
Welcome to Frinstion City

The sun rises on the Snachro zone, and class one can finally see Frinstion City. In the middle of the jet, Kage, Unknown, Selena Akira, and Mr.Mink are strapped in, ready to finally land in Frinstion City after a long journey. Unknown looks out of the window in excitement.

"Kage, look at all that water; it's so cool!"

"You get excited over anything, don't you?"

"What do you mean over anything? Look at the city; it's so beautiful."

Kage looks out the window and sees Frinstion City, which is well known for being the main city of the Snachro zone and for its beautiful beaches. Its tall buildings are completely surrounded by water. Multiple water streams flow throughout the city, making it a very interesting city to visit, but even with it being so interesting, it's not at all a tourist spot for reasons that go deeper than just the look of the city.

The jet lands at a port floating on water, and that port is where class one gets off of the jet with all their stuff. After everyone exited the jet, Mr.Mink made sure to thank the pilot for the ride.

"Hey, thank you for taking us all the way here. I'll make sure to contact you when we are ready to leave!"

"Yes, please do call, and thank you all so much for protecting my jet from being robbed! I hope you all have a fun trip."

Mr.Mink waved bye to the pilot and started leading the class into a building next to the port. When they enter, they are instantly blasted with amazing aromas that derive from the multiple food places inside the building, which also signifies that they have officially entered the food court. Kage and Unknown are instantly captivated by the assortments of food throughout the building and instantly start running around in excitement to look at all the foods.

Akira, at first, isn't as excited as Kage and Unknown, but all it takes is a whiff of her favorite food.

"Wait a minute, is that?"

Akira starts sniffing around until she notices, at the corner of her eye, a food stand that sells curry.


Akira starts running to the stand with drool spilling out of her mouth.

"Yes, delicious curry! I can't wait to bite into that delicious curry!"

Mr.Mink looks around at his students doing whatever they want and is fuming with anger.

"All of you get back over here now!"

The entire food court goes silent after hearing Mr. Mink's scary voice.

Kage Unknown and Akira instantly ran back to Mr.Minks's front in fear.

"Sorry, Mr.Mink!"

Mr.Mink shakes his head in disappointment while Selena giggles behind him.

"We will go get food, but in one place!"


"I don't want to hear any complaining. I promise you, the place we eat will have everything you'll need."

Mr.Mink starts walking to the left area of the food court. Kage and the others follow him to a stand with pictures of multiple different foods on it, which include ramen, curry, fried chicken, and its signature dish, Snachro-style pizza. Kage, Unknown, and Akira's eyes instantly start glowing at the sight of all the delicious food. Mr.Mink walks to the stand owner, who has a big stomach and is dressed in traditional white robes.

"Hello, Mr.Yagi It's been a while since I was last here."

"Oh well, if it isn't my best customer, Mr. Mink, how have you been?"

"It's been great, but now it's even better now that I can taste your amazing cooking again. These four behind me are my extremely hungry students."

"Haha, you give me too much credit! You know what? Today it's on the house; your class may order whatever they desire."

"You heard that class? Order whatever you like, but don't overdo it, and I'm talking to you, Kage, Unknown, and Akira!"

"Yes sir!"

Class one starts ordering their food from the nice stand owner. Kage and Mr.Mink order the snachro-style pizza; Unknown orders the fried chicken; Akira orders the curry; and Selena orders a salad. The group goes to sit at a table so they can wait for their food.

The group gets their food in ten minutes and instantly starts eating. Kage and Mr.Mink bite down on their snachro-style pizza. The pizza is extremely hot, with melted cheese on the top and middle of the pizza and its extra cheese-filled crust. From the bite of the pizza, both of them make a face of satisfaction.

"This pizza is so good!"

"I told you this is the place to eat!"

"Yeah, I guess you were right! Aye, Unknown, how's the chicken?"

Kage looks over to Unknown, who's sitting next to him, and notices that tears are coming down from his eyes onto the mask he took off so he could eat.

"Aye, Unknown what's wrong!"

Unknown bites down on his chicken and starts crying even more.

"This chicken"

"This chicken, what!?"

"This chicken is a masterpiece!"

Unknown starts eating the chicken like there's no tomorrow, with continuous tears. Akira, on the other hand, had already eaten through ten bowls of curry, which did not sit well with Mr.Mink.

"Oh my god, this curry is so good, I need more!"

"Hey, who told you you could order more!?"

"But he said it's on the house."

"Yeah, that doesn't mean overdo it! Show some basic manners! You know what for that you're not eating for the rest of the day!"

"What no! Please, Mr. Mink, have mercy!"

"Save your crying; the damage has been done!"

"But th—"

Before she finishes speaking, Akira gets distracted by Selena's giggling in the background.

"Hey, do you think this is funny?"

"No, no, of course not."

Even with what Selena claims, she continues to giggle at Akira's dismay while taking small bites of her salad. The stand owner smiles while watching his delicious food be devoured.

"What an interesting bunch."

After having their fill, class one leaves the food court and starts heading towards a hotel Mr.Mink has ready for them. While walking through the city, the group sees the beautiful city. Water streams and bridges everywhere you look. Unknown and Akira are instantly captivated by the city.

"Unknown, look over there!"

"Wait, no way, why are those pipes coming out of buildings?"

"Mr.Mink, how does that even work?"

"Haha, I'm glad you asked because Mr.Mink is on the case!"

"Mr.Mink might be a serious teacher, but when he's asked a question, he can't resist the urge to answer it with as much enthusiasm as possible."

"You see, those pipes you're referring to are what Frinstion calls their transportation system."


"Yes, I know, surprising, but this city relies a lot on the water of this zone, so almost everything runs on water. Entertainment, jobs, and most importantly, transportation. These pipes run throughout the city, and what makes them even more interesting is that the pipes transport people by electric boats that ride on the water that flows through the pipes. The water comes from an infinite amount of water that runs through the Snachro zone."

Mr.Mink stops walking and turns around. The class stops alongside Mr.Mink and looks at what he's looking at. The entire class sees one of the many water transport centers.

"Today we will be taking the water transport to get you to our hotel."

Selena pulls out a book from her bag and starts flipping through it.

"Yes, the legendary water transport is one of the greatest treasures of our world. I finally get to ride one. So exciting!"

Kage looks at the book Selena is reading and notices that the inside of it contains many notes on the Snachro Zone.

"Wow, you wrote all of that?"

"Oh yes, I love researching different things that go on in the four zones, including stuff like this!"

Selena takes the lead into the water transport station, fully ready to experience the ride. Mr.Mink and the rest of class one follow the excited Selena into the building.

"Yes, Selena, I love your excitement. Come on class follow her example!"

Everyone enters the station, and when they do, they see an open pipe that looks to be part of many other pipes. The pipe is filled with rushing water. Selena looks at the open pipe in awe.

"It's so beautiful! The way it keeps the water flowing in a straight line despite the amount of pressure going through the pipes! Yes, this is exactly what I expected from such legendary technology."

Kage and the rest of the group look at Selena in confusion as she geeks out over the water pipe.

"It's just water flowing through an open pipe; what's so good about it?"

"It's not just water flowing through a pipe; it's about the science behind it!"

A few minutes later, a metal boat powered by electricity comes from a hole in the building. The boat stops on the water and opens up a door that lets down a stair so passengers can get on.

The boat has about a thousand seats, and a few people are already on it.

"OK, class, let's get on before they run out of seats."

The class got onto the boat, and after a few minutes, the boat started moving at great speed. The boat went through a tunnel, which happens to be see-through, so people can see the city while they use the transport. The tunnel goes all around the city, giving class one the opportunity to see the huge city. They see the big water park at the southwest part of the city. Unknown, and Akira becomes excited at the sight of the water park.

"Hey, Mr. Mink, can we go over to that water park?"

"Yeah, maybe when we settle down in the hotel."

While everyone is impressed by the beautiful city, Selena is distracted by something else.

"Hey, Mr.Mink I've noticed something."


"There are almost no people outside. It's pretty much a ghost town in this part of the city."

"Yeah, you're right. Some parts of the city seem to be less busy than other parts, which is strange for a city like this one. Maybe there's more to it."

The water transport pulls into another station near the hotel Mr.Mink was talking about.

The group leaves the station with all of their bags and follows Mr.Mink to a six-story hotel. While in front of the hotel, Mr.Mink remembers something he needs to do.

"Oh right, we need some supplies since I didn't bring them from home."

"Hey, Kage and Unknown, there's a store down the street from this hotel. Can you buy the stuff on my supply list?"

"Oh yeah, sure, what do you want us to get?"

Mr.Mink hands Kage some money and a list of supplies.

Follow this list and make sure you don't get distracted by something dumb.


Kage and Unknown head to the store.

"So he wants us to get some rope, beach towels, and a whole bunch of bullshit."

"You know, Kage, you talk in such an aggressive way."

"Whatever you say, bro, let's just hurry this up. I want to go to bed."

While walking, Kage bumps into a 6'2 man wearing a hood. Kage falls to the ground and, with an angry expression, yells.

"Damn, watch where you're going!"

When he yells, he hears the man whisper something unexpected.

"Let's see what you'll do in this situation, son of Elio."

After barely hearing the mysterious man, Kage instantly reacts with a face of dismay.

"What the hell did you say!?"

The man continues walking without saying anything.

"Hey, come back here. I want you to explain what you just sa—"

As he screams at the strange man, Unknown taps him on the shoulder and points over to a corner near the store they were heading to. Kage looks over to where Unknown pointed and sees a white-skinned 5'7 man with scuffed-up brown clothes and brown hair getting stomped out by a bunch of shady men dressed in black leather with Frinstion Gang written on the back of the jacket, paired with the well-drawn design of a skull head that has blood on top and is crying tears of blood.

"Kage, we have to go help him!"

"But the gu—"

Kage looks back and sees that the man from before is gone.

"Ahh, damn it, fine, let's go!"

Chapter 55 end

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