
Chapter 149 Manchester United's Tactics

Chapter 149 Manchester United's Tactics

No one expected that Digan would make such a move. The game had just started, and he shot directly from such a far distance from the goal.

Degan's shot was very fast. Van der Sar's position was a bit forward. After all, the game had just started, and he was still making preparations. Who knew that Degan shot directly. Seeing that the football was like a cannonball, with The sound of howling wind rushed directly towards the goal, and Van der Sar hurriedly moved back.

Ferguson on the sidelines was also tense for a while. He had coached countless players and had seen players with outstanding footwork. For example, Keane and Strachan were both well-known heavy shooters, but someone like Degan had already broken through. It was the first time he saw something beyond the limit of human beings.

The football flew to the front of the penalty area, and the speed didn't drop at all. Fortunately, Vidic appeared on the football's running route, but facing this bomb-like football, Vidic, the Serbian iron man, also felt cold. He leaned back almost subconsciously.


Seeing this, Ferguson roared. The fear and evasion shown by Vidic at this moment are the behaviors that the old man despises the most.

The football was unbiased and just hit Vidic's shoulder. Vidic only felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, and then he became numb. It is conceivable that if he didn't want to lean back, the ball would hit him directly. Rib, it is estimated that he can report directly to the hospital.

After the football hit Vidic's shoulder, it didn't bounce back, but went straight to the sky, then slid through a parabola, and ran towards the goal again.

Van der Sar looked up and felt his scalp tingling. With his excellent prediction, he could be sure where the ball would fall, which must be within the range of the goal, but how to catch this kind of ball?

The football was getting closer and closer to the goal. Van der Sar stood directly on the goal line, with his head raised and his hands raised, ready to make a final fight.


There was a muffled sound, and the goal was shaking, but to Van der Sar, the muffled sound was very pleasant, and it was simply the gospel of God.

Degan's shot shocked Manchester United into a cold sweat, and finally hit the goal crossbar, and was slapped by Van der Sar, popping out of the baseline.

"It's a pity that Degan's shot was finally rejected by the crossbar of the goal. If this goal can be scored, Degan will set a record. The fastest goal in the Champions League final. Let's see the time. From From the start of the game to the time when the football crossed the baseline, only 20 seconds passed."

The Fiorentina fans in the stands were also full of disappointment, and Delaware, who attended the final with Parkinwa, was even more frustrated. He was really looking forward to it just now, but it was a pity that Degan's luck was a little bit worse.

Digan didn't think much of it. It was an act of anger. It was luck to score, and it was luck not to score. Moreover, even if Digan made ten more shots, he might not be able to score.

corner kick!

Just after the start of the game, Fiorentina won a corner kick. Digan, Kompany and other Fiorentina players with good header skills all squeezed into Manchester United's penalty area.

Montolivo was watching his teammates' running positions while waiting for the referee's whistle.

The referee blew his whistle, Montolivo took two steps, took a corner kick, and the football flew with an arc to the back point, where Digan was already waiting.

Vidic wanted Digan to fight for the position, but Vidic, who usually looks very strong, was not enough in front of Digan. Although he was stuck in the position, when he took off, he was given by Digan. suppressed.

Facing the direction of the football flying, Degan nodded his forehead, and Kompany, who followed up in the middle, rushed up to head the goal, but the shot was close at hand, and the moment it was about to cross the goal line, it was actually missed by Van der Sar He blocked it with his shoulder.

Ferdinand's reaction was very fast. He rushed over immediately and cleared the ball out of the touchline with a big kick. Manchester United managed to resolve the first crisis in a thrilling manner.

Seeing that such a shot didn't score, Kompany couldn't help it, and he just kicked Manchester United's goal post.

"Fiorentina's performance after the start of the game was really beyond people's expectations. They did not play conservatively. Even in the face of the mighty Manchester United, they did not hesitate to invest a lot of troops when attacking. Look at it. This match is destined not to be dull!"

This is definitely great news for neutral fans. No one wants to see a super dull game, just like the Italian civil war between AC Milan and Juventus before. For the fans, it is a kind of torture.

"Paul!" Ferguson yelled, and then kept pressing down his hands, signaling Soukers to slow down the pace of the game.

At the beginning of the game, the momentum of the team was also suppressed by Florence. This is not good news. At this time, the only way to slow down the pace of the game is to let Florence's momentum slowly wear off.

Then Abarth's cross was ejected by Vidic, and Carrick got the second point again. It was Manchester United's turn to attack.

Manchester United's offense still focuses on two flanks, especially after Scholes began to transform, and the infiltration of the center is no longer suitable for Manchester United. When attacking, he takes two flanks and Scholes controls the overall situation. Frequently use the impact of the two sharp knives on the side to tear through the opponent's defense.

Watching Scholes stop the ball and Manchester United's formation slowly pushing up, Ferguson felt relieved, turned around and sat down in front of the coach's bench. Although Fiorentina's surprise attack just now looked dangerous, as long as the rhythm is controlled by Manchester United , he has nothing to worry about, everything is under control, and he has confidence in his children.

Ferguson attaches great importance to tactics, although his contribution to football tactics has always been underestimated, and many people even think that he has not brought new things to Manchester United, the Premier League, and world football after more than 20 years in Manchester United. There is no new tactical storm, and there is no successful tactical revolution.

He has led Manchester United for so long, except that he has practiced the 442 lineup extremely proficiently and forged Manchester United's wing attack to be extremely powerful. He has made very little contribution to other lineups and tactical play, which is very pitiful.

Many reporters who despise Ferguson will always describe him as an old antique that should have been buried in the grave long ago, an old dinosaur that was eliminated and destroyed by the tide of the times.

In fact, this is a big misunderstanding of Ferguson. Ferguson is very good at learning and brave to reform. He is a rare tactical reformer and a brave tactical master who "dare to change his life".

Since coming to Manchester United, Ferguson has decisively optimized Manchester United's side play and re-practiced a more technical way of thinking. From the hard bridge and hard horse, the British style of hanging and rushing tactics, the reform and transition to the leading style of play that focuses on fast attack on the side, combined with high-intensity pressure in the frontcourt, continuously improves the overall offensive and defensive speed, and emphasizes offense and suppression.

Ferguson's exploration and improvement of tactical thinking has never stopped for more than 20 years. From the perspective of tactical lineup, from 442 to 433, from 4231 to 460 without front tactics, from 4321 Christmas tree to 451 midfield strangle battle, Ferguson's lineup and tactics have always been changing and ingenious. Looking at Ferguson's tactical evolution and exploration at Manchester United for more than 20 years, there is great significance and enlightenment in it, that is, innovation out of nothing is of course powerful, and progress in integration is equally important.

When Ferguson first came to Manchester United, Manchester United played a consistent 442. Ferguson did not fail to study the popular 442 formation of Manchester United and British clubs. On the contrary, Ferguson, who studied under the famous coach Stan, has already been familiar with Yiying's 442 formation and tactical changes. After coming to Manchester United, he began to carry out targeted tactical reforms.

At that time, Manchester United and the traditional British 442 had very distinctive features, that is, body first and working at heights. England's 442 often pays attention to a pair of full-backs in the style of play, kicking the high ball and passing the ball to assist, while the two forwards must require at least one of them to be a high center forward, and use headers to attack the goal and make a ferry in the attack. In addition, the two midfielders are required to take the initiative to rush forward to respond when attacking, and the tactical thinking is very rigid.

Ferguson brought new ideas and tactics to Manchester United. He did not change the 4-4-2 formation lightly, but he required the two wings, including the full-backs, to use the traditional number of passes from the bottom, plus fast breakthroughs to penetrate deep into the opponent's hinterland and enter The ribs or near the bottom line, and then play the ball from the bottom line or look for opportunities from the penalty area.

He asked to minimize the 45° oblique long pass into the penalty area in the offense. This kind of attack, which is a bit like luck, is easy to be blocked by the opponent.

Similarly, he also requested that the defenders be prohibited from directly looking for the forwards with their big feet, and rushing in a swarm. Ferguson believes that this style of play is actually a big kick to clear the siege, and the opponent can continue to steal the ball immediately, and the offensive pressure on the defense is not a little bit.

He has reformed Manchester United's 442 traditional lineup and style of play. The requirements for this reform are obvious, that is, to focus on maintaining defensive strength in offense, and pay more attention to technology and cooperation in offense, rather than blindly bombing from high altitude. The first tactical change brought about by Manchester United.

The simple description is that the defensive aspect puts more emphasis on area defense. The general configuration is that two midfielders are responsible for sweeping the front of the penalty area and restricting opponent players from entering the penalty area to grab points. One of the central defenders must stare at the opponent's forward, and the other is Fill up and block defense at any time, and the two full-backs will recover in time as needed. The full-backs will watch over the opponent's crossed players and restrict them from easily kicking the ball. The first thing to focus on is the new thinking that Ferguson brought to Manchester United players.

He asked the forwards to be active in the 35-meter area of ​​the opponent's backcourt, and to interfere and press the two central defenders. For the midfield four-man team, he asked the players to take the initiative to retreat to the arc of the penalty area when defending, to protect the back line, and not to allow blind grabs and leave positions. The two full-backs have to return to the defense area for coordinated defense, mainly to stare at the opponent's two avant-garde or the forward close to this side, and the full-back needs to return to the penalty area to assist in the defense.

On the basis of ensuring defense, of course we must emphasize offense, which is the tradition of the Red Devils. Ferguson emphasized the effectiveness and sharpness of the offense.

When attacking, the striker is required to do a wider range of pulling in the frontcourt, more emphasis on the striker's ball control and breakthrough, and emphasizes the striker's grabbing point for the cross pass and low pass, and strives to find opportunities to score in the penalty area. Shooting arrangements are generally the responsibility of the midfielder.

The current Manchester United team, because of Scholes' excellent skills at his feet, Ferguson entrusted him with important tasks, let him hold the ball more in the attack, actively press the opponent's midfielder, and look for opportunities to form a breakthrough and directly face the opponent's defender.

Ferguson even allowed Scholes to have exclusive freedom in the opponent's penalty area, and he could decide to pass, break through or shoot for himself.

For Carrick, another central midfielder, Ferguson mainly arranged for him to fall slightly behind the midfielder, protecting his defense line more like a defensive midfielder. The forward offensive arrangement has been reduced, but once Skoll If Si is marked to death by the opponent, then Carrick must take the initiative to move closer, and form a transfer in time to strive for local advantages.

Ferguson will not blindly stick to the offense, but try to achieve a balance between offense and defense. He pays attention to the stability of Manchester United's defense. Here, they do not lack the impulse to attack, but what they lack is the self-consciousness of defense.

Not only that, Ferguson also made timely changes in response to the team composition of different generations. On a long-term scale, this is a greater exploration. But no matter what, Manchester United has always insisted on offense and team first, and has always been given priority in terms of play. After incorporating more advanced styles of play, Manchester United's progress has continued.

Ferguson is undoubtedly a master tactician. The style of play of Manchester United under him has distinctive characteristics. Manchester United advocates offense and is pleasing to the eye.

To sum up, the basis of Manchester United's tactics under Ferguson is to attack from the flanks, outflank the center, resolutely have the opportunity to hit the back with long passes, and maintain the overall impact of the formation. Improvements, such as full-backs plugging in the side, fast passing in the middle and possession of the ball to form a cut against the opponent's formation, frequent left and right wing swaps, flat fast balls or inverted triangles for wing crosses, etc.

In the current Manchester United team, Ferguson also requires every player to adapt to multiple positions. In addition to dealing with injuries to facilitate rotation, the tactical need is to form a small group of quick counterattacks at any time without waiting. A fixed player at a position arrives at his position.

Flow means that the entire Manchester United formation is constantly rotating. If players cannot adapt to multiple positions, the rotation of the entire team must be subject to the speed of a certain slowest player. But once the players are all versatile, the speed of the team's rotation will inevitably speed up. That is, at any time and place, a quick assault team can be assembled at any time.

Keep pressure on the opponent at all times, and compete with the opponent in any area. This is the essence of Manchester United's tactics under Ferguson.

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