
the next morning when Aarohi wakes up

Next morning when Aarohi wakes up she thinks about whatever happened last night.She said yesterday I had become too emotional maybe That's why I don't know what I said to Mr. Alien.

Now don't know what must be he thinking about me.Never mind, let's go to the lab again, let's see what happens today .

After that Aarohi gets fresh and starts getting ready to go to the lab.Then after that as soon as she opened the door of his room to go out. Just then he saw that Mr. Alien also came out of his room. Aarohi thought what to do now, I thought that maybe we should meet in the lab. But this is what Mr. Alien got.What should I do now, I do one thing and go back to my room. No, if I do this, it will appear that I am running away from him.

Let's see what happens.Aarohi, what was the need for you to talk so much nonsense yesterday? Aarohi was saying all these things to herself when Mr. Alien came to her and said.What are you talking to yourself.Since then I have been watching you are going crazy.

Aarohi = nothing just like that . Where are you going?

mr Alien= I am going to the lab and where will I go.

Aarohi= No, just asked like this, you might be going somewhere else.

Mr Alien = I am going to the lab , are you going somewhere else?

Aarohi = No, I am also going to the lab and I can go where other than the lab.By the way, I wanted to ask you something.

Mr Alien = Ok speak quickly Otherwise I will be late for the lab.

Aarohi = You are not angry because of what I said last night, are you?

mr Alien = There is no place for such things in my life, because such things are good to hear only.Because in real life all those things have no meaning.So don't think too much.I am fine as I am, don't try to change me.Because this will never happen.

Aarohi = But why should you think about yourself for once.You can't live like this forever.

mr alien = You can't decide how I live. And you know what about me So stay away from all these as much as possible.You are also going to the lab, let's go, I will leave.

Aarohi = I know that's why I am saying.

mr Alien= What did you say, I haven't heard yet, just say it again.

Aarohi = No, I was just saying that you go, I will come.

Mr Alien = I am also going to the lab, you can come with me if you want.

Just now Aarohi says something, then the sound of GD 30 comes from behind.

GD 30= Good morning, I thought you might not have gone to the lab yet, that's why I came to pick you up, let's go together.But IG 20 what are you doing here, You haven't gone to the lab yet.

IG 20 = I was going anyway, do you mean whether I will go to the lab or not.Now I know for whom you were waiting here.

He said this softly while looking at Aarohi.After that Mr. Alien leaves from there.

Then Aarohi thinks in her mind that what has happened to him, suddenly he is reacting as if I am his girlfriend.And I have committed some crime by choosing to leave him and go with someone else. I didn't even know that GD 30 was going to come here.What difference does it make, no one can understand what goes on in his mind.

GD 30 = What happened, what are you thinking?

Aarohi = Nothing you leave him.

GD 30= Ok then now we go.

Aarohi = Oh no, I had told AG 35 to pick up me in the morning and take them to the lab. She must have come, I will go with her.

GD 30= Well, I didn't know this thing.No problem you come with me I will tell her so she will go straight to the lab

GD 30 was just saying that then AG 35 comes.

AG 35 = Aarohi, come on, I have come.

Aarohi = Here she has come, I will go with her.

GD 30= ok then you go.

After that Aarohi goes to the lab with AG 35.And then GD 30 also leaves to go to the lab after a while.

After reaching the lab, all the people come to one place and sit and start the meeting.

Professor verma = As we told yesterday how to stop the virus from spreading.So you tell me that yesterday when you went out in search, you found something.

Then everyone kept their point one by one and said that we searched as far as we could yesterday but we could not find anything.Through which the virus is being spread.

Aarohi = Professor, you are absolutely sure that the virus is being spread through something else.It may also happen that the virus is being spread through people only.

professor verma= No, it is not so, if it was so, then if the virus was being spread through people, then the goose would have come to know just by looking at those people that the virus is affecting them.So that it would be easy for us to catch them.Because this virus is so strong and dangerous that even if a little bit of it happens to someone, they cannot keep it hidden.

Doctor sharma= And yes one more thing is that till now we have seen all the patients of this virus. In most of those patients, this virus has spread only through their nose and hands. Therefore, keeping this in mind, all of you should search.

GD 30= Ok then everyone goes to search like yesterday

IG 20 = Now wait for a while someone is going to come with whom I have to introduce everyone.

Aarohi to AG 35 = Who is going to come for whom Mr. Alien is waiting.Otherwise, this man never waits for anyone, no matter what happens.

AG 35 = I don't even know, let's see who it is.

Then a car comes from the front, On seeing the car coming, Mr. Alien goes to that car and opens the gate of that car. A beautiful alien girl comes out of the car who is very beautiful.Mr. Alien and the girl hug each other when she gets out of the car.Mr. Alien asks her how are you, did you face any problem in coming here. That alien girl said no, not at all, I came very comfortably.Then Mr. Alien says okay come let me introduce you to everyone.We all were waiting for you only.

Alien girl = Sorry for waiting, I am a little late.

After that Mr. Alien comes and says you all meet her, she is Jinn 12. And she is also my friend.from today she will work with us .

and help us .

Aarohi asks AG 35 softly who is she and is she really Mr. Alien's friend.

AG 35 = Yes, this girl is a friend of IG 20 sir.Rather, she is also a friend of GD 30 Sir.These three people are friends since childhood.Now IG 20 and GD 30 are not good friends but gin 12 is still very good friend of both. Jin is the daughter of our head senior.And you know Jin is the most intelligent girl of our planet.Jin's lavel is higher than all the other girls here. Jin's level is 60, which is not yet achieved by any girl on this planet. Jin is an inspiration to all of us girls out here.

Aarohi = So these three are friends since childhood, it is a good thing. By the way, she is also very beautiful and looks very smart.

After seeing her, it seems as if I am nothing in front of her. In front of jin I am feeling very low.

Only then Aarohi sees that Jin goes near GD 30 and hugs him.After that both of them start talking with each other. After that Jin goes to meet everyone one by one and talks to them. In the last GD 30 brings Jinn to Aarohi and says Jin meet her, she is Aarohi. And Aarohi meet her , this is Jean, my and IG 20 childhood friend . She is a friend of both of us since childhood.

Aarohi = hii nice to meet u.

jin = nice to meet you too And thank you you are not from our planet yet you are doing so much for our people No matter how many times I say thank you to you, it will not be enough.What you earthlings did for us.

Aarohi = There is no need to thank, we are doctors and it is our duty to help the patients.

IG 20 = If everyone is done, then let's go to work

Jin = Ok then let's go anyway it's already late because of me.

After that everyone starts leaving, only then Jin says Aarohi, with whom are you going.

I will go with anyone, I do not have any problem in going with anyone.

jin = OK, I'm going with IG 20.And GD 30 you also come with us.

GD 30= You know that IG 20 don't like my presence with him . so you go, I will come with Aarohi.

jin = I have come after so many days, I want to go with you both, please come

IG 20 = Let us go now, otherwise you have to late more.

jin = ok then lets go

After that Jin goes with Mr. Alien and Aarohi goes with GD 30 for search.

When everyone goes to search and Aarohi also goes but only one thing is going on in Aarohi's mind. she was thinking about jin only.Aarohi was wondering when Mr. Alien and Jin are childhood friends. So Jin must be like Mr. Alien. But she would not be able to express her love for him.

After that she thought why not make love between Jin and Mr. Alien.If Mr. Alien starts loving someone, then maybe he will be able to come out of his sorrow.What other girl would Jin be a good match for Mr. Alien?Because she is beautiful, smart, and intelligent, she would be the perfect match for Mr. Alien. Now I will do the same, no matter how I want to make love between Mr. Alien and Jin, so that Mr. Alien will be cured.

GD 30= Aarohi, what are you thinking, I have been seeing since then that you are lost in your own thoughts.is there any problem

Aarohi = No nothing just like that.

GD 30= So ok tell me how to search today so that we can quickly find from where the virus is being spread.

Aarohi = So I guess we're going to have to start looking a little differently today Because as Dr. Sharma told that in most of the people this virus has gone through nose and hands so we have to check all those things first. Which is related to our nose and hand.

GD 30 = Ok right you said.

After that both start searching.

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