
The Ruthless Wrath Part Three

After Tota successfully saved the remaining students and citizens in the Grava Acadamy Stadium by awakening Paul and Chika, the stadium quickly got cleared of all Death's zombies.

After Paul and Chika finished cleanup duty, Tota was quickly rushed to the resting area and treated with care.

Paul and Chika are walking around the left corner of the stadium, checking for any loose zombies.

"Hey, Paul I don't think there are any more zombies left," Chika remarks with a smile.

"Yes, that's what it seems," Paul says as he checks out the body of a zombie.

"You've been checking out almost every zombie we walk past and then writing in that journal. Is there any reason?"

Paul pulls out his journal and starts writing notes in it.

"Hey, Chika, do you think you can handle watching over this stadium by yourself?"

"Heh, you didn't even answer my question, but you realize how bad my injuries are, right?" Chika says as she points to the bandages all across her body.

"I apologize for that. I was just putting in my best effort to defeat you."

"Ha, no, it's fine. I understand I left you with some injuries, so we're good even though you won."

"So I'm guessing you can handle the situation here?" Paul says as he stands up.

"Yep, of course nobody is going to touch this place as long as I'm here!" Chika says excitedly.

"Alright, then I'll be off."

As Paul begins to walk away, Chika looks at him with a strange look.

"Where are you even going, Paul?"

"I'm going to go handle some personal business; please mind your own," Paul says with an unwavering expression.

Paul exits the stadium, leaving Chika to protect the citizens. At the same time, the battle between Mr.Chad and Wrafh continues on the north corner of Grava City.

After taking one of the sacred Kenshi arts, Phoenix Ember Wing, directly to his left shoulder, Mr.Chad has gone on the defensive.

"Damn it, when does he give up?" Mr.Chad thinks to himself as he runs from Wrath.

"Stop running, you coward!" Wrath screams with an agitated expression.

Mr.Chad runs down the road with the accelerate technique and then turns around.

"That Phoenix Ember Wng did a number on me. I'm using the recover technique at full blast, but it seems the burn the attack left is harder to heal than I thought. I can't take him in Kenjutsu. I must use my gravity manipulation to beat him so tiring."

Mr.Chad turns the corner to hide behind a building to avoid multiple air slashes from Wrath.

"Tch, why won't that man just give up already? It's clear he knows he's outmatched," Wrath says with an annoyed expression.

Wrath applies the flex technique to his legs and jumps over the building. While Wrath is in mid-air, he sees Mr.Chad standing on the next block with thirty cars floating around him.

"You might be able to deal with rocks, so let's try something new."

With gravity manipulation, Mr.Chad throws the floating cars at Wrath, who is on top of the roof.

"Naga Serpent Surge," Wrath whispers to himself as he closes his eyes.

Wrath jumps off of the roof and begins to fall towards the incoming cars. With a focused expression on his face, Wrath begins to flawlessly slice each car in half.

"Ok, that didn't work!" Mr.Chad thinks to himself.

While Wrath is mid-air, he suddenly feels himself get tugged downward, breaking his focus.


Wrath gets directly smacked by 10 cars in a row and then slams into the ground.

"Shit, he used his control of gravity to increase the gravity around my body!"

While Wrath struggles to get up from the increased gravity around him, Mr.Chad stands over him and, with his katana behind his head, attempts to slice his head off. Wrath applies the flex technique to his neck muscles, which blocks the attack.

"Damn, he's also pretty good with OGI control! Why can't any of the enemies just go down with one shot?" Mr.Chad whispers to himself.

Despite the heavy gravity, Wrath jumps up with flex technique and grabs his blades.

"You've got to be kidding!" Mr.Chad says with a shocked expression.

To Mr.Chad's dismay, Wrath slashes him on the torso twice and then stabs him in both of his ribs.

"Your powers won't be enough to beat me, and your skills with the katana are lacking; just quit! That cursed katana isn't worth anyone's life!"

Wrath pulls his katana out of Mr.Chad and kicks him backward with his left foot.

Mr.Chad stabs his blade into the ground to stay on his feet and, with gravity, pushes Wrath into a house.

"Oh, what is it? Do you care about my wellbeing or some shit?" Mr.Chad remarks while breathing heavily.

Mr.Chad uses his powers to remove gravity from around him, then starts floating.

"I can't keep expending my OGI trying to weigh Wrath down; it takes too much out of the tank. I've already hit him with the gravity of Neptune. How much further do I have to go?" Mr.Chad thinks to himself.

While floating, Mr.Chad propels himself forward into the building he threw Wrath into. Out of the other side of the building, Wrath gets thrown through the window onto the street.

"That flying might be a problem; I need to ground him quickly," Wrath says while putting both of his katanas to his sides.

"Roc Tempest Talon!"

Wrath spins, creating a tornado of sharp wind that destroys the building in front of him.


Wrath swiftly looks behind him and sees Mr.Chad behind him preparing for an attack.

"I didn't even sense him move until the last minute; did I underestimate this fool?"

As Wrath contemplates to himself, Mr.Chad quickly swings his katana at Wrath's head. Wrath blocks the speedy strike, but then Mr.Chad spins and goes in for an attack on Wrath's left side.

"That speed!" Wrath screams as he blocks the attack with his other blade.

With even greater speed, Mr.Chad swings two more times at Wrath but gets parried.

"Don't you ever get tired of blocking?" Mr.Chad asks as he gets paired four more times.

Wrath once again backs up from Mr.Chad which Mr.Chad watches closely.

"Just a little closer," Wrath says with a worn expression.

Mr.Chad rushes forward and then collides his blade with Wrath's.

"You know you should really watch your stance," Mr.Chad remarks.

Mr.Chad kicks Wrath's knees, causing him to stumble.

Mr.Chad seizes the opportunity to leave a gaping slash on the left side of his forehead.

"Damn it," Wrath whispers in frustration.

Wrath gets his stance back and then leaves a cut on Mr.Chad's left leg.

"You know, quitter, you made the correct decision to do something dirty like that! This isn't real Kenjutsu, so I'll play the same way," Wrath says as he jumps back.

When Wrath lands, he feels his back hit a wall.

"Shit, I fell into his trap!"

Once Mr.Chad sees Wrath's back hit the wall, he quickly kicks him in the stomach and then stabs him in the shoulder, pinning him to the wall.

"I knew you would be too focused on my speed to notice," Mr.Chad says to himself.

Mr. Chad raises his right fist above his head and slams it into the wound on Wrath's head.

"What the fuck that punch hurt like hell!" Wrath thinks to himself as he barely holds onto consciousness.

Mr.Chad then lifts his left fist above his head and then punches Wrath in the head again.

"Using the katana is so tiring—too much technique to it," Mr.Chad exclaims with an exhausted expression.

Mr.Chad raises both of his fists and slams them onto the top of Wrath's head, leaving it leaking.

"I see now. That bastard is increasing the gravity around his fist, giving it more weight!"

Wrath's body starts to slump onto the wall as more blood leaks from his head. With him receiving critical damage, Wrath remembers the immense speed Mr.Chad utilized against him.

"That also explains why he's been moving so fast without using the accelerate technique; he's been decreasing the gravity around him to make himself lighter!"

Mr.Chad lifts both his fists and slams both of them onto Wrarh's head once again.

"Those damn punches feel like mini meteors!" Wrath thinks to himself.

With that last attack, Wrath starts to lose consciousness.

"Finally you show some damn weakness; you've been so tiring," Mr.Chad says with a relieved expression.

As Wrath feels his body become heavier, he hears a woman's words go off in his head.

"This is just the way of the Kenshi, but I will change that once I become Shogun!" the mysterious woman states.

When Wrath hears these words go through his head, he immediately opens his eyes wide, completely overtaken by rage.


Mr.Chad begins to back away, but Wrath quickly grabs him by the throat.

"Damn the way of the Kenshi! I'll end it! I'll end it, I swear!" Wrath screams in rage.

Wrath pulls himself forward, allowing the katana in his left shoulder to completely go through, making an even bigger hole.

"The way of the Kenshi will die by hand!" Wrath screams as he slams his head into Mr.Chad's head.

Wrath then grips his katana and stabs Mr.Chad in the stomach while still gripping his neck.

"You son of a bitch," Mr.Chad says as he spits out blood.

Mr.Chad smacks Wrath's hand off of his neck, pulls his katana out of the wall, and then flies up.

"You have way more grit than needed; you know, just lay down already!" Mr.Chad screams with an annoyed expression.

Wrath grips both of his katanas with an enraged expression.

"Why do you hold onto that cursed katana with so much care? I can see it in your eyes; you know, just as well as I do, the way of the Kenshi needs to burn!" Wrath screams in a ticked-off tone.

"Yeah, the way of the Kenshi has some problems, but I didn't quite. Because of that, I quit because it was way too tiring, and once again, if you hate it so much of a problem with it, why do you use those katanas with such efficiency?" Mr.Chad says with a triggered expression.

"Tch, you piss me off," Wrath says with an aggravated expression.

Wrath rushes forward to a building and starts running up the side of it with the accelerate technique.

"You can talk all you want up there, but I'll bring you down!"

Suddenly, as he's running up the building, Wrath stops and swings his katana in the air, pointing toward Mr.Chad.

"You are such a tiring, feared legend," Mr.Chad thinks to himself as he dodges the multiple airslashes coming his way.

After dodging the air slashes, the first thing Mr.Chad sees is Wrath jumping towards him.

"He's going for a sword swing now?" Mr.Chad asks with a confused expression.

While Wrath's sword is over his head, Mr.Chad sees the katna split into five.

"Damn, it's this technique; I need to try to pinpoint which katana is the real one!"

As Wrath's katana gets closer to him, Mr.Chad puts up his katana to block.

"Kitsune Midnight Mirage!" Wrath shouts.

"Shit, I fell for that bullshit technique!" Mr.Chad says with a disappointed expression.

Suddenly Wrath's katana goes straight through Mr.Chad's katana, almost like it's become transparent, and then the blade becomes singular once again in the eyes of Mr.Chad.

After going through his katana, Wrath's katana becomes solid again as well and slashes Mr.Chad at the waist.

"Damn it!" Mr.Chad says with a defeated expression.

"The damn Kitsune Midnight Mirage! An art where the user shifts around their katana so fast that it makes the katana look like multiple when in reality there's only one! It feels impossible to guess which katana is the real one," Mr.Chad thinks to himself.

Wrath quickly gets back to the ground after landing a critical blow on Mr.Chad.

"This is my best opportunity to use that art..."

Wrath sheathes both of his katanas and picks one of them from his waist. He then holds the sheath with his right hand and grips the hilt with his left.

"Right when he's directly over the ground is the perfect position to hit him with this technique," Wrath says with a focused expression.

Wrath bends both of his knees and points his head forward.

At the same time, Mr.Chad starts floating down to the ground while holding onto his wound, but by the time he's a few inches off the ground, he realizes his dire situation a little too late.

"That stance and the position I'm in! Damn it, he read me like a book!"

"Hermes Zephyr!" Wrath shouts as he pushes forward with enormous speed.

Wrath instantly vanishes, and in the blink of an eye, he's behind Mr.Chad with his katana out.

"This fight isn't going to end well, is it?" Mr.Chad asks himself in an annoyed tone.

Wrath slowly sheathes his blade, and when the katana is fully in the sheath, a deep cut appears on the left side of Mr.Chad's neck, which leaves blood splurging out at an alarming rate.

"That attack was way too shallow; you moved your body last second to avoid your head flying off," Wrath says as he turns around.

Mr.Chad's body slumps to the ground while, at the same time, he grabs his neck to hold in the blood.

"Even when I try to take him in a battle of abilities, he still finds a way to make it all about sword skill! So tiring!"

Chapter 169 end

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