
Bloodbath Showdown

During the battle with Paul and Chika, the hairs on Mrs.Iris's skin rise. Mr.Mink looks over to her.

"I'm guessing you have to go."

"Hehe, yeah, I better go quick before it's too late."

Mrs.Iris uses one of her nails to slice her palm. When her palm starts bleeding, she swipes her hand and leaves a large amount of blood on the ground. Both Tota and Arcta scream at the sight of Mrs.Iris cutting herself.

"OK bye I'll be back as quickly as possible! Mr.Mink, you better not forget my money when Paul loses."

Mrs.Iris steps onto the blood she put on the floor.

"You shouldn't be worrying about this battle, Mrs. Iris, because Chika is going to lose anyway."

"Hehe, you have lame jokes."

The blood under Mrs.Iris starts to glow.

"Blood expressway!"

The second Mrs.Iris says those words, she disappears.

"What the hell was that?" Tota screams.

Mr.Mink answers Tota's question by saying, "It's her blood manipulation."


"Mrs.Iris has the power to manipulate her blood in many ways. What she just did was use her "Blood Expressway," a move that requires her to place blood in different locations, and when she does that, she can teleport back to those locations as long as her blood is still stained where she wants to teleport. It also lets her have a set of eyes wherever her blood is stained. It acts as an always-working camera and instant transportation."

After explaining what Mrs.Iris just did to Tota, Mr.Mink starts to think to himself.

"If whoever has been watching the principal is truly on the attack right now, I just hope Mrs.Iris can handle it on her own."

On the hill on the south side of Grava City, Mrs.Iris appears from a bloodstain she placed a few weeks ago. When she teleports in, she instantly sees Killer taking aim at Nixion with his sniper rifle.

"Shit, I have to hurry!"

Mrs.Iris throws blood from her bleeding palm so fast that it slices through Killer's sniper. When the sniper falls apart and Killer starts examining it, Mrs.Iris quickly gets behind him.

"So you're the person who's been watching the principal for so long. Mr.Mink was smart to put me on this job because now I know what your intentions are!"

Mrs.Iris looks down at Killer with a smile on her face.

"Hello! Now that I know you want to harm the principal, I'm going to have to kill you feared legend, Killer."

Killer quickly jumps away from Mrs.Iris but gets kicked in the jaw, sending him to the ground. When he's on the ground, Mrs.Iris jumps down to the ground as well.

"Feared Legend Killer! One of, if not the greatest, assassins in the world! You're wildly known for having perfect and precise kills! Sometimes your kills are so good that we don't even realize that the person you killed died until days later, and we don't find out you're the killer until years later. You mostly don't make a sound since you're mute and all, and you were crowned a feared legend after one of your bullets killed a ranking official so well that people to this day still think you are nothing but a myth. Well, it makes sense since that singular bullet actually killed three hundred officials and sent the entire globe into a panic."


Killer stands up and looks at his sliced-apart sniper. Killer digs into the two pouches on the back of his belt. He pulls out two figurines of a UZI submachine gun.

"Well, if it isn't portable inventory, the process where you turn different items into small figurines so they are easier to carry."

Killer crushes the small figurines, and a UZI submachine gun appears in both of his hands.

"You might have a long history of killing your targets with one shot, but I ain't one of the easy kills you're used to! There's a reason why they put me on this job!"

Mrs.Iris digs her nail into her other palm and leaves a huge cut in it. With both of her palms bleeding, she uses her blood manipulation to create six balls of her blood to float around her. Then she swings her arms and releases a bunch of blood from her hands, and then the blood hardens into two sharp blades.

"I'm ready for you, Killer!"

With six balls of blood circulating her and blades made out of blood in hand, Mrs.Iris rushes at Killer with a smile on her face. Killer points one UZI at the incoming Mrs.Iris and holds down the trigger. Mrs.Iris takes one of the balls of blood and makes it expand so it's covering her entire front.

"Those bullets shoot pretty fast, but it doesn't matter if they make no contact!"

Mrs.Iris makes the blood harden, completely blocking all the bullets. She then jumps over the shield of blood she made and gets directly in front of Killer.

Killer ducks both of Mrs.Iris's blood blades and unloads his other UZI into her left rib.


Mrs.Iris falls to the ground but turns the shield of blood she used before back into a liquid, and with the movement of her head, she hits Killer with blood with so much pressure that it almost tears through his skin. Killer gets slammed into a tree by the blood while at the same time dropping his guns.

"Stay there real quick!"

Mrs.Iris takes another ball of blood and shoots it at Killer. The blood hits Killer's right hand and hardens which leaves Killer's hand stuck to the tree.

"Great, now you aren't going anywhere!"

Mrs.Iris takes one of her blades made out of blood and swings it. When she swings it, it turns back into a liquid, which allows it to stretch all the way to Killer. With one of his arms restrained, Killer applies the flex technique to his left arm to block Mrs.Iris's blood attack.

The attack cuts multiple trees in half. Mrs.Iris instantly rushes in for a follow-up attack, but when she gets there, she sees that Killer has disappeared.

"Wait, he broke out!"

Mrs.Iris gets sliced on the back twice.

"Shit! The sneak technique!"

Mrs.Iris looks back and sees Killer standing behind her with a metal staff and shotgun. Both ends of the metal staff are pointed and sharp.

"I got to move; he's too close!"

Killer points the shotgun directly at Mrs.Iris's face and pulls the trigger. Mrs.Iris barely moves her head out of the way, which leaves the right side of her head leaking blood at a fast rate.

"Those anti-OGI bullets are starting to piss me off!"

Mrs.Iris grabs both of Killer's legs by turning both blades made out of blood back into a liquid. Then she flips Killer backward, but while Killer's in the air, he does a backflip, and when Mrs.Iris is back in his vision, he shoots her in the left leg.

"Ahh! Ok then!"

Mrs.Iris starts shooting hardened shards of blood at Killer. Killer lands in a tree and hides behind it. Then, while he's behind the tree, he drops his shotgun and pulls out an assault rifle. Mrs.Iris, on the other hand, falls to her knees.

"Everything he's doing is going for the kill! His attacks are so deadly that even when they don't exactly hit their mark, they still do massive damage."

Mrs.Iris grabs her ribs, which are currently spilling out blood.

"And here he comes again!"

Killer jumps off a tree branch, and with his assault rifle in one hand, he pulls the trigger and starts shooting at Mrs.Iris, who is on one knee.

Mrs.Iris gathers together a bunch of her blood and creates a shield in front of her to block the bullets.

"I might have to retreat for now and get back up if what I do next doesn't work!"

When the assault rifle bullets get close to the blood barrier, something happens to Killer's right eye, which is currently behind his mask. The pupil of Killer's right eye turns into a yellow bullseye. At the same time, a bullseye appears on Mrs.Iris's back.


The assault rifle bullets stop mid-air, go around the blood shield, and hit the bullseye on Mrs.Iris's back.

"What! The bullets can track me down!"

The bullets went straight through Mrs. Iris's torso, leaving her in a vulnerable state. While she's spitting up blood, Killer jumps over the blood shield with his staff in hand.


Killer swings the end of the staff at Mrs.Iris's head. Mrs.Iris quickly moves her head out of the way, but then a bullseye appears on her face.

"Wait,can the bullseyes alo—!"

Killer's staff, which is still in motion after he missed his attack, pauses mid-air and comes back down to slash Mrs.Iris's face.

With a big cut now on her face, Mrs.Iris screams in pain and backs away from Killer.

"I get it now! That's how you were able to kill three hundred people with one bullet! Your power allows you to place targets on things, and once the target is placed, any attack you decide to throw out is guaranteed to hit that target! Scary power, but I can get around it!"

Mrs.Iris stops backing away and starts running around Killer.

"I know for a fact that there's some blood in there from one of my attacks."

Mrs.Iris sees the huge cut she left earlier on Killer's left arm.


Mrs.Iris put out her hand and pointed it at the wound on Killer's left arm. Killer's arm suddenly twitches, and he instantly looks over to it.

Killer takes his staff, and with the tip of it, he slashes his wound. He cuts it so deep that massive amounts of blood fly everywhere.

"Tch, so you figured that out really quick! Making your wound that deep to escape from my grasp is kind of extreme, but now I think it's time to get some backup."

Mrs.Iris starts rushing in the opposite direction of Killer. She starts jumping from tree to tree to get out of Killer's sight.

Killer looks at Mrs.Iris running away and then digs into one of his pouches. Killer uses the accelerate technique to rush after Mrs.Iris.

"So you really want this kill!"

Mrs.Iris pulls her phone out of her pocket and starts going through her contacts.

Killer runs to a branch in front of Mrs.Iris.

"Shit, these injuries are making me move too slowly!"

Killer pulls out a gray pistol with a sleek design and what seems to be a red substance in the magazine instead of bullets.

"What type of gun is that?"

Mrs.Iris surrounds herself with blood and hardens it, making a hollow ball of blood. Inside the ball of blood, Mrs.Iris is typing Mr.Mink into the search bar.

"Finally, I have to call quickly!"

Outside the ball of blood, Killer pulls the trigger of the pistol. The pistol starts to glow red, almost like it has hot, boiling water inside it.


After a few seconds, Killer takes aim, and then a few seconds after that, the gun shoots. The sound of it shooting is so loud that it slightly hurts Killer's ears. The impact of shooting is so powerful that it causes Killer to get sent flying back. Inside the barrier, Mrs.Iris has started calling Mr.Mink.

"Come on, Mr.Mink, answer! Wait, what the fuck was that noise?"

Mrs.Iris sees the barrier crack right in front of her.


Mrs.Iris sees a glowing red bullet break through her barrier. Even with her best efforts to react to the Spedding bullet, all she can do is block the bullet with her arm. The second the bullet hits her right arm, it tears through it, completely severing her right forearm from the rest of her body. The bullet then passes by her phone so fast that Mrs.Iris's phone gets completely destroyed. Then it shoots through her left shoulder and the rest of the barrier.


Mrs.Iris hits the ground while screaming in anguish.

"Ahhhh! That speed! That power! A regular anti-OGI bullet shouldn't be able to break through my defenses like that! What was that?"

While Mrs.Iris rolls on the ground in pure anguish, Killer walks over to her with a shotgun in hand.

Killer holds the shotgun to her head, completely ready to kill her. Despite her situation, Mrs.Iris starts giggling.

"Hehe! You know, Killer, you really do live up to your name! You probably already figured this out, but I can manipulate my blood in any way I choose, but if I somehow get my blood mixed into someone else's blood, I gain the ability to control the blood of whatever my blood is touching. This is what I tried to do earlier when I got some blood in your wound, but you quickly noticed and injured yourself further to get my blood out of your system."

As Mr.Iris speaks, Killer notices that he can't move his finger to pull the trigger.

"You're probably wondering now how I got a hold of you. Well, you see, I can turn my blood into three different forms of liquid. I already showed you solid with me hardening my blood, and of course, you have already seen it in liquid form."

Killer starts to back up as Mrs.Iris rises off the ground.

"Now can you tell me what the last form of liquid is?" she says with a crazed expression.

Killer puts his shotgun to his head with his finger on the trigger.

"Yep, that's right, gas!"

Killer looks around and notices the red steam surrounding the area.

"It takes a while to notice, but I turned a bunch of my blood into gas and surrounded this area with it. My gas blood has been seeping into your bloodstream for a while now, which means now I have control of your entire body."

Killer starts to slowly pull the trigger of his shotgun.

"I bet you didn't think you would be dying to yourself today! This is checkmate!"

"Aye Killer, are you seriously taking this long to kill the principal because you're fighting this teacher? Nisugi isn't going to be happy; actually, she might switch the plans around since you took so long. She's ready to move out now."

Mrs.Iris starts to slowly turn around after hearing a mysterious voice come from behind her. When she turns around, she sees another feared legend.

"Feared legend Wrath!"

The second Mrs.Iris sees Wrath, her mind starts racing.

"What the fuck is going on here? Why is he talking like he's working together with Killer? Wait, did he say another name? Are there more feared legends trying to kill the principal? This is bad. I can kill Killer, but I don't have enough in the tank to fight another feared legend!"

While Mrs.Iris thinks she doesn't even notice, Wrath has already walked right past her.

"She really messed you up, Killer. Don't worry, once I'm done with her, we will get back to the main operation."

"He's so fast! Wait a minute!"

Mrs.Iris looks at Wrath's right hand and sees he's holding one of his bright red katanas.

"When did he pull that ou—!"

Both of Mrs.Iris's legs get sliced off, and then her remaining arm gets cut off. With her body parts flying off of her body, Mrs.Iris starts to come to terms with her situation.

"I was completely mistaken; even if I was at 100 percent, I would still have lost! I'm dead!" She screams with a defeated expression on her face.

Mrs.Iris's head gets sliced and goes flying off her shoulders. Wrath catches Mrs. Iris's decapitated head and looks directly into its empty eyes with a cold stare.

"OK, Killer, she's dead. Forget the principal. Let's get back in position."

Wrath drops Mrs.Iris's head on the ground and starts walking away.

"That cut was sloppy, but I will get back into form soon."

Chapter 136 end

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