
Chapter 1 Holiday

Chapter 1 Holiday

If you love islands, how can you not go to Bali?

If Bali is one of the most famous tourist destinations in the world, I believe people will not disagree.

Here is famous for its unique seaside natural scenery and unique customs. Bali has always been known as "Island of Flowers" and "Paradise Island". The most beautiful beach in the world, the sand is fine and clean, the air is fresh, like a fairyland on earth.

As a small island with beautiful scenery in the Indian Ocean, Bali has not only the tropical style of blue sea and blue sky, but also the rich landform of volcanic forest and the pastoral scenery of terraced farmhouses. But the real characteristics of Bali do not lie in these, but in its deep and unique artistic atmosphere.

Those who like water sports must go to the Honeymoon Bay Beach Club in Nanwan. There are white sandy beaches and blue waters. You can choose to participate in various water sports: parachutes, jet skis, banana boats, snorkeling and so on.

If you are bold, learning to surf is also very exciting. Use your body's balance ability to fight the waves and rush to the top of the waves at any time. If the water quality is not good, you can let yourself float with the boat, feel the sun kissing, the breeze blowing, and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the island from a different angle.

The invincible sea view and the infinity pool give people the illusion that the pool is connected to the sea, which is really beautiful. The wedding chapel on the side is even more romantic. Except for the white roof and structural columns, the church is all made of transparent glass, facing the clear and vast Indian Ocean, making people feel like they are in a fairy tale world.

The sea breeze is blowing slowly, admiring the charming beauty of the Indian Ocean, tasting exquisite snacks and black tea, I really want time to stay quietly at this moment.

In the evening, on the famous Jimbaran Beach, tourists returning from the sea barbecue on the beach and enjoy a sumptuous seafood meal. While admiring the graceful dance of local beauties, they watch the sunset until the candlelight is lit, the moonlight is bright, and they are happy together. .

different from?

?The most tropical resort islands, Bali is an art island full of cultural atmosphere. The unique traditional paintings and sculptures have provided countless inspirations for western contemporary artists. Ubud is an important town of painting and art in Bali, and a world-renowned art village. Handicraft shops all over the streets and many famous museums, through painting, sculpture, music, dance, textile, photography and other forms, show the world the cultural heritage and artistic heritage of Bali for hundreds of years.

Bali is also an island of pleasure, with idyllic farmhouses, forest grasslands and rapids and deep valleys scattered in a small area of ​​land. There are six volcanoes lined up in the north, adding a bit of wildness and grandeur. Elegant and exquisite villas are hidden among them, creating an atmosphere of independence from the world. The traditional spa filled with the fragrance of flowers is pleasant to the body and mind, and the "Balinese-style" private service means indescribable ultimate luxury.

There are more than ten water outlets in Shengquan Temple, which are still clear after thousands of years. Each water outlet has different effects, some can eliminate disasters, some can expel illnesses, and some can cleanse the soul. The nearby residents take a bath three times a day in the morning, noon and evening.

In Balinese, there is no word "paradise" at all. Perhaps people living in heaven don't need to talk about this word all the time.

Degan is now in heaven, topless, wearing only a pair of shorts, lying on the warm beach, enjoying the cool wind. In the distance, tourists are playing in the sea. Degan, who has never liked vacations, has to admit , After a season of heavy game training, it is indeed an excellent choice to have such a period of time to rest.

Suddenly the sun was covered, and Digan opened his eyes, and what he saw was Kaka's handsome face full of youthful vigor. Only now did he realize that he regretted agreeing to Kaka, and the whole family went on vacation together. , He is a person who likes to be quiet. Of course, if Degan said these words to the reporter, no one would believe it. No one would associate quietness with the madmen on the court.

But the fact is that, Digan likes to be quiet, and Kaka is always full of vitality. When the two are on the field, they will be good partners and opponents, but when they are on vacation, Kaka's vitality Shooting at Degan is definitely a burden, because he will appear in any place all the time, and then make Degan restless.

"Rod! It's such a good weather, it's too wasteful for you to sleep. Don't forget, we are here for vacation!"

As Kaka spoke, he was still shaking his wet hair, and the water droplets fell on Digan's face, which made his mind clearer.

Wasting it for sleeping?

In Degan's view, it is a real waste to go to the sea like Kaka without sleeping in such good weather.

Being dragged by Kaka's arm, Degan sat up helplessly, looked at Caroline who came over, wearing a bikini, although petite, but also exquisite, he couldn't help but cursed: Ricardo, this guy is really impressive envy, jealousy, hate.

"Ricardo! The next time you take Caroline to play in the water, you'd better get mom's permission first."

Degan was chattering, and Caroline had already come close, just in time to hear Degan's words, and asked in surprise, "Why?"

Digan glanced at Caroline's slightly swollen belly. Does it need to be said?

Caroline is pregnant, and the third generation of the Wright family will be born in five months. Little Luca will be born early in this life.

However, seeing that Caroline still looked confused, Digan was also defeated. She was obviously a talented student and a strong woman, but she was still acting cute. She lay down again: "Okay! I didn't say anything."

In this holiday resort, a paradise on earth, the bustling beach is full of joyful crowds, the sudden appearance of a person like Digan really stands out from the crowd and is unconventional.

Kaka also saw that Digan was obviously not in high spirits, and smiled helplessly at Caroline. They had nothing to do with this younger brother. Everyone else was happy, but he was a little awkward.

Kaka waved to Caroline, lay down beside Digan, and waited until Caroline was far away before saying: "Rod! You seem to have something on your mind! Can you tell me? I remember when you were young , Whenever I have something on my mind, I don't want to tell my father or mother, I only want to share it with me, maybe I can still help you solve some problems now!"


When Degan heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry. Did he look like a troubled youth?

He was just tired and wanted to take a good rest. Everyone's way of rest is different, so he just wanted to lie down quietly. Could it be wrong?

"Ricardo! I don't have any worries, but I think you have a lot of worries. If you want to share with me and let me help you solve it, I'm very interested."

Kaka was taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't help laughing. If Digan didn't say anything, he would have forgotten that Digan is no longer the little brother who needed him to take care of everything.

And looking at Degan's appearance, it doesn't seem like he has something on his mind. Sometimes, Kaka can't help but envy Degan, don't look at him now, but in fact Degan's life is more serious than him. Free and easy.

Degan never cared about anyone's thoughts or faces, he only needed to live according to his own thoughts and play football.

Just like when Degan was in AC Milan, if Kaka encountered the same situation, maybe he would compromise, or choose another way to solve it, but Degan didn't, he never knew what compromise meant, When encountering anything, his response is only the most drastic.

It's the same this time, doesn't Kaka want to leave AC Milan?

Maybe it is!

This point, even Kaka himself is not very clear, he really likes life in Milan, but the outside world is also attracting him, he also hopes to get in touch with a completely different style of football, so that he can get more Big improvement.

But when Galliani found him, he still compromised, and then issued the declaration of allegiance to the media.

Afterwards, Kaka himself felt tired, and he didn't understand why he said that.

Seeing that Kaka didn't speak, Digan frowned and said with a smile, "Don't you really have something on your mind? Didn't Berlusconi already win? You have won the UEFA Champions League wild card, although Your vacation will be shortened, but your goal has been achieved!"

Regarding AC Milan's competition, UEFA finally gave in. After all, if the defending champions are unable to participate, this matter cannot be justified. Since Fiorentina refuses to promote their style, UEFA can only renege on their promises.

Seeing Digan mentioning the UEFA Champions League, Kaka also had a wry smile on his face. He didn't want this kind of qualification. ~~~~~

Kaka also has his pride!

"Rod! There are some things that I cannot decide!" Kaka's tone was apologetic.

Digan smiled: "I don't want to talk about it now, right! Didn't you come to ask me to swim?"

Digan stood up as he spoke. Since he is here for vacation, he doesn't want Kaka to be so preoccupied all the time. Everyone has worked hard for a year, and now is a rare chance to relax.

Before Kaka could react, Degan had already rushed to the beach, and soon swam to the deep sea area. Seeing him chopping the waves, Kaka's mood improved, and he ran to the sea.

Although Degan lived inland in his previous life, he was very good at swimming. He was swimming when he suddenly heard a faint cry for help.

"Irina! Hold on, damn it, someone! Help her!"

Degan looked around for a while, on a small sailboat, several women were shouting hoarsely, and not far from the sailboat, a woman with long chestnut hair was struggling in the sea.

Depend on!

Why is this world so uneasy.

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