
Chapter 122 Come to pay tribute to the champion

Chapter 122 Come to pay tribute to the champion

The celebration of the championship will not end like this. This is the first championship since the establishment of the Atlanta team more than a hundred years ago, and the whole of Bergamo has fallen into complete madness.

After the awards ceremony, the Atlanta team boarded the bus that had been prepared outside the Blue Italy Stadium, and it was time for the parade to celebrate.

Although it was already dark, this night, Bergamo is destined to be sleepless. In the square of Bergamo, there are already many fans gathered there, and many fans are at the moment when the game ends , I rushed to the most square in Bergamo with the fastest speed. They gathered from all directions, just to be able to come back to participate in the team's celebration ceremony.

In fact, the team and they can wait one night and come here to celebrate the next day, but at this time everyone can't help it, this is the league championship, and it's the first time Atlanta fans have come into contact with the championship in their lives. If this time is used to rest, it would be too wasteful.

When the Atlanta bus arrived at the square, it immediately set off the fire on the square. When Taibi showed off the symbolic championship trophy, there was a tsunami of cheers in the square.

"Champions! Champions! We are champions!"

Everyone, whether it's the Atlanta players in the car or the Atlanta fans in the square, everyone is chanting like this. There is only one voice in the huge square now, and the cheers resound through the sky.

For the Atalanta fans, now is the happiest moment of their lives, and they are here to celebrate the most important trophy in the history of their club.

The crazy celebration lasted until two o'clock in the morning of the next day, and the fans dispersed one after another. Of course, Digan didn't wait that long, and he had already left the square with his teammates.

However, he did not go home immediately, but was invited to his home by Riodo. Digan knew exactly what Riodo wanted to say to him, but he did not refuse. He now needs Riodo to give an explanation , and finally decide what to do.

Riodo can also be called a tycoon-level figure in Italy, and his home is also resplendent. Unlike his stingy attitude in investing in the club, Riodo is simply a rich man in terms of life enjoyment, I wish that even the flushing toilet was inlaid with diamonds, and even the color of the toilet paper was rich gold.

"Rod! This is the first time you have come to my house. In fact, our whole family is your fan. I am very honored that you can accept my invitation!"

Digan was obviously a little uncomfortable with Riodo's enthusiasm. He didn't have many opportunities to meet with Riodo, and the words he said together did not exceed twenty sentences.

"It should be said that the honored person is me!"

Riodo personally poured a glass of red wine for Degan, handed it to him, and continued: "As the chairman of the club, I should thank you for your contribution to the team, really! Rhodes! You let the whole Bale Gamo is proud of it, look at the cheering crowd, Rhodes! You are their king!"

Are you playing the emotional card?

Although Digan is very emotional, he will not delay his future because of his emotions. Although he has not made a final decision, it is obviously not a good idea to stay in Atlanta. Riodo is too stingy, and Atlanta Not ambitious enough, so what if you stay?

It was because Atlanta went so smoothly this season that it finally came to where it is today and won the league championship. Will it have such good luck next season?

Those traditional giants will not sit back and watch the rise of a new force, and will not watch a small local thief like Atlanta rob their plate of meat. At that time, every step Atlanta will take will become more difficult.

If the club management is unwilling to increase investment in the team, in the end it can only be a small spark that has just shone, and it will be extinguished in an instant.

Degan didn't want to follow Atlanta on this doomed dark road, unless Atlanta was holding a torch that was bright enough.

Seeing that Degan didn't speak, Rio was slightly dissatisfied, but he couldn't let go of the huge commercial interests in Degan. Just imagine that a player's worth can reach nearly 100 million euros. What is this concept?

After reorganizing the language, Riodo continued: "Rod! I don't know what you think about the team's next season?"

Degan almost laughed out loud when he heard that, he is just a player on loan, and the ownership is still in the hands of AC Milan. After the end of this season, he will return to Milanello to report, so what about next season.

"Mr. Chairman, you should discuss these matters with Coach Mandolini, not me. My ownership is in AC Milan. I will go back after the end of the season. You discuss these issues with me. I don't know how to answer them. !"

Riodo smiled and said: "This doesn't seem to be a problem. I remember that in the original lease contract, there was a buyout agreement. We can buy out your ownership, Rhodes! Atlanta needs you, Bergamo fans Need you! I know you enjoy your life here, why not stay and create an era that is entirely yours like Maradona did?"

Degan didn't even think about it, and said: "Mr. Chairman, Maradona was able to create his era in Naples because he had a large number of capable players such as Careca by his side, and the club was willing to continue Increased investment, but after a short period of glory? Naples went bankrupt! Do you have such a desperate determination?"

Desperate determination?

Of course, Riodo didn't. He runs the football club for the sole purpose of making money. He is not a lunatic like Moratti, who would even lose his family property for the sake of Inter Milan.

Seeing that Riodo was silent, Degan continued, "Let me put it another way, Mr. Chairman, do you have any plans for next season? How much do you plan to invest? Do you have a long-term plan for the club?"

This is what Degan is most concerned about. The club he wants to play for does not need the kind of desperate investment, and finally loses his fortune, like Lazio, but at least it must always maintain enough competitiveness.

For example, Atlanta won the league championship this season, and next season will face a third-line battle. It is obviously impossible to rely on the current players at that time, and even with these current players, Atlanta may not be able to keep them.

A player needs to have feelings for the club he plays for, but it can't just be maintained by feelings. Players are also human beings, and they also need money to maintain their material life.

Riodo was silent for a while before saying: "Rod! I think Sacchi's business model for Parma is very worthy of our emulation. We can continue to buy those talented young players and let them play in Atlanta. By selling and buying more talented players, we will continue to strengthen our strength~"

Before Riodo finished speaking, Degan couldn't listen any more. What he wanted was not some bloody Italian Ajax who made wedding dresses for others for no reason, but himself could only be a second-rate one.

"Mr. Chairman! Let's talk about this today! I am tired now and need to rest! Regarding the future, I still need to think about it. Of course, this first requires the club to make the right choice!"

After Degan finished speaking, he left without waiting for Riodo to speak. Riodo looked at Degan, his face suddenly became gloomy. He knew what Degan meant, and it was nothing more than asking him to increase his investment in the team. , And still on the basis of not destroying the overall framework of the team.

This is really too difficult for Riodo. He has money, but not all of his money is prepared for Atlanta. Sometimes, he even needs Atlanta to provide him with money.

Digan also thought a lot on the way home, and now the possibility of staying has become very slim, but he still has a little fantasy, hoping that Riodo can be generous.

After all, staying in Atlanta as the boss is better than going to a wealthy team and being someone else's younger brother.

At this time, Digan's cell phone rang, and it was Kaka.

AC Milan's game today is also over. They beat Fiorentina with three goals at home and secured the third place in the league in advance, but now the league is not important to them.

What they should consider is the Champions League final against Liverpool in Istanbul.

"Congratulations! Rhodes! You have completed a great season!" As soon as the call was connected, Degan heard Kaka's congratulations.

Digan laughed and said, "Hey! Ricardo! Your tone sounds very unwilling!"

Kaka smiled helplessly when he heard the words, and said, "Stop that stinky fart! You are just the league champions, and we are going to participate in the Champions League final!"

Listening to Kaka's tone, Degan could feel that AC Milan didn't take Liverpool seriously. Even though the final hadn't started yet, they already felt that the championship was a sure thing.

"Okay! Ricardo! But during the game, you'd better be careful, Liverpool is not as easy to deal with as you think!"

Kaka smiled and said, "Rod! Are you jealous when you say that?"

Kindly treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs!

Digan murmured silently: "Whatever you think, that's all for now. The rest is up to you. I hope you can win. In that case, the Wright Brothers will win all the championships. However, I still I'm a little worried!"

"Okay! Don't worry about us, Rhodes! What are you thinking about now? Come to AC Milan next season! It's really great here!"

Of course it's great!

But there can only be one prince there!

Kaka has been crowned, what position should Degan be in in the past?

"I'm still thinking about it now, but I should have an answer soon, Ricardo! How about we go on vacation together this summer?" Degan suddenly changed the subject.

Kaka thought for a while and said, "Of course! This proposal is great. Are you going to take Belen with you?"

Digan rolled his eyes and said, "Of course! Unless you don't want to take Caroline with you!"

"How is that possible!"

"Okay! That's it, good luck, Ricardo! Hope you win!"

Kaka also said: "Thank you! I also wish you good luck, get rid of Rome and become the double champion!"

Double crown!

Of course Digan wanted to, but it wasn't easy.

When I got home, as soon as Digan opened the door, a gust of fragrant wind rushed to my face. It was Beren, who had been waiting at home for a long time. During the game, she was sitting in the stands and witnessed Digan's league championship.

"Congratulations, Rhodes! You've been fantastic tonight!"

Digan is also in a good mood now, and teased: "Of course, you know very well, I am great every night!"

Hearing this, Beren gave Digan a charming smile, and took the initiative to kiss him. This kiss lasted for ten minutes. When the two separated, even Digan, who had a large lung capacity, was almost suffocated to death.

"Rod! You are really fascinating and hard to refuse. I am the champion's prize today. Have you thought about how to spend such an unforgettable night?"

How do you spend it?

Digan directly threw Beren to the ground, and then rushed over.

After this crazy night, the atmosphere of madness did not dissipate the next day. Atlanta won the championship, which is a big event for the entire European football world.

Since the professionalization of football, as money has become more and more dominant, the gap between the rich and the local thieves, the rich and the handsome and the poor and the poor has become wider and wider. In the past, a small team like Malmö, Sweden, could win the championship. Cup finals, let's take a look now, if they can enter the main match, they should be very popular.

Bamboo planks made a revolution, and hanging silk staged a big counterattack!

This kind of drama is becoming less and less common, and now Atlanta has actually done it. The league champion is not Juventus, not AC Milan, not Inter Milan, not even Parma, but Atlanta. This world is simply too crazy.

Of course, Degan is the one who attracts the most attention. Everyone knows how Atlanta's championship came about. Degan's fifty-four goals almost caused the entire world football to fall into a state of shock. Naturally, conquering Italy In reason.

If Digan was just a scoring maniac before, then with this championship now, the value of Digan has been fully highlighted.

A player who can lead the team to win the championship is a real top player. Otherwise, if Degan can score goals, what's the use.

Although this season is not over yet, people can already foresee what kind of madness those giants will fall into around Degan after the transfer market opens this summer.

It was going to be noisy outside, but Degan still got up and went to training quietly. The league championship was a thing of the past, and now all he had to care about was the Coppa Italia final.

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