach begins to glow.

"Survive this!"


Lex and Hunter both release giant blasts of fire from their mouths. Both of these fire blasts clash in the middle of the sky, sending a heat wave throughout the area.

"Graaa!" Lex screams as he continues to increase his firepower.

"Hahaha!" Hunter exclaims as he continues to match Lex's firepower by pushing himself further and further.

As Lex and Hunter clash, Kai is right under them, just watching the battle.

"This heat feels like it's going to tear the atmosphere apart!" Kai exclaims.

Suddenly Kai gets picked up and, at great speed, rushed to a safe area a good distance from the battle.

"Doc?" Kai asks as he gets set down on some rubble.

"Yes, I came to save you dumbass kids; y'all better be grateful because I should be out of the city by now!" David exclaims as he surrounds Kai with yellow flames.

Kai looks to his left and sees Blaze, Marfumi, Dexter, and Liz lying on the wall, surrounded by yellow flames.

"You're saving all of us. So Doc, you do have a heart after all."

"I'm a doctor for crying out loud! Give me some credit!" David shouts.

"Where's Aurora?" Kai asks.

"I don't know I didn't see her fucked up anywhere," David answers.

"Oh, knowing her, she's probably out somewhere forming a plan that doesn't involve her getting hurt. Hey, Doc, is that beast the same beast that follows Wayne?" Kai asks while watching the long clash of fire between Lex and Hunter.

"Yep, but I'm not going to explain that bullshit to you. Ask him later if you're curious. But what I do know is we need to get out of here fast while Lex has Hunter distracted. Help me carry these guys." David commands.

"Wait! Is something going to happen?" Kai questions with a shocked expression.

"Lex ain't going to last long; that form of his could give out any second," David says with a face of urgency.

As David begins to pick up some of the students, the fiery clash between Hunter and Lex reaches a breaking point.



The clashing fire explodes, causing a giant eruption that blows both Lex and Hunter away.

Both of them hit the ground, but Hunter gets up instantly with an even greater thirst for blood.

"Hahaha! That's the stuff I live for!" Hunter shouts as he itches both sides of his neck out of excitement.

Hunter surrounds his body with lightning and flies over to where Lex landed.

When Hunter flies over, he sees Lex knocked out, slowly shrinking to his regular size.

"Grrr," Lex mutters as his memories with Wayne flow through his head.

"Uh, of course you're already done. I thought I was going to have so much fun with you. Pathetic," Hunter says with a disappointed tone and expression.

"You damn idiot, I told you to stay down! You're not fully healed yet, you dumbass kid!" David screams from afar with Liz and Blaze on his back.

Hunter notices David screaming from afar.

"I know that dumbass isn't talking.to me, so who could he be talking to?" Hunter asks in a confused tone.

Hunter suddenly sees something in the corner of his eye as he looks around.

"Ah, I see. I couldn't sense you because you're such a weak insect," Hunter says in a cocky tone.

Hunter turns around with a huge smile and sees Wayne standing on top of a pile of rubble with his body beaten and battered. He is struggling to stand, David's healing yellow flames circulating his body, and a cold, empty look in his eyes.

"Hahaha! Damn, I can't believe you're still alive after that last beating I gave you! You should've just let yourself bleed out and die! Are you here for another beating because you don't give me any type of challenge, unlike your friends?"

Suddenly an idea clicks in Hunter's mind. .

"Ooo, maybe I can kill you, and perhaps some stronger friends of yours will come with an intent to kill! Hahaha! One lightning bolt should do it!" Hunter says in an ecstatic tone.

A flow of wind goes through the area and blows Wayne's hair, showing the deep-seated emptiness in his eyes as he grips some brand new weapons in his hands.

"Hunter. This will be the last time me and you fight."

Chapter 184 end

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