

Felicia stared at Adrian suspiciously before saying, "Are you sure?"

"Am sure, Felicia. How can you think that am in love with that woman? Come on, I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier and for postponing our engagement. It's just that I have been really busy at work." He came closer to her and held her hands tenderly.

"You know about the scandal that happened months ago between Mom and Erika? It affected our company a lot and we lost many investors because of it so I have been busy with them, trying to get them back to partner with us." He hugged her gently. "I will focus on the both of us from now on." He kissed her forehead tenderly.

Adrian had decided to forget about Erika, besides they weren't together anymore. It's been months since he last saw her and he has contacted his private investigators to look for her for some unknown reasons, but still can't find her. Erika is now his ex and he needed to focus on Felicia since he would be building a family with her.

Felicia felt stupid for suspecting Adrian for having feelings for Erika. After his sweet talk, she became convinced that Adrian was hers and she was his. No more Erika in the picture. She felt more relaxed in Adrian's embrace.

Adrian roamed his hands around Felicia's back and started to undress her. He needed relief. Felicia did the same thing as it's been a while since they both held each other and touched each other intimately.

Adrian started kissing her as he led her to the bed. She dropped with her back landing on it with Adrian on top of her still kissing her. His member was already hard and Felicia was so wet and ready for penetration. The both of them joined bodies as they were filled with lust for each other.


Erika was in her mother's garden, watering the flowers. She remembered Grandma Elizabeth's garden in Hart's mansion that she took care of like it was a baby and wondered if anyone was taking care of it. She shrugged her shoulders as there were many servants there. She was sure that Grandma Elizabeth would make sure that her little babies were being taken care of.

She has toured around San Francisco with Monica and her mom when they had arrived earlier now she wants to do something better than just sitting at home all day. After she finished, she went inside and saw her dad casually watching business news as always even though he is a retired CEO.

She went to hug him first, "Hey Dad."

"How are you princess?" he hugged her back.

"I'm good", she saw how his full attention was on the business news and hesitated a little before asking, "Dad, can I work at the company now?"

James instantly diverted his attention to Erika as he stared at her with a shocked expression. "You want to work?" he asked back to confirm he heard what he thought he just heard.

"Yes, Dad. You see, I have not been doing anything since I got back here and Felix just started teaching me how to fight, but I want to do something more productive and what could be more productive than helping in the family business Dad?"

James was shocked again. Years ago, Erika didn't want to be involved with the family business as she spent all her time and energy pursuing Adrian but now... she was willing?

"Well my dear, you are right, but you know you are our little princess. You literally don't need to work." He didn't want to talk her out of it but wanted to confirm if she was 100 percent up for it.

"That is exactly my point Dad. Am already 25, and I don't want to be lazing around just because our family is rich. It won't be too good for our reputation." She graduated from college with a business degree and wasn't going to waste it by just sleeping and eating every day forever.

James felt proud and quickly said, "Okay dear, I will ask your brothers to find a good spot for you in our New York branch."

She thanked her dad. When her brothers came back from work, they talked about what they discussed earlier.

Everyone at the table was shocked as they never expected her to be interested in working.

But they all approved and decided to make her the head of the department of finance since she was good at math. They would be traveling to New York to complete the procedures.

In three days' time, all four of them were already in New York but had not gone to the company yet. They simply toured Erika around the city as it had been a long she last went there.

They all had so much fun.

The next day, Erika dressed in formal clothing to look more professional and did her hair in a ponytail with little makeup and small dangling earrings with three inches of matching heels. She finished first before her brothers.

"Are you that excited that you woke up earlier than usual?", Michael asked.

Erika smiles brightly, "Of course, I would really love to make a good impression."

The others got ready and together they got into the car to head to their destination. The brothers had expected her to fidget or something but she looked really calm and excited.

They arrived at the Walters Corporation building which was at least 60 floors. Her brothers have already informed the board of directors to introduce Erika and her new post.

All the employees gazed at Erika and she passed them all with a subtle smile. They were all wondering who was this lady who was walking with the CEO and his brothers.

They all lost themselves as they watched her walk to the elevator but a glare from Felix made them get back to work immediately.

They entered the elevator and directly entered the floor to the meeting room. They got out of the elevator later and went into the meeting where a lot of powerful men and women who owned some of the shares of the company were sitting and discussing a thing or two. When they saw the brothers with a young lady come in, their random talks died down.

Since Felix was the CEO of the company, he would be the one to officially introduce Erika.

"Good morning everyone, I know that you all must be wondering why I called for this meeting. Well, the reason is that I would like to introduce someone to you all. This is Erika Walters, my sister and she will be our new head of the department of finance," Felix said.

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