
Slimy clash

On the eastern part of Grava City, where Death is killing multiple civilians with her zombies, Mr.Alex is currently looking after a woman with a broken leg on top of a roof, looking down on the destruction Death has left.

"It's ok, mam, just stay awake, and I'll get you medical attention as fast as possible."

"Hehe, so he hasn't noticed yet."

Death is still using the sneak technique to stand directly behind Mr.Alex with a devious smile, waiting for her time to strike.

"I can sense that you're pretty strong for a kid, so I'll kill you quick and easy!"

Death starts to apply the flex technique to her right hand, causing veins to pop out of it.

Mr.Alex kneels lower to look at the woman's broken leg closer.

"Now you die!"

Death thrusts her hand straight through the back of Mr.Alex's head, and with that, Death smiles widely.

"Death is so beautiful!"

"See, this is what happens when you only have those undead minions doing your dirty work; you become lazy," Mr.Alex says with a hole in his head.

"How are you talk—"

Suddenly, Death feels a weird sensation on her right hand.

"Why does it feel like my arm is getting pulled in by the hole in your head?"

"Oh, right, I forgot. You can go ahead and take your hand back now."

Suddenly, Death's hand stops getting pulled into Mr.Alex's head, but her entire body gets sent flying back.

"What the hell? Did his head just spit my hand out?"

When Death looks at her body, she notices a green substance splattered all across her body, especially on her right hand.

"What the fuck is this?" Death asks herself while looking at her hand.

"It's goo."


Death looks over to Mr.Alex and sees that his body is slowly melting into the same green substance that just got on her.

"Like I said, what you just punched is goo and thanks to that, you will lose this battle."

Death looks behind Mr.Alex and sees that the woman Mr.Alex saved melted into a pile of green goo.

"Wait, you baited me!"

Mr.Alex's entire body turns into a green goo.

"Yep, that's right. When I heard that I was going to come and beat you, I knew I needed a plan for your powerful sneak technique. So I made a fake woman for me to protect so I could bait you in to attack me while my back was turned."

"Oh, so you baited me in so you could locate me, but what are you going to do now that you found me?"

In his goo form, Mr.Alex's body completely melts and drops to the floor making it a puddle.

"What the fuck your nothing but a puddle now?"

"No, I'm still me," Mr.Alex says in a puddle of goo.

Suddenly, the puddle of goo flies up into the air, and then it morphs into a hundred green fists.

"Woah, that happened quickly!" Death screams with a blush.

Mr.Alex starts to rain down the fists of goo at top speeds towards where Death is standing. Death jumps back in an attempt to avoid the goo but gets hit on her left shoulder, right ankle, and left part of her stomach.

"What the fuck that shit burns!"

Death looks where the goo landed and sees that her skin has been burned through to the point where her bones are visible. When Death sees the damage the goo has done to her body, she smiles with a blush.

"Wow, so beautiful, especially with the way the blood gushes out."

Mr.Alex in his goo form, comes down from the sky and lands back on the roof. Then he brings himself together and morphs into a gooey form of his human body.

"Hello, sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier. You can call me what my students call Mr.Alex I'm the teacher of class four at Grava Academy. Nice to meet you, feared legend Death. I'll be your opponent."

Mr.Alex's power is "goo," a power that allows him to completely turn his body into a green liquid substance that has almost an infinite amount of properties.

"Oh, so that's your power? So that goo melts anything it touches."

"Yeah, go ahead and believe that if you want to!"

From the ground, five zombies jump up to the roof with the intent to attack Mr.Alex.

Mr.Alex's goo body melts down into a green puddle and then morphs into a ball.

"More zombies, really?" Mr.Alex asks in his goo form.

Mr.Alex stretches his goo body and smacks all the zombies away instantly. Then, when he turns around, he sees Death sliding off the edge of the building.

"Hey, get back over here!"

Mr.Alex turns back into a green ball and bounces off the edge to follow her.

"She's gone; it must be her overpowered sneak technique again!"

Mr.Alex stretches once again and sticks to the edge of the building to his left. The other half of his body that's not attached to the edge morphs into a gooey form of Mr.Alex.

"I'll have to kill her fast before she evolves into too much of a problem."

Mr.Alex looks around and sees tons of zombies running on the ground beneath him and climbing up the buildings near him.

"Because the more she's in play, the bigger advantage the enemy has. Those zombies might seem like easy pickings when only fighting a few, but..."

Mr.Alex looks back down to the ground and sees that even more zombies have gathered, making over a hundred zombies within Mr.Alex's area alone.

"When many of them gather together like this as an army, for most, it will be impossible to escape alive."

A zombie crawls on the wall of the left wall next to Mr.Alex and jumps at him.


"Yeah, but a situation like this is no problem for me."

Mr.Alex morphs his gooey body into an O-shape, causing the zombie to go through him, but then he closes the hole to slice the zombie in half from the waist.

"Alright, then let's get started! You're a cancer Death so I'll defeat you for the sake of everyone in this city."

Mr.Alex turns his gooey body back into his human form and starts descending toward the zombies.

"This shouldn't take long." Mr.Alex says with a calm expression.

Mr.Alex turns his hand into goo and throws a bunch of goo below him.

"Explosive goo!"

The goo lands on top of multiple zombies and instantly ignites. Once ignited, the goo explodes, destroying multiple zombies.

Mr.Alex lands in the middle of the rest of the zombies. He looks around at the many ugly, pale-faced zombies with an unfazed expression.

"I think I recognize some of these people, so she's been building an army of zombies with the people she's been killing in Grava City."

Mr.Alex turns his left arm into goo, hardens the goo, and slices off the heads of multiple zombies by swiftly whipping his arm."

"I know you're moving around here with that sneak technique."

Mr.Alex turns his tongue into goo and inhales. When he exhales, multiple bubbles made out of goo float out.

"You know Death I haven't lived in this city long by any means, but one thing I've quickly realized is that this is the true heart of the Grava Zone, "the zone of dreams." It's an amazing thing to be known for, and it even helped me find out what I would make my main goal."

With a serious expression, Mr.Alex makes a machete out of goo.

"So I'm sure you can guess that seeing such a beautiful city get destroyed pisses me off!"

At the same time, Mr.Alex catches the wrist of Death, who was trying to attack him while she was using the sneak technique.

"There you are!" Mr.Alex screams with an angry expression.

"You were able to see me coming?"

Mr.Alex kicks Death into the zombies behind her. The zombies fall into one of the bubbles of goo that Mr.Alex made earlier, while Death flips over the bubble flawlessly, avoiding it.

"How the hell did you know I was going to attack you?"

The zombies inside the bubble of goo suddenly blew up after the goo ignited.

"Well, it's simple; the reason why I baited you in earlier to attack me wasn't just so I could find you. It was also to make sure that special sneak technique of yours became useless early on."

Death starts to remember when she punched Mr.Alex through the head and got goo all over her.

"The goo?"

"Yep, I knew it would be hard to fight you if I didn't know where you were, so I let you hit me so I could place as many goo particles on you as possible, which I can track at all times. This means you might be able to disappear from my senses, but you'll never be able to hide."

Mr.Alex looks over to Deafh, and instead of a panicked expression like he was expecting, he sees Deafh giggling with a blush.

"Oh wow, you put so much thought into this!"

She starts to giggle more creepily.

"You stopped my sneak technique. Good job!"

More zombies start to rise from the ground around Death.

Death puts her arms up while poking her chest out, almost like she's about to embrace someone.

"Well, this is definitely a weird, feared legend," Mr.Alex says with a shocked expression.

Death tears off the heads of the two zombies next to her and raises them above her.

"This is so perfect!"

With a blush on her face, Death starts to squeeze the heads of the zombies, and out of the bottom of them spills blood. The blood showers onto Death, going from the top of her down to her thighs.

"Yes, the feeling of fresh blood!"

Death starts hugging herself while at the same time smothering herself with blood, while at the same time, Mr.Alex has a face of pure disgust.

"Yes, go ahead and attack me! I'm sure your heart looks amazing outside of your body!" she screams with the eyes of a madman.

Mr.Alex looks at all the zombies surrounding him and then Death directly in front of him. Mr.Alex whips around his goo-made Machete with a focused expression.

"Ok, for the sake of this city and my future as the teacher of class four, I will defeat you!"

Chapter 145 end

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